Mu Feng was extremely surprised. He never thought that the system would have the "credit card" function of his previous life.

This means that if he does not have enough points to exchange things or skill achievement points in the future, he can borrow a part of it from the system and pay it back within ten days.

As for what to do if he cannot pay it back within ten days, Mu Feng looked at the system and found that there would be a "stain" on his credit record, his credit limit would be reduced, or even his credit limit would be cancelled.

This is similar to the credit card mechanism of his previous life, but also different.

In general, the credit limit of the system surprised Mu Feng and he also felt it was very novel.

He looked at his 500 achievement points, and then looked at the exchange interface, and found that even if he gritted his teeth and used the two thousand points, he could not exchange for any good skills for the time being.

"It seems that I can only save two or three thousand skill points first, and then exchange for a gold skill." Mu Feng thought, "Now if the development of tribal weapons and defense is to go further, metal tools must appear."

Li Hu quickly returned and brought all the things Mu Feng wanted.

Mu Feng made a spinning machine step by step according to the description of the spinning machine skill that he had mastered in his mind.

The ropes and other things needed in it were replaced by animal tendons.

After making the spinning machine, Mu Feng picked up a small handful of ramie and put it in the thread-condensing mouth, then turned the handle, and a thread that was thicker and longer than the ramie monofilament was quickly formed.

He turned the spool again and began to collect the first strand of hemp thread of the tribe!

Li Hu and the few people he brought with him exclaimed.

From making the spinning machine to producing the first hemp thread, it took Mu Feng almost a day, and most of the time was spent on making the spinning machine.

After making the first spinning machine, he taught Li Hu and others to make the second one, which was a little slower than the first one, but at least they all learned it in the end.

After making the spinning machine, Mu Feng started to make a loom.

Compared with the spinning machine, the loom is not comparable to the spinning machine in terms of floor space and complexity.

It took Mu Feng nearly two days just to prepare the materials, planing the wood and punching holes.

On the third day, he had just finished the loom. At this time, Li Hu and his friends, who had been spinning for almost four days, had also spun all the ramie skins into flax thread.

So Mu Feng put the bobbins on the loom one by one and started weaving.

Weaving is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Mu Feng only wove for more than half an hour in front of Li Hu and his friends, and asked several women who came to learn weaving to try weaving. After confirming that there were no problems, he went to do other things.

"No wonder they say women weave and men farm! It's really torture for a rough man to do such delicate work!" Mu Feng couldn't help complaining, "I don't want to weave anymore!"

In fact, after he taught his tribesmen how to spin and weave, these women in the tribe were as surprised as if they had seen a door to a new world.

Because they also heard that the chief has determined that his children will not marry out in the future, so they don't have to worry about their children suffering in other tribes.

And what they can do is to do the things that the chief has given them and do their best to share the chief's worries.

Mu Feng naturally didn't know this. He was communicating with the system at this time: "System, hand in the task!"

"Complete the spinning machine and get 200 achievement points!

Complete the loom and get 200 achievement points!

The current achievement points are: 900 points!"

Mu Feng looked at the system with satisfaction, thinking: "I spent 400 and earned 400, which is considered to be balanced! When the cloth is woven, I should be able to earn more achievement points, which is not a loss! It seems that the achievement points should be spent!"

"Oh, by the way, I have to go and see my big red deer!"

Mu Feng slapped his head and thought about how Mingguang had been guarding the big red deer pen with people these days, wasting time with them. In the middle, it only came a few times and found that the big red deer was regretful and went on a hunger strike in protest.

Obviously, without the deterrence of the armored earth dragon, these hot-tempered guys have regained their nature again.

Especially now that they have lost their freedom and are locked in such a high pen, it is even more unbearable for them.

During the period when Mufeng came, two big red deer even raised their heads and charged towards Mufeng.

Unfortunately, they crashed into the bamboo fence and failed to achieve anything.

Now Mufeng came again and found that the big red deer were standing weakly at the entrance of the cave. They were obviously thinner and looked at Mingguang and others outside listlessly.

If any red deer was dazed and wanted to fall asleep, Mingguang would wake them up immediately by knocking on the bamboo tube.

It can be seen that these red deerThe deer was tortured a lot.

Mingguang was still knocking on the bamboo tube. When he noticed Mufeng coming, he quickly put down the bamboo tube happily and said with a smile: "Great Chief!"

Mufeng was a little surprised. It can be seen that Mingguang was very happy to "torture" the big red deer.

"Well, how is it?" Mufeng asked.

"These few days I just followed your request and poured some salt water into it. I didn't put any grass or anything. Now I'm so hungry that my stomach is growling!"

Mufeng nodded and asked again: "Then do they still hit the fence?"

"After you came the day before yesterday, they hit it twice again, but later I don't know if they had a headache or they didn't have the strength to hit it. They didn't come to hit it again after those two times."

Mufeng smiled: "Okay, I know!"

As he said, he climbed up the bamboo ladder and looked inside from a high place.

Sure enough, the red deer looked at him listlessly, their eyes were dull, and they looked like they had no desire to live.

"Hey, it's almost time!" Mu Feng smiled in his heart.

He turned to look at Ming Guang: "Go, soak the cooked corns for Dachun in salt water, wrap them with fresh grass and bring them to me!"

"Yes!" Ming Guang hurried back to the earth building to get fodder.

Mu Feng looked back at the sika deer, and none of them had the previous hostility.

"You will have no choice but to surrender!" Mu Feng laughed.

Soon, Ming Guang brought the fodder, and Mu Feng picked up a ball of grass wrapped with mashed corn kernels, kneaded it into a grass ball the size of a basketball and threw it to the sika deer.

"Eat it!" Mu Feng shouted loudly.

The sika deer were quite stubborn, just looked at it and didn't come forward.

Mu Feng was not in a hurry, and asked Ming Guang to continue making grass balls according to his method, while looking at the sika deer with a smile.

Because the grass balls were wrapped with cooked corn, which was still a little hot, and the corn was wrapped with salt.

It was a cold rainy day, and the corn steamed. The smell of corn fragrance and salty salt quickly drifted away.

The sika deer twitched their noses one by one, raised their heads and followed the smell to look at the grass balls.

But after seeing the grass balls, they showed vigilance one by one, and then looked at Mu Feng who was standing on a high place not far away.

Mu Feng naturally noticed the actions of the sika deer and laughed: "Eat, eat, you won't be hungry after eating!"

However, the sika deer did not move. They stood in place, looking at the food with a fatal "aroma", and hesitated to move forward.

They seemed to know that after fighting for so long, once they took a step forward to eat the grass balls, it meant that they had completely compromised with the two-hoofed animal outside.

Mu Feng, on the other hand, was calm and composed, watching the sika deer hesitate and wasting time with them.

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