I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1106: bland story

   Chapter 1106 The Plain Story

A large number of memories flooded the small space of his head crazily. It was only for a moment. Xu Haihai felt that his head had been directly filled with something, and these memories were still pouring into his mind endlessly. In the middle of the night, the severe pain suddenly broke through Xu Haihui's heart at this moment, his head suddenly exploded, and the flesh **** split and flew around, like a headless fly.


   A sharp roar filled with pain that made people feel uncomfortable when they heard it. At this moment, Xu Haihui hadn't reacted yet, so he couldn't explain what it felt like at all.

These memories are really too huge. They are the memories of many people, many, many, and he can't count how many people's memories they are. Countless people's lives and their own experiences are intertwined and overlapped, making people indistinguishable. Clear who is who, the emotions of each of them are intertwined almost to make people crazy!

   "I... I... babble... I! Woo~ I... I am... I am..."

In the severe pain, Xu Haihai began to spit out a few words from his mouth. He had just been "born" and didn't understand anything, until after this memory was madly poured into his mind, he suddenly understood something called "" language" thing.

   He screamed and spoke indistinctly, but kept repeating two words and stammered.

   That is the words "I am...". A huge number of memory images flashed wildly in my mind. Among them, a few people's memories were perfect, but except for these few people, the rest of the memories were like glass being smashed to the ground, shattering into hundreds of pieces all at once. Thousands of copies, then mixed with other glass shards.

   And the words of everyone he met in these countless memories, ringing in his head one after another, was crazy.

Gradually, he understood that the world had become occupied by zombies called monsters. People built survivor bases and survivor shelter cities, occupying a place that seemed like a small place in the world, but in the Seven years ago, human beings were the only masters of this world. The prehistoric beasts millions of years ago and those carnivorous overlords in nature have long been defeated by humans. Through the use of weapons and the development of weapons, this unique intellectual advantage , The human race has gradually risen, and finally became the overlord, and the most threatening meat-eating overlords in human history have long been extinct, and those that are listed as endangered animals are listed as endangered animals. They lost their majesty millions of years ago of style.

With more and more memories, Xu Haihai gradually understood that the place he was in was called Earth, and he also understood who he was, and the big man behind him was one of his friends or colleagues. His name was Ah blessing.

As for the sandstorm in front of him, he didn't know. It seemed that he had just come when he beat the guy like him, but he didn't know why Ah Fu stood with this thing. Soon, Xu Haihui realized that it was That man was the man who kept a lot of secrets from him even though he controlled himself.

Quickly backtracking in his mind, he met this boss in a hospital in Linshi. At first, he was just curious. It was the first time he met this strange zombie and wanted to control the other party, but he didn't succeed. Put Mi, but he was controlled by the other party.

At that time, he also recalled his own thoughts. He told Tang Ye that he had swallowed four people. In fact, what he said to Tang Ye at the time were all lies. These four people were actually the most complete memories in Xu Haihai's mind. There are only four people, and if the other scattered memories are to be counted, there must be more than 20 names!

He slowly sorted out the memories that suddenly poured into his mind, but Xu Haihai didn't get used to it. Just a few seconds before he was "born", his mind was blank, and everything needed to be relearned. It was very troublesome, but compared to now, Xu Haihai, who had recovered his memory, felt that the first few seconds ago was the most relaxing time in his life.

Of course, there are also many people in my memory who have moments of relaxation. There are even a few people who were born with a golden key and grew up carefree. When they grow up, they drive sports cars, bars and karaoke halls, etc., with one handle. If you wave, you can get as many diaosi goddesses as servants, you can enjoy life to the fullest, without work, without worrying about career, without worrying about life's firewood, rice, oil and salt, every month to the end of the month, parents will call rich living expenses, and these Living expenses are money that ordinary migrant workers cannot earn in a year.

Like ordinary people, they sleep until they wake up naturally every day, go downstairs and spend more than ten yuan to buy what they want to eat, go home early and enjoy it slowly, and even go to the factory to experience the feeling of being a worker, and copy the boss's squid from time to time. .

Such a day is very easy, but for Xu Haihui, the memories of so many people are crowded in his mind, he can't tell who is who, he has lost himself, and everyone's personality wants to occupy this body , unable to integrate, and one of them, Xu Haihui, had the most unforgettable experience.

In fact, his story is very simple. There is no ups and downs like in the movie, and no miracles happen, not even a little climax. The most reluctant thing is that every beat of the progress bar makes people feel anxious because the characters in the content leave.

  Acquaintance from the hospital, from the end of the hospital to the death of the real Xu Haihai, he realized that he had made a mistake that many people will make.

   This story also makes him Xu Haihui, and he regrets this story.

   "My name is Li Mu... No, my name is Lin Jianping... My name is Chen Jiao? No, neither, Xu Yinghe? Wang Bing? Lin Kaikai? Ai Shan?"

   Xu Haihai said one name after another that was very unfamiliar to Ah Fu, and his tone and tone were constantly changing. This scene looked very strange.

   Until the other party finally said a name that Ah Fu was familiar with: "My name is Xu Haihui, yes, I am Xu Haihui."

  Xu Haihui's eyes finally regained their former brilliance, but after saying the name he used, Xu Haihui fell straight to the ground.

After he fell, the sandstorm in front of him also rolled violently. After two or three seconds, the sandstorm split open, a man walked in, and the sandstorm behind him also got into the man's body like a small stream. disappeared from the body.

   (end of this chapter)

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