Mu Feng looked at the small piece of shepherd's purse with great joy. He dug some and put them in his backpack, and used a shovel to cut a branch and stuck it in the ground.

"What is this for?" Shuo Feng asked puzzledly.

"This is for marking!" Mu Feng explained with a smile, "This is not far from the tribe. I will find someone to dig all these back and plant them later!"

"Plant this?" Shuo Feng scratched his head, "There are all these in the mountains, why plant them?"

Mu Feng smiled and shook his head: "You will know later!"

"What should we do now?" Shuo Feng asked.

"Well, keep going inside!" Mu Feng took another look at the wild shepherd's purse, and thought to himself, "I have found a wild vegetable, and the 200 points achievement is not going away!"

So the two stood up and walked up the mountain again.

Because Mu Feng found the shepherd's purse first, Shuo Feng was also excited.

He looked left and right as he walked on the mountain road, and from time to time he pointed at a plant and asked Mu Feng: "Look, can this be eaten?"

"How about this?"

"Can this grass be eaten?"

Mu Feng was a little amused and corrected: "The edible ones are called wild vegetables, and the inedible ones are grass!"

Shu Feng shook his head helplessly: "But I don't know which is the wild vegetable and which is the grass!"

"It doesn't matter!" Mu Feng said with a smile, "This time the two of us came here just to find wild vegetables. I can teach you to recognize them, and you can teach the people in the tribe when you go back!"

"Okay!" Shu Feng nodded heavily. He had heard from his father that Mu Feng is now the chief and has taken the tribe out hunting three times, and all three times he had a lot of harvest.

His father told him that if he could go out with the chief, he must be very alert, watch carefully, learn well, and protect the chief.

Mu Feng didn't know what Shu Feng was thinking, and continued to walk forward, looking around, hoping to find something.

To be honest, the eastern foot of Dongshan is gentle, with many plants and even more weeds. It is really difficult to find edible wild vegetables.

He wondered if he was looking in the wrong direction. Wild vegetables should be found in the forest, while the mountains produce some medicinal herbs and fungi.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look for some rotten wood roots and some shallow grass, hoping to find mushrooms or something.

As a result, he simply changed his mind and soon saw a cluster of light gray mushrooms next to a thick tree root!

"Tree flower!" Mu Feng exclaimed again.

Tree flower is a kind of mushroom, similar to oyster mushroom, but the color is not as dark as oyster mushroom.

Because tree flowers grow mostly on rotten wood, they look like a blooming flower from a distance, so they are also called "tree flower mushrooms".

Tree flower mushrooms can not only be eaten, but also used as Chinese medicine. Needless to say, the nutritional value is perfect for cooking or making soup!

In his previous life, Mu Feng went into the mountains to do archaeology, lived and cooked in the wild, and sometimes he would find some mushrooms such as tree flowers to make soup.

Now that he saw tree flowers in this primitive society, he suddenly felt a sense of familiarity.

He carefully cut off a cluster of tree flowers with a shovel and put them in his backpack, and cut off a branch and stuck it in the ground as a mark.

Now Shu Feng was curious again: "Great Chief, what kind of grass is this, can it be eaten?"

"This is a mushroom, you can eat it!" Mu Feng said with a smile, "But it's not grass, it's a mushroom!"

He looked around and found another kind of mushroom that looked like a small umbrella that was not opened. He reached out and pulled one up, and said with a smile: "This is called an umbrella mushroom, and it can also be eaten."

"In addition, the mushrooms that grow under this kind of tree are called matsutake, which are rare and can also be eaten!" Mu Feng explained patiently, "But remember, not all mushrooms can be eaten! Some are poisonous, Eating it will kill people!"

"Ah?" Shuofeng was shocked, "What should I do? No one knows it except your tribe!"

"Simple!" Mufeng said with a smile, "Generally, edible mushrooms are of this color, gray, light yellow, and brown. Other mushrooms with brighter colors such as red and purple are more toxic and cannot be eaten."

After a pause, he quickly added: "If you pick mushrooms in the future, don't pick mushrooms with beautiful colors!"

"Yes!" Shuofeng hurriedly remembered it in his heart, fearing that he would miss any details.

"No wonder my father asked me to learn well from the chief, it turns out that he knows so much!" Shuofeng thought to himself.

Mufeng pointed at the tree flowers: "When we return to the tribe, it depends on you to bring people to bring these things back to the tribe, don't remember it wrong!"

"Yes, I will remember it!" Shuofeng nodded seriously.

"Okay!" Mufeng nodded, got up and continued to move forward.

At the same time, he was calculating in his heart: "The tree flowers can be eaten, 200 achievement points. The umbrella mushrooms can be eaten, 200 achievement points! Haha, this tripGoing into the mountains, it's too easy to earn achievement points! "

Mu Feng thought as he walked, while Shu Feng beside him looked around thoughtfully, walking and stopping to see if there was anything "edible" around.

Suddenly, he took a breath and shouted: "Chief, stop!"

"Huh?" Mu Feng was still thinking about something, and when he heard Shu Feng's call, he subconsciously stopped, "What's wrong?"

Shu Feng ran to Mu Feng in one step, held his short knife horizontally, and stared at one direction...

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