Li Hu quickly gathered the people.

Mu Feng handed two shovels to Li Hu: "Take this, use it to dig the soil later!"

"Golden tools!" Li Hu's eyes condensed, only the big tribes have golden tools!

The people around looked at the shovel in Mu Feng's hand and showed extremely surprised expressions - in their eyes, golden tools are no different from divine tools.

"Great Chief..." Someone couldn't help swallowing his saliva and asked in disbelief, "This, this is a golden tool?"

His tone of questioning reminded Mu Feng of the shocking scene when he was a child when he only had a one-dollar coin as pocket money and saw other children holding a hundred yuan.

Mu Feng had a headache. The tools in primitive society were basically made of stone and bone, and metal products were extremely rare. It's no wonder they were so surprised.

"Well, it's a gold weapon!" Mu Feng was too lazy to explain, "Now it belongs to our Jiang clan, so we use it to dig the soil!"

"Digging the soil..." Li Hu exclaimed in disbelief, "Such a gold weapon should be placed in the ancestral land for worship!"

Mu Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quickly said, "This is a shovel, which is used to dig the soil!"

After a pause, he added, "This is my guidance as the chief!"

Just this sentence, no one around had any objections.

Li Hu took the shovel respectfully and carefully.

Mu Feng had no choice but to take it easy, and led people to the big tree next to the thorny wood wall. He wanted to dig a well next to the thorny wood wall.

There are two reasons for digging a well here.

First, because the place where the tribe gets water now is too far away, and if you use animal skin bags to hold water, a lot of water will leak during the journey, and the water quality is not good.

Second, Mu Feng carefully looked at the location to the west, which is a place where water comes out - the place where the Jiang clan is located is surrounded by mountains on three sides and an exit on one side.

This location is a famous place for digging water in geography, and it is also the best place for water to flow out. Groundwater will flow from the three mountains to the mouth of the digging water, which is the location to the west of the tribe.

In particular, a forest to the west of the tribe shows that the groundwater source is sufficient!

When Mu Feng was still in modern times, he went into the mountains for archaeological excavations. The experienced old people in the mountains all dug wells in this way, and it was very effective.

Mu Feng chose a location near the big tree, drew a large circle of two meters with a wooden stick, stood in the middle of the circle and said, "Right here, dig a well!"

"Dig a well?" Someone asked puzzledly, "What can digging a well be used for?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "If you dig deep enough here, water will automatically flow out from the ground, and we won't have to go far away to get water in the future!"

After a pause, Mu Feng added, "And the water flowing out from the ground will taste a little sweet!"

"But isn't there soil under the ground? How can there be water?" Li Hu couldn't help asking.

Mu Feng was in a headache again. He thought about it and felt that it was difficult for him to explain clearly to Li Hu, or the people of the tribes around him.

So he simply stopped explaining and just reached out to take the shovel and said, "As long as you dig deep enough, there will be water!"

Li Hu immediately shut up. He knew that he had always just executed the decisions of the chief.

The people around him stopped talking.

Mu Feng held the shovel with both hands, stepped on the shovel ear with one foot, stepped hard, and then used both hands to dig out a shovel of soil.

He raised his hand and threw the soil aside.

These actions seemed normal to him, but in the eyes of the people around him, their expressions and shocks were different.

"The chief actually used gold like this!"

"He stepped on the gold!"

"That's gold!"


Mu Feng didn't know what the people around him were thinking. After digging a circle, he handed the shovel to Li Hu: "Look, there are two shovels here, more than 20 people... um, there are too many people... dig in this circle I dug and dig out all the soil inside!"

"Find a few people to hang animal skins with vines, and when you dig deep, just hang the soil from below!"

But he glanced at the twenty or so people around him, thought about it, and drew another circle of similar size not far away: "You divide into two groups and dig down, one on each side, and the others use bone knives! When one person is tired, change people, take turns!"


So Mu Feng stood aside and directed, just like a foreman checking the construction site.

I don't know if it was because of the power brought by the shovel or the pressure brought by his identity as a chief, everyone took the shovel and started digging with a desperate posture.

I saw the shovel and bone knife flying up and down, and the soil was constantly thrown out of the well.

Mu Feng watched the diggers gradually reveal only the top of their heads, and finally only the soil could be seen being thrown out, and he was stunned.

"This diggerThe speed of digging soil!" Mu Feng was stunned, "It's almost as fast as the excavator in the previous life!"

More than a dozen people dug a well, and they dug six or seven meters in less than half a day!

But the fewer people went down, the fewer people went down, and finally only four people could go down at the same time. Even so, the speed of digging soil was still not slow.

What made everyone excited was that the soil layer at the six or seven meters position had begun to become moist, and the soil thrown up was obviously wet and sticky!

"There is really water!" Li Hu couldn't help but exclaimed.

The people who were hanging animal skins with rattan at the wellhead were also excited, and their eyes were full of admiration when they looked at Mu Feng.

After more than two hours, the rattan hanging soil was already twelve or thirteen meters high, and suddenly there was a cry from the bottom of the well: "Ah, water is coming out!"

When the people at the wellhead heard it, they hurriedly pulled up the rattan, and then saw four muddy people hurriedly climbed out of the rattan.

And at the bottom of the well, there were bursts of gurgling water!

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