"Salvation Formation?!"

Someone in the crowd seemed to have heard what Gu Liu meant.

Maybe it's because they also know the formation, so they don't look unfamiliar.

And it can be heard from his tone that this redemption formation seems to be somewhat unusual.

And this unusualness does not seem to be because it is something mysterious, but because it seems very weird.

There may be something strange about this redemption formation, which is why people who know it find it a bit unbelievable.

"That's right, now this is the only way to have a chance to save everyone, although... some people have met with misfortune..." At this point, Gu Liu also sighed with emotion.

Many lives have been lost due to the leakage of red light.

What they have to do now is to do their best to keep the hope of life alive for those who are still alive.

"Although this is still a bit risky, we have no choice..." Gu Liu said as he began to explain the redemption formation again.

For everyone, the Redemption Formation is naturally a bit unfamiliar, and only a few people will know about it.

This redemption formation is a magical and mysterious formation of "fake death disaster", which means that everyone in this formation has a special opportunity.

This opportunity is to give everyone a chance in life. In other words, once the people in the Redemption Formation are killed by external forces, their souls will be preserved by the Redemption Formation and they can live in this state forever. It will be all right.

And once there is an opportunity to recast a physical body in the future, the soul will return to the physical body and the resurrection will be completed.

The biggest problem of this formation is naturally the problem of recasting the physical body. After all, not everyone can have such an opportunity to get the opportunity to recast the physical body.

So it can only be said that this redemption formation is a risky method, and it is not really a method that can solve the problem.

Of course, in this case, if you want to solve the problem perfectly, there is only one way, and that is to have the ability to kill the two gods in an instant the moment they reappear, otherwise it will be difficult to say anything.

Gu Liu now naturally respects everyone's opinions, but he also reminds everyone:

"Everyone, an ordinary redemption array cannot cover the entire world, but we have Meng Fei, a real god. He can help us expand the entire redemption array to the entire world. And please think about how to expand it to the entire world. Hurry up, after all, we don’t have much time. Besides, you are making a decision for the whole world, what about choosing life with a chance or death without a doubt?”

Gu Liu's words looked like ordinary communication on the surface, but in fact they had a profound meaning. Gu Liu was actually forcing them to take this path.

This is almost the only way.

They had no choice. After all, with such a disparity in strength, it was definitely impossible to act recklessly.

Moreover, in a battle at the level of a god, even if they wanted to use their own power to bless Meng Fei, it would not help.

After all, they may look very powerful in the ordinary mortal world, but in fact, in terms of the entire universe, their strength is too small.

So even if it were all added to Meng Fei, or even doubled for Gu Liu, it would still be a drop in the bucket and would not have a very outstanding effect.

Therefore, at this juncture, Gu Liu could only make this decision.

And with the help of Meng Fei's magical power, the space they can control is even larger.

To fight against God, you still have to use the same power as God.

The Redemption Formation, coupled with the blessing of Meng Fei's divine power, will make any attack against the two gods play an extremely magical role.

Not to mention that this Redemption Formation also has intangible characteristics, but it is naturally impossible to escape God's eyes.

But it's still the same sentence, that is, if you want to fight against God, you have to use the power of God.

Where the divine power is so powerful, it can be said that it can only be resisted with the power of another god.

And when the time comes, Meng Fei will use his divine power to cover it up again, and there will be no problem.

Fortunately, there is Meng Fei, everything is really equivalent to being brought to life by Meng Fei. If it were not for him, the Blood God Sacrifice would have almost destroyed the entire world.

The ability to survive until now depends more or less on Meng Fei. They are now able to jointly launch the salvation array to achieve the best solution. Otherwise, there is really no hope for the entire world.

It is estimated that they are all in ruins now. Fortunately, that has not happened yet, and they still have hope.

The Array of Redemption is hope, real hope! This is not a joke, everyone now understands that although this is risky, it is indeed a real opportunity.

"In that case, let's do it!"

"There is no other way. It is a rare opportunity to risk it again!"

"Yes, come on, come on! I'm ready!"

"bring it on!"

After everyone thought quickly, they lowered their heads in front of reality and could only accept this reality.

They have to face it.

They finally understood that this rare opportunity was the way to truly save them in the greatest sense.

At this moment, almost no one has any objections. What they have to do now is to follow Gu Liu's instructions. How to arrange the formation is what they should think about.

These people also represent the ordinary people below. Under such circumstances, every decision they make determines the life and death of many people.

You must know that ordinary people, even weaker cultivators, are also determined by them. The direction of life and death is in their hands. At this time, it is no longer a simple fate.

Therefore, the thoughtful actions they made were indeed excusable and traceable.

At this time, since everything had been agreed upon, Gu Liu did not delay and started making arrangements directly for everyone, and also assigned tasks to almost everyone.

"Everyone, although we still need Meng Fei's divine blessing in the end, we should also work harder so that Meng Fei can be more relaxed when the time comes. This is not just to make him relaxed, but to ensure the salvation formation. You can get the best amplification, you know, we really only have one chance!"

Gu Liu's words also sounded the alarm to everyone. They understood that they were not just here to mess around, but they had to work extremely hard to form an array. Otherwise, they would fail. The probability will be infinitely magnified.

