After the wolf king left, Mu Feng did not leave, but stood there waiting for Ming Guang to return.

Sure enough, not long after, Ming Guang brought a dozen people, all carrying a large bundle of ramie.

In addition, there were several people carrying horned deer, about seven or eight.

Everyone's face was full of excitement - since the chief taught them how to use bows and arrows, hunting is no longer as difficult as before.

"Great Chief!" Mingguang was surprised, "Why are you here?"

Mufeng smiled and said, "I brought the little wolf to catch two preys, and I met the wolf king!"

"Met the wolf king?" Mingguang was surprised, "Did it really move its tribe to our place?"

"Yes!" Mufeng nodded, "Not only that, it has let several wolves follow you out this time!"

"Followed us out?" Mingguang looked around and asked, "Did you see it?"

Everyone shook their heads in surprise: "No!"

"Huh?" Mufeng frowned, "Is the wolf king lying? Just to cheat him of prey? Is the wolf's IQ so high?"

Before he could figure it out, there was another rustling sound from not far away, and the sound was urgent.

"Something is coming?" Mingguang shouted in a low voice.

Everyone put down the ramie on their bodies, found a hiding place nearby, drew the bow and stringed it, and aimed in one direction together.

Seeing this, Damazi and the others also stood beside Mufeng, looking in the direction of the sound with great vigilance.

But nothing appeared in that direction, and there was a heart-pounding silence.

A low wolf howl came quietly, although it was small, it was very clear and everyone heard it.



Everyone's heart tightened, and they pulled the bowstrings tight and were about to shoot arrows.

Mufeng hurriedly shouted: "Stop, it's the wolf king, it's here to tip us off!"

"Tip us off?" Li Hu asked in a low voice, "What do you mean?"

Mufeng ignored him, stretched out his hand to signal him not to speak, and then "Awooo Awooo" roared in front of everyone, the sound was not loud, but it could be heard by people around.

Mufeng: Why are you back again?

Wolf King: A group of people followed your people here, and they will be here in a while!

Mufeng was shocked and asked: How many people are there?

Wolf King: More than you!

He looked back at the people around him, all of whom were armed with bows and arrows, staring at him motionlessly, waiting for him to make a decision.

He looked back and saw that the tribe was not far away, and he felt relieved, so he growled again: I know, I'll see who they are first, and after this matter is confirmed, I will put the prey in the place you said!

After a pause, he added: If there is a fight later, if you can bring your tribe to help us, the prey can be taken away on the spot!

Unexpectedly, the wolf king replied: This is not included in the agreement. If I want to help you, I have to give you more prey!

Mu Feng was stunned, and exclaimed in his heart: "Fuck! Add money, monk!"

But he immediately grinned and laughed silently: "Okay, as long as you help in the fight, the prey will definitely be increased!"

The wolf king responded: Okay!

Then the grass not far away rustled again, and then there was no sound.

Mu Feng knew that the Wolf King had already begun to arrange with his tribesmen around, and he was relieved. He turned and whispered to Li Hu: "The Wolf King said that someone followed you when you came back!"

"What!" Li Hu's face changed, "Someone came?"

The faces of the people around him also changed. It was obvious that they thought of the previous Manglong tribe who followed them back quietly, and then brought a near-catastrophic disaster to the Jiang family.

Seeing the reactions of the crowd, Mu Feng guessed the general situation in his heart. He whispered: "Don't worry, we are not far from the tribe now. Hide your things and follow the traces. Act according to the situation!"

Mingguang and others calmed down and felt relieved: "We will listen to you, Chief!"

Mu Feng sighed in his heart. He could have taken his tribesmen back to the tribe directly, and then brought all the hunting teams to deal with it.

But he knew that in the future, he could not be comprehensive and do everything in the development of the tribe, and it was even more impossible for him to do everything by himself. Many things needed to be handled by the tribesmen themselves.

Especially in an incident like today, Mingguang and his people panicked before they even saw anyone.

What if it was other young people in the tribe, what would they do?

So for now, he decided to use this incident to let Mingguang and his people temper their minds and "see the scene" so that they would not panic like this when they encounter similar accidents in the future.

Mu Feng nodded: "Hide the ramie and then see what happens."


Soon everyone hid their bodies,Quietly waiting for someone to come from afar.

After a while, there was a rustling sound again from afar, and this sound was definitely different from the wolf king's just now.

When Mu Feng and others heard it, they realized that it was a person who came this time.

One after another, low voices came:

"Keep down the noise!"

"Don't let the Jiang family's barbarians find out!"

"How did these barbarians know that there was hemp material in that area?"

"Just kill these barbarians over there just now!"

"What nonsense! Don't you see that they have new weapons now? We are definitely not opponents!"

"Then what are we doing here?"

"See what their situation is now, go back and report to the chief and the leader, and then come back for revenge!"

"But now the chief can't make the decision, we have to listen to the Black Fang!"

"Hehe! Let's go back and tell the people of the Black Fang Tribe that Jiang has many, many horned deer and many, many wild sheep!"

"Yes, they will definitely come! But they have new weapons, can the Black Fang Tribe defeat them?"

"Why can't we defeat them? The Black Fang Tribe has more than 500 hunting team members and nearly 100 warriors. Jiang's new weapons can't do it!"

"That's right!"

Mu Feng and his men heard it clearly nearby. Ming Guang even looked at Mu Feng inquiringly: "Captain, what should we do?"

Mu Feng was surprised. It sounded like their old rival, the Manglong Tribe.

And it seemed that they were now living under someone else's roof.

"You are living under someone else's roof and you still don't have the awareness to behave yourself. You are actually trying to divert the trouble to someone else!" Mu Feng sneered in his heart, "This guy is right. My Jiang family not only has deer and sheep, but also wild boars. It depends on whether you can survive to rob them!"

A hunting team of 500 people, less than 100 warriors, all holding bone clubs and stones...

Mu Feng calculated in his heart, thinking of the current protection, weapons, and wolves in the tribe, plus he already knew the plans of these people, he gritted his teeth and said, "If you want to do it, do it big!"

Then he shook his head at Mingguang, signaling them not to act rashly.

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