
The elk were very competitive, but their stomachs were not.

They were all stubborn and refused to eat the grass balls, but they had been hungry for several days.

Although Mingguang gave them water during this period, drinking water alone could not solve the problem of hunger.

There was hay in the cave, but it had been taken away by Mufeng a long time ago.

Hearing the hungry elk, Mufeng couldn't help but grin and said, "Let's see how long you can hold on!"

As he said, he threw another grass ball into the cave, and the "fragrance" filled the air, and the elk's stomachs growled even louder.

Finally, a elk moved, leaned forward to sniff, and sniffed violently, as if it could eat by smelling.

Mufeng took a look and it seemed to be the injured one with a limp.

It was a pity that the harder it sniffed, the louder its stomach growled.

Not only that, when its stomach growled, the other sika deer also started to growl as if they were infected.




A sound like a drum kept ringing.

The sika deer that had poked its head out earlier could no longer bear it, and while the other sika deer were not paying attention, it opened its mouth and ate the grass ball.

The other sika deer, not knowing whether they were jealous of this sika deer eating first or angry at its "escape", all poked their heads out and pushed it aside!

But this sika deer had already bitten the grass ball, and even though it was pushed aside, it was still reluctant to let go, and continued to bite the grass ball and chew it.

The sika deer were completely out of control, and some of them immediately realized that there was another grass ball on the ground, and they also forgot their original purpose, lowered their heads, and rushed to another grass ball.

Soon, the twelve sika deer were in a mess, scrambling for two grass balls, and making "moo" sounds from time to time.

At this time, the advantage of the male deer was reflected. It was really "the taller the man, the bigger the sika deer". With a head arched and a butt raised, it directly pushed the female deer aside and fought for the grass balls.

"Haha!" Mu Feng grinned, "It's done!"

As he said, Mu Feng asked Mingguang to hand him all the wrapped grass balls. He threw them to the sika deer one by one, quietly reducing his strength, deliberately throwing the grass balls in a line, and finally came to the bamboo ladder where he was.

The sika deer no longer cared about the slightest "dignity". After eating the first bite, they had the second and third bites. They also went from hugging each other to each other.

They followed the "route" of the grass balls to Mu Feng, but found that Mu Feng didn't throw grass balls anymore.

But they were obviously not full. They looked up at Mu Feng one by one, with anxious and expectant eyes.

Mufeng then laughed and continued to throw grass balls until the sika deer ate more and more slowly, and finally stopped eating grass and called "moo moo" to Mufeng.

Mufeng clenched his fist and waved it excitedly at Mingguang: "It's done!"

Mingguang was also overjoyed: "Great!"

Mufeng then hurried down the bamboo ladder, signaled Mingguang to open the fence door, and led out a sika deer himself, which was the injured one - when fighting for the grass balls just now, this guy was squeezed aside, and even four female deer were bullying it.

If Mufeng hadn't thrown enough grass balls, this guy would definitely not be full.

Of course, the sika deer still resisted a little, and when Mufeng pulled the animal tendon rope around its neck, it still pulled its neck back.

"You've already eaten the grass balls, but you're still pretending to be noble!" Mu Feng grinned strangely, "Just come here!"

As he said that, he pulled it over with force, holding the reins to its neck with one hand, and grabbed a tuft of hair on its neck with the reins, making it unable to move.

The other hand stretched out to cover its head, and said with a strange smile: "Here, I'll give you something!"

As he said that, Mu Feng narrowed his eyes and silently chanted a spell.

Zhuyoushu - Wood Dao derivative spell!

The sika deer was about to resist, but suddenly felt a very comfortable breath escaping from the top of its head. It calmed down in an instant, looking at Mu Feng curiously with a pair of big eyes.

After a while, Mu Feng opened his eyes, slowly loosened his hands, and even held the reins in his hands, smiling and saying, "Okay, now your hoof should not be lame, you can go back!"

Surprisingly, the sika deer was no longer manic and resistant at this time, but instead sniffed Mu Feng and mooed.

Mu Feng listened roughly and thought it was a way of expressing gratitude.

He loosened the reins, reached out to touch its neck, and tickled it a few times. The sika deer did not resist, but tilted its head, squinted its eyes, and looked like it was enjoying it.

Seeing this, Mu Feng felt relieved and said with a smile, "Okay, now you have the benefit, so you have to be obedient. You are the firstYou are the one who has tasted the sweetness. I am letting you go now. Don't let me down!"

After a pause, he said, "You are the first to surrender, so I will give you a name first. From now on, you will be called Lichun!"

It is also known whether the sika deer understood or not. In short, after Mufeng finished speaking, it raised its head and mooed at Mufeng.

Mufeng put it back into the sika deer pen and closed the door.

From beginning to end, Mingguang was a little confused and didn't understand what the chief was doing.

"Chief, you took it out just to treat its injuries?" Mingguang asked puzzledly.

"Haha, just wait and see! "Mufeng motioned Mingguang to go to the elk pen, and he climbed up the ladder again.

Mingguang also climbed up another ladder to see the situation in the pen.

The situation in the elk pen stunned him.

The lame elk named "Lichun" by the chief was no longer lame, and walked in from the door of the pen with a proud and vigorous look.

The other eleven elk were obviously a little strange, as if wondering why it was lame when it went out, but it was fine when it came back?

Two elk poked their heads forward and sniffed, their noses twitching, and then they snorted and shook their heads.

Unexpectedly, this action obviously annoyed "Lichun", it was furious, and it suddenly attacked with a "moo", its head stiffened, overturned the elk on the left, turned its head and hit another elk.

The other elk was on guard, turned its head, and directly hit it with its sharp horns like tree branches!

"Crack! ”

The two horns collided, and the two sika deer retreated immediately.

But "Lichun" only took a small step back, and the sika deer that collided with it retreated several steps in a row!

Obviously, it couldn't beat Lichun.

In the world of deer, losing a fight does not involve wagging the tail to show weakness, nor does it involve lying down and exposing the belly. It is as simple as turning around and walking away with the tail between the legs and the head down.

Sure enough, after just one collision, the sika deer admitted defeat and surrendered.

At this time, other sika deer came to sniff Lichun, but before they could get close, Lichun was already angry, turned his head and arched left and right, without giving the two sika deer any time to react, and knocked him down directly!

"This..." Mingguang's eyes were full of disbelief, "Captain, what's going on? Why are these sika deer all smelling Lichun?"

Mufeng smiled and said, "Well, when I treated Lichun's injury, I also gave it a top shot, and its aura is different from before. "

He thought of the time when Doudou and Dachun had just received the enhancement of the Wood Dao Derivation Technique, they also caused discomfort to their kind. As a result, Dama beat up Damazi, and Dachun bullied the other three horses.

Now he strengthened Lichun, and let Lichun come to scare the other elks.

Mingguang showed worry on his face: "But if that happens, the smell on its body will be different from before, and it will be beaten to death by its kind!"

Mufeng shook his head: "Don't worry, it should be stronger and faster than its companions now. Just wait and see!"

Before he finished speaking, the whole elk circle was in turmoil. Four of the seven male deer were defeated by Lichun in an instant. Now it is arching its head to provoke the other three elks!

"Tsk tsk, not bad!" Mufeng laughed, "Whoever lasts longer will be the second!"

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