"The Redemption Formation is not like the Propulsion Formation. The Propulsion Formation is very simple to make, but the Redemption Formation is quite complicated. It is not an easy task to complete such a formation in three days, or rather It can be completed, but it cannot be perfected. If the Redemption Formation cannot be perfected, then it is unknown how many lives will be sacrificed. And we should at least have a formation as big as a city before we can use your power, Meng Fei. Let the entire formation of salvation surround the entire world, so this task is difficult, and we must put in 200% of our efforts!”

Gu Liu said to everyone extremely seriously. He looked nervous. It was obvious that this matter was very important.

The difficulty of this matter obviously should attract everyone's attention, otherwise Gu Liu would not have such a reaction.

"Don't worry! Just do what you say! We will definitely put our best foot forward to complete this formation!"

"Come on, stop saying those things! We both understand!"

"Having hope is better than despair!"

Everyone has ignited their passion again and is ready to take action. Now they are waiting for Gu Liu's instructions.

Later, Gu Liu asked them: "Is there anyone who also knows the formation? This formation is complicated and mysterious. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for me alone. I hope more people can discuss it together!"

"Yes! I'll do it!"

"I know something too!"

"The Redemption Formation? I've studied it before, so I'll do it too!"

After Gu Liu said something, many people appeared in front of him one after another.

These people were the helpers he wanted, and almost all of them were now in front of him.

Among them, the more powerful ones started communicating directly with Gu Liu.

The weaker ones, those who don't know much, are naturally waiting for their instructions to act.

Needless to say, the other people were definitely waiting for Gu Liu and the others to give orders before joining the formation formation activities.

While Meng Fei was waiting, he looked uneasily to the sky. There, through the atmosphere, Meng Fei could see the white light outside at a glance. At this time, he was controlling him to stay motionless. Now it was they who were going to make the move. The best chance to take action.

Meng Fei couldn't help but feel nervous. He kept feeling uneasy, as if he always felt that something would go wrong at the next moment.

Meng Fei's whole body was always tense, as if if anything happened in the next second, he would take action immediately.


In response to this, Meng Fei breathed a long sigh of relief. Now he could only calm down. It was only the first day and he was so nervous. It was obvious that he could not be manipulated like this.

He quickly calmed down and began to devote himself to the work in front of him.

Although his main task is in the future, in fact, he doesn't mean to say that he can't help at all now.

More or less, he can still do something.

Soon, Gu Liu and the others seemed to have reached a consensus after some discussion.

And soon, Gu Liu discussed it with several other masters who also knew the formation, and together they began to give orders downwards.

Everyone was also extremely cooperative, and the scene immediately changed from the deserted state of waiting before to the current excitement.

They immediately became busy, and after some cooperation with the Advancement Formation, they seemed to have a better understanding.

Indeed, under such circumstances, after almost only one such encounter between life and death, they immediately became extremely tacit understanding. Now that they cooperate, it is extremely smooth.

Soon, the formation of salvation became larger and larger, but their target was not just that big. After all, if they wanted to surround at least one city, it would obviously not be that fast.

But based on their current speed, Meng Fei roughly estimated that their speed is quite good, and they can almost complete it in three days.

And now almost everyone in the world is of one mind, so there is almost no need to worry about any accidents, and there are also some people like outliers.

In fact, even if there are such "outliers", they will almost be eliminated instantly when everyone is of one mind in such a general direction.

So there is no need to worry about this problem at all.

At this time, since Meng Fei has nothing to do, he only needs to wait quietly for time to pass.

Of course, during this period of time, he will definitely not just wait to get through it.

So, Meng Fei entered the deep space at once.

This is a state of perception. Meng Fei entered it, and now it is like entering a deep space.

Of course, unlike the thinking space, Meng Fei is also exploring to become stronger in this state.

And in order to avoid problems, Meng Fei also locked his perception time.

As long as three days are reached, Meng Fei will instantly come out of that state and devote himself to reality again.

And if there is an emergency, Meng Fei can also sense it. Once he senses it, Meng Fei will also get out immediately to deal with various situations.

For the sake of this world, Meng Fei also worked hard and wanted to save the world.

Now, he had to do this in order to become stronger. He didn't know what kind of ghost thing would come out of the white light body.

So if they don't do it well, there will probably be problems.

And if the worst happens at that time, then the only hope is that Meng Fei will fight that thing.

Only when Meng Fei really defeats that guy will he be truly saved.


Everyone is busy, almost non-stop.

And Meng Fei is trying to break through himself in the realm of perception.

If there is really something above God, then Meng Fei also wants to try to break this boundary.

This boundary is really like a myth.

And Meng Fei is now trying to break this boundary.

However, Meng Fei is like facing a copper wall, and what's more exciting is that Meng Fei can clearly feel the existence of this wall, and then when he reaches out, this wall is like nothingness and can't be touched.

However, when Meng Fei wanted to pass through, the wall gave him a real force that piled up in front of him, making him unable to move forward instantly.

"Damn it!"

Meng Fei couldn't help but curse. For someone like him who was eager to go further, such an obstacle was really a disaster.

However, he quickly calmed down and told himself,

"Be calm! Find a way to get over this hurdle!"

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