There was a stir in the bushes, and then a few people poked their heads out.

After confirming that there was "no one" around, they waved behind them, and soon more people came out. Roughly speaking, there were about thirty people, more than Mingguang and his group.

The Jiang clan members were surprised. How could these people not see them when they were not very far away?

This was the effect of hiding in a nearby cover that Mufeng had demonstrated to them before he set out to hunt. He taught them the way to find cover for modern snipers, which was completely beyond the cognition of the group of people in front of them.

Even wild animals would find it difficult to detect abnormalities with such a hiding method, so how could this group of people find it?

So they were almost standing "in front of" Mufeng and his group, but they still couldn't see it.

These people started to discuss again:

"The Jiang clan's barbarians are moving very fast!"

"They are few in number, so of course they have to move faster!"

"Do they have a lot of weapons like that?"

"The Black Fang tribe doesn't have such powerful weapons. It's good enough for a small tribe like them to have them. How can they have so many!"

"Then let's go back and tell the chieftain, and then kill them all!"

"Wait a minute, do you see that thing where they planted mulberry trees and thorns is longer?"

"What are you afraid of? This time we will stay away from them. When they throw all the thorny bamboos, we will go over and kill them all!"

"Yes, yes! Bring a long stick and knock off all the thorns!"


The group of people came and went in a hurry. In terms of speed, they were definitely qualified "scouts".

But unfortunately, they knew too little and revealed too much information.

Mu Feng heard everything.

To Mingguang, this information was an imminent disaster. He looked at Mufeng anxiously and whispered: "Chief, we can't let these people go back!"

Mufeng shook his head, signaling him to be patient.

Because the information revealed by these people was that the Manglong tribe should now be joining a tribe larger than theirs, which has about 500 hunting team members and warriors.

The weapons used should not be new, bone sticks and stones.

He came out of his hiding place after the others walked away, sneering and saying: "It seems that the Manglong tribe still has a short memory, and the price they paid before was not high enough. Even if we kill all these thirty people this time, the other people in the Manglong tribe will still have other ideas about us!"

"Not only that, killing them all will make them prepared. Why not let them go back, we will prepare, and this time we will do a big thing!"

"Do a big thing?" Mingguang was puzzled.

"Well!" Mu Feng snorted coldly, "This time, if the people from the Manglong tribe dare to come again, we must scare them and make them subdue! Then we will see if they dare to come again in the future!"

"But they have more than 500 people, more than our tribe!" Mingguang looked anxious.

"What are you afraid of? Who said that more people will definitely win?" Mu Feng smiled, not anxious at all, "Wait, hurry back to the tribe, call Li Hu, Han Shu and Shuo Feng, I have something to arrange."

"By the way!" Mu Feng turned back and pointed to a big tree in the distance, "Put all your hunting gains under that tree this time, we are going to fight!"

"Fight?" Mingguang was confused again, "Why put the prey there?"

"Just do it!" After saying this, Mu Feng picked up the wooden stick and walked in front with the five little wolves.

Mingguang was anxious, and hurriedly signaled everyone to do as Mufeng said, and carefully delivered the prey, and then carried the ramie back to the tribe.

Mufeng waited directly near the second protective wall, signaled a few people to put the ramie with roots and soil there, dug a hole to plant ramie himself, and asked someone to fetch water and water it, and then said to Mingguang: "Go and call them!"


Soon, Mingguang went and came back, calling the few people that Mufeng wanted to call. They all looked solemn, and it was obvious that Mingguang told them what happened.

Mufeng was watering the ramie, but while watering, he looked back at the reactions of several people seemingly inadvertently.

The reactions of several people were in full view.

Mingguang frowned. Obviously he was anxious.

Lihu clenched and unclenched his fists, obviously hesitant.

As for Shuofeng, he took out the golden knife and held it tightly, his attitude was self-evident.

Hanshu's hands were hanging naturally, looking very relaxed, but his eyes were blazing.

Mufeng already had an idea in his mind, and smiled and said, "You all know?"

"I know!" Lihu spoke first, "Chief, why did you let those people go and directlyIsn't it enough to just kill them?"

Mu Feng smiled and shook his head: "Killing those thirty people is easy, but it will make the Manglong tribe and the Black Tooth tribe they surrendered to be prepared. Then we have to be on guard against when they come to take revenge."

"Instead of that, why don't we let them come this time, and we prepare in advance, defeat them all at once, and let them dare not come again!"

"But, they have more than 500 people, more than our tribe!" Li Hu expressed the same concerns as Ming Guang.

Mu Feng did not answer this time, but turned to look at Shuo Feng and Han Shu: "What do you two think?"

Shuo Feng clenched the golden knife: "Dad, didn't you tell me that last time our tribe had more than 100 people and defeated more than 200 people from the Manglong tribe? They died so many people, but we didn't get hurt. This time we can do it too!"

Mu Feng nodded slightly.

Shuo Feng was stunned for a moment, but he was already brave, which was exactly what the tribe urgently needed now.

Mu Feng looked at Han Shu again: "Han Shu, what do you think? "

Han Shu said seriously: "There are 500 of them, and we have more than 100 who can fight. The weapons they use are only bone sticks and stones, while we have bows and arrows, javelins, grass shields, Wuduo, and we also have stone bone sticks."

After a pause, he said: "If we really fight, they can't get in!"

Mu Feng smiled and nodded.

Han Shu already knows how to analyze each other's strength, which is different from the other three.

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Han Shu and Shu Feng are right. If we really fight, they are not our opponents, and this time we will not fight in the tribe, we will fight in the jungle in front of the tribe!"

"Great Chief!" Ming Guang and Li Hu were stunned, "Without the tribe's protective wall, do we really have to fight them head-on? We are few in number!"

"Hard fight?" Mu Feng smiled and shook his head, "That may not be the case!"

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