I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1104: You can't shake me!

   Chapter 1104 You can't shake me!

Ah Fu could feel that the flesh and blood around Xu Haihai's chest was sticking out tiny tentacles, and they were digging into the flesh on his own leg, but because of his terrifyingly high defense, the other side's chest grew out of tiny tentacles. The little tentacle has no way to hold himself in a short period of time.

But this is not optimistic. A'Fu has realized the difficulty of Xu Haihui, who has evolved into a seventh-order zombie at this moment. Because the other party has perfectly absorbed the behind-the-scenes operator of the aberration body, he has also acquired a certain ability, but this ability is different from his own. Boss Tangye's abilities are somewhat similar, but fundamentally completely different.

   But even so, this ability is undoubtedly a headache.

   "Lao Xu, do you think you can shake me?" Ah Fu growled, his other foot on the ground. Then, the foot wrapped by Xu Haihui shrank suddenly, and Xu Haihui was suddenly pulled back by the powerful force that A Fu burst out, bending like a shrimp.

   And it wasn't over yet, Ah Fu raised his fist and hit Xu Haihui's head with a heavy punch. The opponent's skull made a crackling sound, and a large piece of flesh and blood flew out from his head!

   "Let go of Lao Tzu!"

A'Fu continued to roar, and punched Xu Haihai's eyes again, and a cloud of sticky pus shot out, but immediately, the flesh and blood on Xu Haihai's head condensed, and it suddenly returned to its original shape. But he still wrapped Ah Fu's foot tightly.

In desperation, A'Fu could only lift the foot that was firmly wrapped in Xu Haihai's chest up, and Xu Haihai was lifted up by A'Fu, only to see A'Fu turned around and faced behind him. The wall was chopped off with one foot.

   But just as Ah Fu turned around, several tentacles crawled out of Xu Hai's mouth, crawling towards both sides along Ah Fu's shoulders, and then twisted the tentacles, wrapping Ah Fu's armpits all at once!

"Go away!" Ah Fu roared, wanting to tear these **** tentacles apart with pure violence, but soon, several tentacles grew out of Xu Haihui's body and climbed onto Ah Fu's body, a total of four , Two hands wrapped around Ah Fu, and the other one crawled towards Ah Fu's lower body. When it came to the bare foot, one of them wrapped around him, and then he tried hard.

"Your strength is beyond my imagination, hehe." Xu Haihai's neck stretched out suddenly, his head poked into Ah Fu's ear like a snake under the extension of his neck, he smiled strangely, and his voice was hoarse. It was unpleasant, but Ah Fu could hear the smell of Xu Haihai.

"Then try it again!" And Ah Fu was also very unconvinced. How could he endure a "study committee" who was completely inferior to himself in the past, and suddenly he could fight back and forth with himself, the sports committee. !

As a result, Ah Fu increased the strength he exerted, but as his strength increased, the tentacles born from Xu Haihui also used heavier force, and Ah Fu's skin was gradually entangled by these tentacles. , Not only that, when these tentacles increased their strength to wrap around Ah Fu, they also pulled towards the outside, as if to twist Ah Fu's limbs abruptly!

   And Ah Fu quickly sensed the thoughts of the violent Xu Haihui, and the anger in his heart suddenly increased to a higher level!

   This is impossible! In terms of strength, he does not allow himself to be defeated in the field he is best at, even with the skill of the opponent. He has lived in human society for a long time, and this period of time has made Afu brain A certain belief arises.

   That is, the real power never fears any conspiracy and tricks, the real power should be that anything will be easily shattered! No matter how hard this thing is!

  But now, how did you come to the road of failure? how can that be? Thinking of this, Ah Fu became more and more angry in his heart, and the anger caused the anger to burn wildly. The fire in his heart intensified, and in the end, it spread from his heart to the real world and began to materialize!

   "How could you possibly beat me!"

Suddenly, A Fu's mouth let out a roar that was so cloudy that he couldn't hear his consciousness. It was also after this roar that A Fu's body suddenly became silver armor, and the hard and smooth silver skin cracked open. A ferocious crack began to cover Ah Fu's body, and then, the cracks on Ah Fu's silver armor began to turn red, and a stream of crimson magma spurted out, and the red color instantly filled the dissatisfied cracks on Ah Fu's silver armor. It was all covered, and a thick flame ignited from Ah Fu!


   A voice full of anger sounded, and Ah Fu was on fire!

   In order to maintain the dignity of being the king of power! He doesn't care who he is facing now! He just wanted to kill the other party, even if the other party knew him, didn't Xu Haihai not recognize him now?

  The raging flames and gas instantly climbed up Xu Haihui's tentacles wrapped around him. Soon, Xu Haihui's tentacles were burned by the flames and crackled, and they were twisted and withered and began to turn black.

The flames on Ah Fu's legs were even more intense, and within a few seconds, the entangled flesh and blood in Xu Haihui's chest hole was burned to the point of sizzling oil. Ah Fu also took advantage of this opportunity to directly pull out his legs. Then he stretched out his hand and pinched Xu Haihui's neck, turned Tiangang upside down and smashed his head on the ground!


Xu Haihui also let out a roar, and thick blood-colored smoke filled his body. The blood-red lines on his outstretched hand flashed, and a violent beating struck. The tentacles stretched out in unison, and wrapped around Ah Fu's neck again, pulling and pulling directly. , Ah Fu's body leaned back slightly, but soon, the other party broke out again, and a force that was not much stronger than himself was transmitted, Xu Haihui was lifted up by Ah Fu again without a doubt, and threw it out from here. Far away, with a bang, the gravel splattered non-stop.

   But then, the tentacles that were intertwined with each other and caused a dense panic attack were instantly dissatisfied with the street, and they all rushed towards Ah Fu!

"Come on!" Ah Fu roared, and flames almost burst out from his pupils. Facing the tentacles in front of him that were dense enough to fill the street, he opened his corpse mouth, his teeth skyrocketed, from normal Human teeth turned into ferocious fangs!

Deep in the throat, the red color flashed, and a few magma flew out, corroding the ground, and then, black mist emerged from Ah Fu's mouth, and the red color became thicker and thicker, about one second or two seconds. After that, a crimson beam of light collided with the surrounding black mist, the magma collided with the tentacles that filled the street, and black smoke and white smoke came out unscrupulously! There was a sizzling sound at the scene!

   (end of this chapter)

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