I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1105: incarnation of fire

   Chapter 1105 The Incarnation of Fire

   The dense tentacles collided fiercely with the beam of light formed by the magma, and a flame spread in all directions, and the sound of sizzling ran through the ears of the two zombies.

And the flame seems to be the nemesis of the aberration. After Xu Haihui's tentacles collided with the magma beam spit out from A Fu's mouth, these colorful tentacles, such as purple, brown, green, yellow, and red, were like being sprinkled with salt. The leech lost its firepower in an instant and shrugged.

The dense tentacles were instantly forced back by the flames, and one tentacle after another became a little bit of black ash and fell to the ground under the erosion of the magma. Retreat, without the slightest doubt.

  The surrounding building ruins quickly turned red under the flames, and then liquefied. In the air at the scene, the air temperature reached an unprecedented high temperature!

Seeing something was wrong, Xu Haihai hurriedly retrieved his tentacles, but just as he did so, the impact point of the magma beam spread more rapidly, and for a time, the street directly occupied by Xu Haihai's tentacles was occupied by flames, and The flames spread not only towards Xu Haihui, but also towards Ah Fu.

  Xu Haihui started to run towards the back, while Ah Fu ran towards the front, he was not afraid of the flames at all.

The street has turned into a sea of ​​flames, and Ah Fu, in the midst of the flames, was blazing all over his body, and the ground was burnt red. Every time he stepped on it, he could leave a footprint. The cement road is turning into a liquid, and the high temperature is overflowing. Even people outside the defense line in the distance can feel the high temperature in the air that cannot be ignored, and sweat seeps on their foreheads.

   "Oh my go, why is it so hot all of a sudden?"

   "Look over there, it looks like it's on fire."

In the distance, the figure of the soldier was walking back and forth, tearing apart the equipment that formed the defense line, and in the defense line, the fire that rose because of Ah Fu continued to devour the surrounding, producing a large amount of smoke that floated into the air, making people quickly noticed him.

  A'Fu was walking on this flame. At this moment, he was the incarnation of the flame. His body gradually took shape, and the horns on his head turned red under the scorching flames, as if he was a big devil crawling out of hell.

   However, in the flames, these flames could not block Ah Fu's sight at all. In front, Xu Haihui's running figure was clearly visible.

"You can't run." Ah Fu was satisfied and felt that he had maintained his dignity, but soon, his brows furrowed, and Xu Haihai was running towards the nearest line of defense, he thought. escape!

Almost in an instant, Ah Fu just did what Xu Haihui wanted to do. The magma beam he just sprayed out destroyed all the tentacles that killed the opponent towards him. Even if Xu Haihai's ability was stronger, these tentacles were still part of Xu Haihui's body. These tentacles are all composed of Xu Haihui's body, and suddenly a large number of them were destroyed. Even if Xu Haihui became a seventh-order zombie, it would be difficult to resist such a loss. What is he walking towards the defense line now?

   Needless to say? Of course, it was because he saw that there were many, many people there, and by devouring living creatures, he could restore the energy of the zombies and continue to fight.

   However, Ah Fu would not allow it, even if he accelerated his pace and chased Xu Haihui.

Xu Haihai found that Ah Fu was chasing him, turned his head to look at the figure in the flame with his scarlet eyes, then jumped up, trotted down, leaned his body, and ran against the gravity against the wall, and he did so , which means that more power will be used, and at the same time, the speed will be slowed down, which in A'Fu's opinion is completely Shabi behavior!

   But soon, Ah Fu knew that he was wrong. He had just passed the place where Xu Haihui passed by, and a tentacle suddenly grew on the ruins of the building next to him and pulled it towards him.

   "Little trick!" Ah Fu didn't pay attention to it, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the tentacle that was drawn towards him, and then pulled it, and the ruins of the building that had been riddled with holes were completely uprooted by Ah Fu in an instant!

But in the next second, another tentacle was drawn, and Ah Fu was beaten by the second tentacle that came suddenly, and the whole person was pulled back, and because of Ah Fu's evolutionary route, his The speed was originally a bit fuller than Xu Haihui, but after being pumped like this, the distance between Xu Haihui and Xu Haihui became farther and farther away.

   "No!" Ah Fu yelled angrily, watching Xu Haihui get further and further away from him.

At this moment, the sandstorm in the distance suddenly moved towards this side. At this moment, people only felt that the sky above their heads had become gloomy. Wherever the sandstorm passed, everything was moved to the ground. , In the eyes of many people, the huge sandstorm moved, and the surrounding buildings with only ruins were being consumed by an invisible but powerful and deadly force into particles and swept into the air by the wind.

   And now, the sandstorm is heading towards the fire area.

"It's the boss!" Ah Fu noticed the movement of the sandstorm, and his eyes were filled with joy. He knew that Xu Haihui couldn't hide. As expected, after the sandstorm moved, the irrational Xu Haihui stopped immediately, because He felt that all the air machines in this sandstorm had locked him in!

   Even though he has lost his mind now, no matter what he says, his thinking ability is still there, and of course he can sense that there is a presence in this sandstorm that makes his heart palpitate!

  Xu Haihui stopped, the sandstorm in front kept moving towards him, and behind, there was a big man gradually approaching him.

After that, Ah Fu stopped when he was still more than ten meters away from him, and the flanking trend on both sides, the sandstorm in front, also stopped, and the depressing black shadow in the center seemed to be staring at one eye. Even though he was not human, he was horrified by this strange feeling.

   At this moment, Xu Haihui didn't know what to do next. He didn't dare to move, because there were constant threats to him from the sandstorm ahead.

He looked left and right, looking a little dazed, not knowing where to take precautions, but in terms of feeling, he felt that the sandstorm in front of him was the most threatening to him, so he could only stare at the sandstorm in front of him. Violent, to prevent the existence inside from suddenly attacking him.

   But he himself is not sure, if the existence inside really suddenly attacks him at a certain moment, he does not know if he can react.

   But at this moment, Xu Haihai felt a pain in his head, and a mess of unspeakable memories rushed into his mind like sea water!

   (end of this chapter)

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