I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1108: great or selfish

   Chapter 1108 Greatness or Selfishness

As for cannibalism, even if he is as crazy as Lin Jie, he will unconsciously feel disgusted. Only under certain special circumstances will he be a little crazy. Everyone he kills has not been eaten by him. In the past, he slowly lost his life under the torture of his cruel methods!

   However, at this moment, he actually wanted to eat someone. As soon as this idea appeared, it attracted Lin Jie's instinctive excitement, like a person who wanted to do something very meaningful when he was bored.

   He slumped down with a look of pain on his face, but he kept making "hehehe" frantic laughter.

   He really seems to be doing that, but now, as if not allowed, he is going to die...

   But, is this true? Lin Jie had imagined what he would be like when he died countless times, but none of these times when he died was normal.

He may have been killed at some point, suffocated while sleeping, drowned in water, burned to black coals in a big fire, or used by someone with the same There are many, many ways to die, but he didn't think that when he died, he would beat gongs and drums like a normal person, and die vigorously.

  Because he was not born like this, he was destined to be a person, a person with a miserable background, a person composed of all the negative emotions of the whole world!

  Compared to dying like a normal person, he would rather die silently in a corner that no one knows about until his body was discovered by someone years later.

  Speaking of which, this idea is ridiculous. It is Lin Jie who wants to make him die a little more pitiful, so as to arouse people's sympathy for him.

   But, before he dies, he must take a mad revenge! Take revenge for all your dissatisfaction with yourself!

   Push everyone to the abyss!

   He wants to use his power to tell all the people in this world that the world is actually sick! It's not right, this world comes out of killing!

  Because this is the first law that appeared at the beginning, because only the death of other life can exchange for oneself to live.

   Actually, Lin Jie didn't know when the idea appeared, but after he became this crazy, he stopped thinking about it, and started to do his own things crazy, because it made him feel happy.

  No, this doesn't seem to be happiness, but a kind of satisfaction...

   Actually, it doesn't seem to be satisfaction, but something more complicated...

   Suddenly, Lin Jie remembered a psychiatrist who was killed by him five years ago. At that time, he asked him jokingly, "I want to consult you. Is my mind normal?"

   At that time, Lin Jie did not expect that the other party would answer seriously, and it seemed to make a lot of sense, but Lin Jie didn't like his answer, because Lin Jie thought the psychiatrist's answer was direct and cowardly.

   His answer at the time was this.

"Your psychology is very different from that of normal people. From the industry we are engaged in, you are an antisocial personality, a ruthless personality disorder, indifferent to many things, and lack the emotions that many people have, so you kill people. There wasn't any psychological pressure, well...if I'm not mistaken, not only did you not feel scared the first time you killed, but you were excited."

"Sorry, looking at your smile, I seem to have guessed it. In fact, you don't need to think that you are special. Your symptoms are actually much more serious, but this type of personality disorder is very common in our society, such as soldiers, Many people have been killed in the war, and they have seen more **** scenes than ordinary people, so there is a high probability of this symptom appearing in the army."

"There is only hatred in your eyes, not for someone, but for everyone. You tell me that this world is fake, but what is real? Is it because it appeared first? This kind of thinking is actually wrong. , because to us our laws call people!"

"The reason why people are human is because of emotions. Emotions will prevent us from doing things that harm others and ourselves, but you don't. Of course, this has a deeper meaning. How can people have no emotions? You Yes! But you're a sociopath, you're so selfish, you're self-centered and you think you're doing the right thing."

"And this is also a very obvious symptom of antisocial personality. In your thinking, no matter what you think about the world, to change it, but you will never consider whether it will hurt other people, your actions will Not to be hated by everyone, in your mind, you think, you're doing all this right."

"But really? It's not because you think you're great, on the contrary, you're just running away, you can't fit into the current society, so you want to change! You're a demon, well, that's right But after all, the human world is not the living place of the devil, and the environment in which people live does not allow you to survive here for a long time, so you want to change and change this world into a world that you can adapt to.”

"You think it's great to change the world, but you are selfish! There are many people in this world who can fit into this world, but some of you can't, so you want to sacrifice most of the people who can adapt to fulfill your little ones. Some people, is this called greatness? No! It's called selfishness!"

   The words that the psychiatrist said to him were vivid in his mind. The more Lin Jie wanted to think that these words were an insult to himself, but the others were already dead, and even if he was upset, he had nowhere to vent.

At this time, Lin Jie's body twitched violently, and his consciousness became blurred. His eyes were blurred, and he couldn't find the focus. Drifting away.

   In his mind, his life starts from the beginning and ends at this moment. It seems so dreamy, making Lin Jie feel a little unreal.

The faces of the people who died in their own hands appeared in their minds, and their faces grinned at themselves. Gradually, their faces began to rot, their flesh peeled off, and their flesh and blood began to rot and turn black. When the bat's wings emerged, some people's eyes disappeared, their bodies were covered with eyes, some people's arms crossed and merged together, and some people's faces were completely occupied by a mouth, opening and closing to want to eat themselves.

  Many, many people, all of whom were killed by themselves, showed pain and begging expressions to themselves before they died.

   I believe that these people resent themselves, and at this moment, they have become monsters in their minds.

   (end of this chapter)

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