the next day.

Navy Headquarters.


Don’t look at it, it’s just one day.

But even Marshal Sengoku, Yuluo and other generals were not idle.

Either he is responsible for supervising the construction of defense projects, or he is responsible for the arrangement of naval soldiers around the world.

As early as yesterday, General Kizaru personally escorted"Drought" Jack, Doflamingo, and Vergo into Impel Down City.

Starting from this morning, Barosomi Xiong and Moonlight Moria, the two kings of the Shichibukai, have arrived one after another to help the navy.

In the navy reception room, the normal-sized Yuro and Navy Marshal Sengoku looked unusually small in front of the tall Moonlight Moria and Barosomi Bear.

However, in terms of momentum, they were able to hold down both of them.

The Warring States Marshal opened his mouth and expressed his solemn welcome to the two Shichibukai.

"On behalf of the Navy, I welcome your help!"

"Before and after the war, as long as you abide by the navy's rules, we will provide you with the best treatment!"

At the end of the sentence, there was a hint of helplessness in Sengoku's tone.

Although the name of the Seven Warlords is nice, they are still pirates.

If the war is not about to start, there is an urgent need for combat power, and five more people The command of Lao Xing, and the status of his Majesty Shichibukai

, he really didn't want to show such a good attitude to the two of them.

Yoro sitting beside him looked bored.

But he had no choice but to find a job in his position.

This was already the easiest job at the moment, and he had snatched it from Kizaru.

After hearing what Marshal Sengoku said, Yuro snorted calmly..

And they still abide by the rules of the navy and provide the best treatment!

It's okay to say that the two men in front of them have done something good. They were replaced by Boya Hancock, who not only attacked the navy soldiers, but also secretly collaborated with the enemy. Marshal, when you see that scene, I hope you won’t get so angry that your hair will rise.


"Marshal of the Warring States Period! After enjoying the privileges of the Shichibukai, it is natural to fulfill the obligations of the Shichibukai."

Moonlight Moria laughed when he heard this, and imitated the Warring States Period and came up with a set of scene words.

Then, the conversation changed.

"However, we are just helping out, the real key to victory or defeat has to be left to your navy!"

Barosomi Xiong, who was quiet on the side, also nodded in agreement.

Warring States' expression darkened a little, and he nodded in response, but in fact he felt a little unhappy.

I don't expect you to put in much effort, we The Navy thought so too. As long as we both maintain a tacit understanding, you have to say it, right? When Yoro heard this, he glanced at the two of them as a warning.

There was no fluctuation, and it seemed that he had completely lost consciousness.

When he felt Yuro's gaze, he trembled with fear.

He had read the latest newspaper, which was the one that suppressed and injured Kaido. Monsters are not something he can afford.

Even the pirate group he led was destroyed at the hands of Kaido.

Since then, he has a natural fear of Kaido, and is stronger than Kaido. Yuluo naturally made him even more frightened


Moonlight Moria smiled twice at Yuro, and a hint of fear flashed deep in his eyes.

At this moment.

There was a loud rumble. came from outside the office building.

Moonlight Moria took advantage of this and quickly pretended as if nothing had happened.

As for Marshal Warring States, Yuluo frowned, this sound was not small. boom!

A navy soldier opened the door to the reception room in a hurry.

As soon as he came in, he was out of breath and reported:

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, General Xuanhu!"

"General Akainu captured 'Sea Hero' Jinbe!"

"He was escorted back by Lieutenant General Dauberman and Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan!"

Marshal Sengoku was stunned when he heard this, and his frown relaxed.

He sternly refused Jinbei, the"Sea Knight" recruited by the Shichibukai. The Five Old Stars personally gave him several warnings to no avail.

He deprived him of the Shichibukai. He asked General Akainu to go and arrest him.

And Akainu was very efficient. It took just over a day to capture"Sea Hero" Jinbe. After a while, Warring States frowned again and asked:

"That noise just now! ?"

What the navy soldier said, although it conveyed important information, seemed to have nothing to do with the sound just now.

The navy soldier took a big breath and said:

"‘Kai Xia'Jinbei……"

"He broke free……"

As soon as these words came out, Zhan Guo's eyes widened and his beard stood up.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? ?"

With that said, Sengoku was furious and walked directly outside.

Yuluo followed closely, walking wantonly.

Moonlight Moria, on the other hand, was a little lucky, but fortunately he agreed directly.

Otherwise, it would not have been possible. He would end up with the same fate as"Sea Hero" Jinbe.

He couldn't escape anywhere, but at the Navy headquarters, he was destined to be unable to escape.

In Crescent Square, a large number of navy soldiers gathered and surrounded"Sea Hero" Jinbe.

Lieutenant General Dalmecia was fighting with him in the encirclement.

Huoshaoshan and Dauberman just sent"Sea Knight" Jinbei back to the navy headquarters, and then continued to follow Admiral Akainu on important patrols. The mission was over.

And he happened to be in charge of Crescent Bay, so he had no choice but to go on it first.

"‘Kai Xia 'Jinbei, you can't escape!"

Dalmecia relied on her taijutsu to entangle"Sea Knight" Jinbei who was trying to escape.

As the former king of the Shichibukai, his strength cannot be underestimated.

With his own strength, it is impossible to defeat him.

Only We can wait until the general comes, and let them take action.


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