However, it is so difficult and illusory to overcome the hurdle.

Beyond again.

You know, Meng Fei has reached the level of a god, what will he be if he goes further?

Although it had no effect, Meng Fei still felt that at that point in the future, it would still be a power related to God.

Maybe it's a more supreme god, but there shouldn't be any creatures that transcend again.

After all, at this point, unless there is a collision of powers between gods, there is no way to kill a god.

To put it simply, there is only one other god who can defeat God.

But now it is extremely difficult for Meng Fei to enter a deeper realm. This shows how illusory it is if he wants to go further.

Obviously, this could only be about another transcendence of the gods.

Now Meng Fei had no choice but to make various attempts. If this continued, Meng Fei fell deeper and deeper into the world of enlightenment.

In other words, Meng Fei will not come out of that state before a certain time.

The world will see you again in three days.

Therefore, the people outside, who are busy, can only rely on their own strength to continue their efforts.

Not to mention being busy, for them now, everyone is full of inexhaustible strength, this is for sure.

And because of Meng Fei's relationship, if it happened suddenly now, he would probably have to rely on his own strength to solve it.

Fortunately, Meng Fei had told them a shorter time before, because Meng Fei's true prediction was that it could be controlled for four days, but he only said three days. At least this was Meng Fei's most guaranteed control time.

In the past three days, even if something unexpected happened, it would probably not be too violent.

So, time passed quietly like this.

The first day went so smoothly without any problems.

The next day soon arrived.

Meng Fei was still in that state, and as a matter of time, it would take at least one day for him to wake up.

So no matter what happens now, they have to face it themselves.

The next day, the sky and the earth were still the same, and there seemed to be no other changes.

This is undoubtedly good news for everyone.

Everything seems to be quite peaceful, but this calmness does not make people feel at ease, and even makes people familiar with it feel nervous.

It's like the calm before the storm.

On the aerial foundation, everyone is busy.

On the second day, their progress was already considerable.

It is even said that because of their increasingly tacit understanding and the fact that they encountered no problems along the way, their movements are getting faster and faster without any hindrance.

All this seems very peaceful, like a calm world, but in fact there are many conspiracies going on behind the scenes.

On the living planet, people are constantly busy, so that the salvation array can be built normally and cover the size of a city.

This is certainly not an easy task.

But with everyone's joint efforts, everything went smoothly, and the speed was even faster than expected.

Now, in just two days, the entire city's area has been covered, which is almost the same.

"It seems that in less than three days, maybe in two and a half days, we can complete the redemption formation!"

Gu Liu also said very excitedly. At the same time, he did not affect his speed. On the contrary, he even became faster because the excitement in his heart made him even more passionate.

Full of expectations for the future, Gu Liu and all the people are extremely eager for the time when everything will succeed.

So soon, the next day passed.

On the third day.

This is bound to be an extraordinary day.

Because it is today that they will complete the arrangement of the Redemption Formation, and it will also be the day closest to the arrival of the two white-light gods.

Everyone was worried.

In order to prevent everyone from being so uneasy, Gu Liu also said something to make everyone calm down.

Fortunately, everyone has experienced it once, so their mentality is different this time.

We will not be overly hopeful, nor will we be overly pessimistic. After all, in pessimism, how can there be a more desperate moment than before?

Although the next thing will not be so smooth, or it will be very desperate, but they are already used to it, used to facing everything with the worst plan.

Therefore, no matter what happens next, nothing will happen to them.

Life or death is a matter of a blink of an eye.

This situation where it is impossible to die and it is difficult to live is the most torturous.

They've had enough of feeling this way too.

If you want to live or die, let's do it all.

At least until then, it was enough for them to be able to do their best.

They don't ask for too much, as long as they have a clear conscience and die without regrets.

Soon, the peaceful first half of the day passed.

In other words, half of the third day passed in an instant.

Fortunately, it was still peaceful for half a day and no accidents occurred.

At this time, the Redemption Formation was successfully completed half a day ahead of schedule.

Now, they can finally take a break.

If it is just to set up the formation, it will basically only consume some physical strength, and it will not be like advancing the formation, which requires their strength to be poured into it, and finally they will be exhausted.

Now, they can rest temporarily, and all they have to do is wait, waiting for Meng Fei to come back to his senses.

Once Meng Fei wakes up, it will be the time when the Redemption Formation is truly complete.

The Redemption Formation is still short of the last God's power.

And this is naturally not something they can do.

So now they can only wait, and this period of time is a little painful, and the painful waiting is also a torment.

But fortunately, Meng Fei does not have to worry about any accidents. After all, among a group of people like them, if even Meng Fei has problems, then there is really no one to rely on.

Meng Fei's side.

Sinking into the realm of perception, Meng Fei faced the huge wall in front of him, and felt helpless in his heart.

He has never felt so powerless.

Because in such a realm world, everything he encountered is almost the bottleneck of his cultivation.

It is undoubtedly very difficult to break this bottleneck.

And he also understands that it is definitely impossible to break through this realm in such a short time.

He can only say that he tried his best. After all, forcing it can only be fruitless like now.

After all, there is no such thing as forcing it.

