After Changning left, Li Hu was very nervous: "Chief, why did you teach her how to use the bamboo spear?"

"It doesn't matter, there are more ways to use the bamboo spear. Besides, I have plenty of ways to prevent it!"

Li Hu asked nervously again, "They won't come to rob us, right?"

"No!" Mu Feng smiled and shook his head, "Didn't you hear what that Aguli said? He looked down on our tribe!"

"But you taught her how to use the bamboo spear. What if she regrets it after she goes back and brings her people to rob us..."

"Haha!" Mu Feng laughed and shook his head, "What's the use of the bamboo spear? It can't break through us!"

Li Hu hesitated: "The bamboo spear is so big, what if they use it to deal with us?"

"Simple!" Mu Feng laughed, "Go get hay, planks, sticks and ropes!"

"Yes!" Li Hu ran to prepare quickly, and soon he had all these things ready.

Mu Feng picked up a nearly one-meter-long thatch, aligned its head and feet, held it tightly, and then used animal tendons to tie it tightly at intervals to form a straw bundle, which he placed on the ground.

Then he repeated the same method and made more than ten straw bundles.

Finally, he arranged the straw bundles horizontally and vertically in two layers, placed a layer of wooden sticks on top, and tied them tightly with animal tendons again.

After tying the straw bundles with animal tendons, he fixed the straw bundles on the wooden sticks, and then fixed the wooden sticks on the wooden board.

In this way, two layers of straw bundles plus a layer of wooden sticks were tied together, and a layer of wooden board that was almost three centimeters thick was added to form a one-meter square straw shield!

Finally, Mu Feng used several thick animal tendons to tie a knot on both sides of the wooden stick that stretched out in the middle, and raised his hands to just block himself.

"Okay," Mu Feng exhaled and smiled.

But Li Hu's face was full of doubts: "What's the use of this?"

"Simple!" Mu Feng handed him the grass shield, "Raise your hands above your head and protect your head!"

"Okay!" Although Li Hu was surprised, he nodded and did it.

Mu Feng picked up a bamboo spear from his side, stepped back, and threw it directly at the grass shield in Li Hu's hand.

"Puff!" The bamboo spear hit the grass shield.

Li Hu only felt a tremor in his two arms, and then there was no abnormality.

"It's OK!" Mu Feng nodded and smiled, "Now you know how to defend against bamboo spears?"

"I know!" Li Hu got excited, "That means bamboo spears can also be defended, right?"

"Yes!" Mu Feng laughed, "Even if she brings her tribesmen, we can defend against them by making more grass shields!"

"But the girl just now..." Li Hu thought about it and said, "Didn't Yemaduo of the Blue Bird tribe invite us to join the Blue Bird tribe? If she gets angry because we refuse..."

Mu Feng was slightly stunned, then nodded: "You are right, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of one!"

"What?" Li Hu didn't understand.

"Nothing!" Mu Feng shook his head, "It seems that it is necessary to make some preparations!"

So saying, Mu Feng turned to look at Li Hu: "Call twenty or so people!"

"Call people, what for?" Li Hu asked curiously.

"Dig a well to get water!" Mu Feng said in a deep voice.

"Dig a well? Get water?" Li Hu was stunned. "Isn't there a river after Dongshan?"

Mu Feng shook his head: "It's too far, it's not convenient! If someone blocks the tribe's exit, we will die of lack of water! By the way, ask them to bring bone knives and other things that can dig the soil!"

Here he suddenly thought of something, waved his hand and said: "Okay, you go and call people first!"

"Yes!" Li Hu hurried away.

And here Mu Feng directly contacted the system with his mind: "System, hand in the task!"

System prompts: "

Task 1: Help the tribe to overcome difficulties has been completed, and 300 achievement points have been obtained.

Task 2: Solve the tribe's survival problem, 500 achievement points.

Task 3: Inspire the morale of the tribe has been completed, and 200 achievement points have been obtained.

Your current achievement points are: 500 points!"

Mu Feng was overjoyed and asked: "Can I use these achievement points to exchange for a few shovels?"

The system directly popped up the exchange interface: "Shovel exchange: 50 achievement points a piece!"

Mu Feng After thinking for a while, he said directly: "Then exchange for six shovels and use them to dig wells!"

At this time, a line of bold and large words popped up under the shovel pattern in the system: "Exchange limit: 2 shovels!"

"No way!" Mu Feng couldn't help but complain, "What a broken system, why is there a limit on the number!"

The system ignored it and then prompted: "Are you sure you want to exchange 100 achievement points for 2 shovels?"

"Sure, sure!" Mu Feng was impatient in his heart, "Can't I exchange more?"

The system prompted again: "The system only provides basic help, and cannot allow you to obtain far more than what you currently have.Advantages. Of course, except for the advantages you created yourself! "

"Oh my god!" Mu Feng was dumbfounded...

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