With a low shout from Shuofeng, Mufeng instinctively sensed something strange around him.

Although he hadn't turned around yet, he sensed danger from Shuofeng's expression.

He subconsciously looked in the direction Shuofeng was looking, and found that a black-skinned wild boar with huge fangs appeared there!

"Wild boar!" Mufeng's eyes lit up instantly, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Shuofeng was surprised: Why would the chief feel happy to see a wild boar?

He quickly stood between Mufeng and the wild boar, holding a knife in one hand and a bamboo spear in the other, to prevent the wild boar from attacking at any time.

Mufeng was half-blocked, but he could clearly see the wild boar walking towards them at a leisurely pace.

He took a breath of cold air. This wild boar was bigger than the biggest wild boar he had seen in the mountains in his previous life, and its two fangs were bent directly to the top of its head.

You know, the wild boar he had seen in his previous life weighed 800 kilograms!

This wild boar is more than two sizes bigger in size and tusks. You don't need to think about its lethality!

The tip of the wild boar's tusks is shining coldly, and it looks very sharp.

There is no doubt that anyone who is hit by the wild boar's tusks will be seriously injured if not killed.

Shuofeng held the knife in one hand, turned his head and said to Mufeng: "Captain, I will go up and hold it, you run!"

As he said that, Shuofeng was about to move forward with the knife.

"Wait!" Mufeng hurriedly grabbed Shuofeng, "Put away the knife!"

"What?" Shuofeng shouted, "How can it be possible? If it rushes over, we can't run away!"

"Listen to me!" Mufeng shouted, "You hold the knife, we will both die!"

Shuofeng was in doubt, and put the knife back with a trembling hand. At the same time, he was not as fierce as he had seen the wild boar before.

It seems that the short knife gave him a lot of courage.

Mufeng shook his head and motioned to Shufeng to put away the bamboo spear.

Shufeng wanted to say something, but Mufeng stopped him with his eyes, so he had to do it.

"Just stand here, don't move!" Mufeng whispered, "Even if it comes to us, don't move. Don't look into its eyes, understand?"

"I know, I know..." Shufeng shivered a little.

Mufeng patted him on the back gently, indicating that it was okay, and then walked gently in front of Shufeng and faced the wild boar himself.

"Ah?" Shufeng was shocked, and whispered when he stretched out his hand, "Big Chief! You can't..."

"Listen to me, don't say a word!" Mufeng whispered.


The wild boar, weighing no less than a thousand pounds, walked and staggered and appeared about twenty steps away from the two people. Seeing the two people suddenly appear, it was obviously stunned, and its small eyes turned, obviously thinking.

"Big Chief..." Shufeng whispered.

"Don't talk, believe me!"


The wild boar finally finished thinking at this time and continued to walk towards them.

Shuofeng was so nervous that he didn't dare to look at the wild boar.

Mufeng was not like that. He was calm and not panicked, but rather a little expectant.

Because just now, he thought of the elementary animal taming technique he knew, which happened to be effective for wild boars!

Seeing the wild boar finally approaching the two step by step, Mufeng pretended to be nothing and took a step forward, while taking off the backpack on his shoulder, pretending not to see the wild boar.

"What is this for?" Shuofeng was surprised.

The wild boar had already walked up to the two people, and was also stunned when he saw Mufeng's actions. He carefully stretched his nose forward and twitched it twice, as if to confirm whether the two were in danger.

A stinky smell came from the two big nostrils of the wild boar, and Shuofeng was so disgusted that he almost vomited.

Mu Feng also endured the nausea, snorted coldly, and then did not open his mouth, rubbed his throat together, and made a "Hulu Hun Leng" sound.

The wild boar was startled, shook his head and quickly stepped back. At the same time, his front legs stretched forward, lowered his head, and showed two huge fangs facing Mu Feng and the others.

"Ah!" Shuo Feng almost screamed, but thought of what Mu Feng said, and quickly covered his mouth and did not speak.

Mu Feng did not stare at the wild boar directly, but glanced at the wild boar with a condescending look, and then made a "Alulu, Alulu" sound from his mouth, and at the same time stretched out one hand and made a "Come here" gesture to the wild boar.

"What?" Although Shuo Feng was standing behind Mu Feng, he saw all this because of his tall stature.

He was horrified in his heart: "Great Chief, he is not going to let the wild boar come by itself, right?"

The wild boar was obviously stunned, and the originally raised head was raised again.

It looked at the guy in front of it in confusion, who looked obviously different from it, as if wondering why he called it over!

Mu Feng was very impatient, and continued to utter "Ah Lu" in his throat."Lu, Oululu" sound, while rubbing the ground with one foot, looking a little anxious.

The wild boar was urged, shook its head violently, snorted loudly, and another stench came out, but it just didn't come over.

Mufeng hummed again, and after an "Oululu" sound, he stomped the ground with his right foot, stretched out his hand and took a step forward, pretending to touch the wild boar's fangs.

The wild boar was startled, and didn't care about anything else, turned around and ran away!

"Ah?" This time Shufeng was completely surprised, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Wild boar, just ran away like this?" He subconsciously looked at Mufeng, but found that Mufeng had picked up the backpack and ran after the wild boar.

At the same time, he was still shouting "Aolulu" and other incomprehensible words.

"What's going on?" Shufeng didn't have time to think about it, and quickly picked up the knife and followed...

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