I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1107: unwilling roar

   Chapter 1107 Unwilling Roar

   "Boss!" Ah Fu shouted from the inside when he saw Tang Ye.

  Tang Ye looked around and felt relieved after confirming that there was no one here. He nodded to Ah Fu, then went to Xu Haihui, squatted down and looked at the weird lines on his body.

   "Should have recovered, but I don't know why I fainted."

Speaking, Tang Ye put his hand on Xu Haihui's forehead, and with a force, the silver armored corpse anti-living substance in Xu Haihui's body was mobilized, and Xu Haihai's body began to change towards the color of a normal person's skin, but it seemed that he After absorbing the influence of the aberration, the blood-red lines on Xu Haihui's body did not subside in the slightest.

   It just gradually loses its luster with the normal humanization of the skin, but the lines on it are so clearly visible, which makes people know at a glance that something is wrong with this person.

   The lines on his body are actually not important. As long as Xu Haihai is the same as before, wrapping himself tightly with clothes, he doesn't have to wonder what his body looks like.

   After all, a big man is very safe in the last days.

   The most important thing is the lines on Xu Haihai's face, which look like primitive people who have passed through in a distant period, with strange totem oil paint on his face.

But unlike the oil paint on the faces of tribal people in ancient times, the lines on Xu Haihai's face are sunken, and orderly muscle fibers can be seen in it. to think.

At the beginning, Xu Haihui's change was smooth, but after a while, no matter how Tang Ye was mobilized, Xu Haihui could never return to his normal appearance, his skin was only slightly desalinated, and his back showed two rows of similar muscles as the muscles retracted. Weird organs like fins.

   Seeing this scene, Tang Ye's brows couldn't help but wrinkle. Now Xu Haihui, the changes in his body are very different from before, he can no longer disguise perfectly as a human being like before.

   "Boss, this..." Ah Fu scratched his head, of course he could see what happened to Xu Haihui now, but Xu Haihui has always been like this, which means that he will never appear in front of people in the future!

   "Boss, what should we do?" Ah Fu asked again.

However, Tang Ye shook his head indifferently. Obviously, he was not worried about such a thing. He glanced at Ah Fu and said with a smile: "A Fu, I know what you are worried about, but this is the end of the world, and it happens in the end of the world. Anything is fine, that's better."

   A gleam of light flashed in Tang Ye's eyes. In the last days, some people are new human beings with alien evolution, and some look strange, aren't they still regarded as normal people?

   Moreover, most of these people are stronger than the normal-looking new humans.

   And Xu Haihui can also make up a lie, that is, he encountered those aberrations, and then he did not die, and his body appeared strange, and doing so, over time, may allow people to accept more monsters!

   "A'Fu, you go and notify the nearest search team, send our location information and ask them to come over quickly."

"Yes." A'Fu was stunned at first, but he also thought that maybe his boss thought of a good way to do it deliberately, and he never had to think about things like this in the Peace Club, what he had to do, Always use force to convince people.


boom! Bang~bang!

In Longyang City, on a street that has been abandoned for a long time and no one has stepped on it, one hand broke out of the concrete road on the ground, and then the second hand also broke the concrete poured ground, a He grabbed the break and climbed out while supporting the body that was still on the ground.

With a few    "clicks, clicks", the owner of these two hands finally climbed to the ground from the ground, leaving a pothole.

   And this person is Lin Jie!

At this time, he had just climbed out of the ground, and his whole body was shaky. On his chest, his clothes had long been stained with blood. On his face and hands, any skin that could see the skin could be seen just growing. The wound from the bleeding scab, and the abdomen was seriously injured. The chest was pierced by some kind of sharp weapon. Looking at the injury, it was obvious that his heart had been damaged. Unless his heart grew on the right side, he would definitely die.

  But there are not so many miracles in the world. Unfortunately, his heart is like most people, it grows on the left side.

As it looks on the surface, his heart is also damaged, and it is more serious than expected. Before, when Tang Ye's flesh flap attacked him, the opponent used ten percent of his strength, which caused His heart was damaged to a great extent. It was not simply pierced, but was directly pierced. It can be said that Lin Jie's heart was literally shattered into several pieces!

However, with the powerful vitality of the seventh-order new human beings, he still survived for two hours, but he never survived. He tried his best to escape from the ground in the most stupid way, but he still couldn't stop himself. The life force in the body drains madly from the body.

"Do not!"

   Lin Jie, who had just come out, roared at the sky. His roar was no longer as crazy as before, but rather unwilling!

   This roar is not because he is reluctant to give up his life, but because he feels that there are still many people in this world who have not been punished!

   Before these people did not die, he must not die!

   Moreover, there was still a pain in his heart that was not released.

  How could he die so unwillingly?

   With this roar, a bloodshot suddenly appeared in Lin Jie's eyes. Time passed slowly, and the bloodshot was spreading wildly around the whites of his eyes.

   Gradually, Lin Jie felt that several crazy thoughts appeared in his heart! And these thoughts made Lin Jie excited in an instant, and the morbid excitement suddenly made Lin Jie laugh out loud. Speaking of which, he hasn't eaten human before?

   Would you like to try it?

  The same kind eats the same kind, will it be cruel and bloody?

Do not! of course not!

  Because on the Internet, people call themselves devils, devils are devils, how can they be humans?

   "Hehehe~" Lin Jie stood beside the pothole he climbed out of, his body suddenly bent down, slightly convulsed, his hair was disheveled, covering his face, but he could faintly see his mouth.

   With his mouth open, he let out a weird and low laughter, like the whine of a ghost from hell, and it sounded so terrifying.

   And in his eyes, there were more and more bloodshots, gradually covering his pupils.

This kind of thinking is very strange. Before, Lin Jie had never tried it before. Even if he fought with Tang Ye to bite each other before, it was just that Lin Jie felt that fighting at this level needed to be crazy, and regarded any part of his body as his own. Just a weapon.

   (end of this chapter)

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