Compared to the shock of the Big Mom Pirates, the depression and worry of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The defeated side of the Battle of Dressrosa, the Beast Pirates, were in disbelief, coupled with the escape of their young master Yamato.

This made all the crew members worried, fearing that Governor Kaido would take out his anger on them when he returned.

If it weren't for"Fire Disaster" Jin's strong control, I'm afraid it would have turned into a mess.

In the skull dome, not only"Fire Disaster" Jin,"Epidemic" Quinn and Fei Liubao were also here.

Since Kaido and"Apollo" left one after another, all the senior cadres have come out to take care of things.

At the same time, they were also looking forward to the news that Governor Kaido and"'Calamity' Apollo" had rescued"Drought" Jack and killed the admiral.

As a result, after waiting all day, the bombshell news came back, which was completely different from what they had thought.

Fei Liubao looked at the latest newspapers, as if they had seen a ghost.

"That Navy Admiral Xuan Hu injured the General...the Governor! ?"

Immediately, Peggy Wan was the first to bear the brunt and exclaimed in disbelief.

Immediately, her sister Runti kicked her up and Peggy Wan shut her mouth.

"This... this is fake! ?"

Foz Fu also had a look of disbelief on his face.

He couldn't believe that Governor Kaido would be suppressed and injured by a young admiral.

Even"Fire Calamity" Jhin and"Plague" Quinn, after seeing the news, Everyone was a little dumbfounded

"This is unlikely! ?"

"The Governor is the strongest creature!"

""Disaster" Quinn opened his mouth slightly, and his cigar fell to the ground.

As a"disaster" whose status and strength of the Beast Group is second only to Governor Kaido, he is very clear and even experienced the terrifying strength, and that Abnormal life recovery power.

He, Jhin, and Jack were fighting against Governor Kaido at the same time, and it was extremely difficult to injure him.

Even the three admirals of the navy could not suppress and injure Governor Kaido alone..

Xuan Hu, the newly promoted young general of the navy, is really terrifying in terms of combat power!

The leader,"Fire Disaster" Jin, took a deep breath and said solemnly:

"There shouldn't be any lies. Although Morgans' news agency may have exaggerated to attract attention, the authenticity of the matter is often not in question."

""Fire disaster" Jin said in a deep voice, pointing to several pictures.

"Please note that the shooting angles of these pictures are all from the perspective of Navy soldiers. They should have been provided to Morgans by the Navy on their own initiative."

"The purpose is to use this battle to boost the morale of the navy that is about to face the general!"

Having said this, everyone present couldn't help but feel a little angry.

The navy had put their beasts under their feet and trampled them hard.

""Yan Calamity" Jin's finger pointed at the last picture. At this time, even he couldn't help but be shocked.

"The real evidence is here. Who do you think can compete with the domineering colors of the Governor and Apollo in this sea at the same time?"

""Epidemic" Quinn, Fei Liubao, couldn't help but fell silent. It was incredible that such a young person became an admiral.

They just didn't want to believe that even Governor Kaido was not his opponent now.

Just as they were silent At this moment, a dragon roar came from the sky.

The returning Kaido landed directly through the skull on the skull dome.

Kaido, who was extremely frustrated, sat down on his seat, picked up the wine jar and put it in his mouth. Keep pouring

"Admiral Xuanhu!"

"I remember you, just wait for me!"

Not only did he lose a capable general, but he also lost the supply of artificial devil fruits.

This two-pronged approach directly broke both of his arms, and he, the majestic Kaido of the Beasts, personally attacked but failed.

How could this make him Their moods were not aggrieved. When they saw the scars on Governor Kaido's chest, they couldn't help feeling.

It was extremely shocking.

Now that a day has passed, the scars have not even begun to scab due to Governor Kaido's abnormal resilience.

How terrifying is the strength of that navy commander?

Everyone took a breath!

""Fire Disaster" Jin stood up:

"Governor! Where's 'Apollo'! ?"

At this time, Quinn and the others discovered that the"natural disaster" Apollo was nowhere to be seen.

"Apollo! ?"

"He left halfway!"

Kaido said in a muffled voice, and at the same time he thought about it.

""Apollo" said some unexpected surprise when he left.

"Hahahaha...hahahaha...I'm back!"

Laughter came from the sky, and then"Apollo" jumped down from the dome.

The attention of Kaido and everyone immediately focused on"Apollo".

When they saw his hand When carrying an unconscious person, everyone was confused, but Kaido said unexpectedly:

"Apollo! This is what you call a surprise! ?"

The accident was quite unexpected. I didn't expect that the so-called surprise was a person who passed out.

Yuro"Apollo" didn't waste any time and threw it directly on the ground.

"Caesar Courant! Producer of SMILE!"

Then, he said as he walked and sat back in his seat.

As soon as he finished speaking,

Kaido stood up suddenly.

"What! ?"

The frustration on his face was wiped away, revealing a look of surprise.

"He is the person behind joker! ?"

""Apollo" heard this and nodded.

The sudden surprise really surprised Kaido.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh……"

The funny laughter spread outside through the hole in the dome.

Even"Fire Disaster" Jin and"Epidemic" Quinn looked excited.

"Very good! Even without joker, we are still self-sufficient!"

After Kaido was excited, he sat back again and threw a huge jar of wine directly to"Apollo"

"Apollo! You did a great job!"

After drinking the wine, Kaido felt much better. Although"Drought" Jack fell into the enemy's hands, it didn't matter much. He already had a rescue plan.

Yuro"Apollo" nodded, seemingly casually asked a question

"I see that on Onigashima, some crew members are missing. What happened? ?"

As soon as these words came out,"Yan Disaster" Jin,"Epidemic Disaster" Quinn, and the six Fei Liubao suddenly changed their expressions.

""Fire disaster" Jin's heart thumped, and he forgot about it in the excitement. He hurriedly reported to Kaiduohui:

"Lord Governor! Young Master Yamato masters her……"

"Escaped from Ghost Island……"

Suddenly, there was silence!

The smile on Kaido's face suddenly froze.

"What did you say! ?"

"Yamato ran away! ?"


The wine jar shattered!

Kaido was furious again!

Jhin and the others trembled and nodded silently.


"It's just causing trouble for me!"

"Why don't you send more manpower to me quickly!"

Kaido fell down on his seat, panting heavily.

Wave after wave, ups and downs, he really couldn't slow down.

(Continuing from the previous chapter to the next chapter)


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