At this time, Meng Fei suddenly thought of something in his head.

That is, among various ways of dying, he thought of a way to make himself die now.

That is to die by practicing!

That's right, as a practitioner, such a thing is not strange.

So, Meng Fei thought of such a way.

If you can make yourself stronger again by using the system at this time, it is obviously a very good method.

After all, no matter what, Meng Fei always believes that his system is absolutely trustworthy.

Although he has become a god now, Meng Fei still believes that his system can make him stronger again.

I don't know where this power comes from, but it's right to be strong! It's right to be able to use it at all times!

At this time, Meng Fei suddenly changed his mind.

He decided to "force" it.

The specific method of forcing means that he has to force himself to break through the confusing wall.

The wall that blocked his way.

The wall that prevented him from moving forward.

He rushed over and began to pour out all kinds of things.

His power instantly spread throughout the entire realm space, boiling and attacking non-stop.

It seemed as if he wanted to destroy the entire space.

If he fails, he will die.

Meng Fei is thinking like this now.

After all, no matter what the result is now, it seems to be good for him.

Because either he will directly practice too much and explode and die, and then resurrect and become stronger, or he will directly cross this hurdle and become a real existence that can challenge the two gods.

Even if they merge, it will be the same.

Once Meng Fei crosses this gap, he will be unstoppable, and nothing can stop him anymore.

But reality is always cruel, and such things are just talk.

Back to reality, Meng Fei and his situation is not that good.

Now, Meng Fei's body suddenly changed, and the whole body turned into a strange red color.

This red is like the ultimate precious red of molten iron.

It felt like Meng Fei's whole body was about to explode.

"What's going on? Do we need to do something?"

"This guy doesn't look very good. If he dies, we..."

Seeing Meng Fei's condition, everyone is also a person who knows how to practice, so how can they not know what Meng Fei's condition means.

And if Meng Fei just dies, of course, it will cause all kinds of thoughts from them.

You know, they are not like Gu Liu and others, who know that Meng Fei can be resurrected after death and can become stronger because of it.

And Meng Fei, they all know one thing, that is, this guy is their real hope. As the strongest existence in the world, if even he falls, then they don't know what to do.

After all, Meng Fei is now equivalent to the existence of a leader. As the backbone, if even he falls, then they really don't know what to do.

It was equivalent to the collapse of the backbone, so their overall collapse was a foregone conclusion.

At this time, Meng Fei's body became worse and worse.

Strange light and smoke began to emerge around him. At this time, Meng Fei's body seemed to have reached its limit and was about to be annihilated.

At this time, everyone's heart was hanging.

At this time, Gu Liu also signaled the people around to disperse quickly. After all, Meng Fei was a divine body, and it was really unknown what he would do.

If it was just annihilation, it would be fine, but if it was an explosion, then the body's shattering explosion would be extremely terrifying.

That kind of energy would be extremely violent, and even unstoppable.

As far as they were concerned, they were definitely unable to resist this force. If they had not yet encountered the two gods, they would have fallen like this, which would have been too outrageous.

In the end, they died at the hands of their own people. This was too sad. This kind of dramatic thing was really too difficult for people to accept.

This was naturally the most difficult situation to accept.

So, they all retreated, from the sky to the ground. In general, it was better to separate from Meng Fei.

Everyone was uneasy, and Gu Liu had no time to explain, because at this time, another thing made him unable to calm down.

I saw that the old demon king was next to Gu Liu, and he just whispered to him: "Outside, something incredible is going to be dispatched."

Gu Liu looked up at the sky and found that there seemed to be an extra "sun" on it.

But it was a white sun with white light. There was no heat, but the powerful light became stronger and stronger.

Soon, everyone will know this bad news.

The white light continued to increase, and the strong light shone across the sky.

"That is?!"

"No way? Didn't they say three days? Did these two bastards show up early?"

"Damn it! One wave has not settled, another wave rises!"

"There are our own people and enemies above us, what the hell should we do?!"

"What should we do?! What should we do?!"


Everyone panicked.

At this time, the whole sky became bright.

Everything looked like it was full of vitality, but the reality was completely the opposite.

Everyone's heart was full of dark clouds, and under the shining sky, it was the true face of the dark world.

These twelve hours were extremely tormenting, the whole world seemed to be dark, although the whole sky looked white, and the light was even brighter than the sun hanging high in the sky.

However, everyone's heart was extremely tormented, and their own people might kill them, and there was a greater crisis waiting for them in outer space.

And that greater crisis seemed to be about to launch an extremely fierce and destructive attack on them.

All this seemed to be just for its sublimation.

And everyone would become its sacrifice.

"Will that guy destroy the Redemption Array?"

At this time, someone suddenly said this.

And this sentence, of course, means that if Meng Fei explodes, will he really destroy the Redemption Array?

As soon as this was said, everyone couldn't help but look at Gu Liu.

As for this question, Gu Liu shook his head with a complicated expression.

He did not deny this guess.

At this time, everyone's heart suddenly became more panicked.

The whole heart seemed to be tense.

Some people kept staring at Meng Fei, and some people kept staring at the other "white sun" in the sky.

Everyone seemed to have entered an extremely dark world...

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