I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1109: what to look for

   Chapter 1109 What to look for

  These monsters appeared in his own mind without Lin Jie's control, making people feel that it was the ghosts of the dead who came to ask for their lives, so terrifying.

However, Lin Jie was not afraid. His eyes had already been covered with blood at this moment. In his eyes, there was no normal eye pupil color. It was scarlet scarlet. Soon, around Lin Jie's eyes, there was still a A black circle, and this black circle is also spreading towards the center of his pupil.

   Can't see emotion or focus, Lin Jie's eyes are like the eyes of a dead man.

Those eyes looked straight ahead, but he didn't actually look at anything. He looked at the people who had been killed by himself. Being watched by these undead spirits, Lin Jie was not afraid. On the contrary, his face showed great pride. His smile seemed to be saying to these undead, "Come on! Come on! Come and kill me!"

The smile on   's face became more and more presumptuous, more and more crazy, and gradually made a mocking sound of "hahaha".

The undead in their minds were not frightened by Lin Jie's arrogance. Their faces showed painful expressions, and they switched to begging from time to time. Jay's face.

   They wanted Lin Jie to repent for what he had done to them, but Lin Jie didn't do that, he was still laughing, still laughing, the laughter got louder and louder, gradually attracting zombies on the other side of the street.

They raised their heads and looked at the sky. Lin Jie's faint laughter entered their ears, and they began to move their legs. The silver armor on their feet hit the ground, making a dull "dong dong dong" sound. sound.

  The sound of the silver armors walking around attracted the attention of the others, and they followed suit. The zombies at the front also led the group of corpses behind, step by step towards Lin Jie's direction.

   On the other side, Lin Jie smiled, and stopped laughing. He started to cry. He really didn't know why, but his satisfaction was getting lower and lower.

He kills. Before the end of the world, he was a murderer who shocked the whole world. Many people compared him with the Ripper of a certain country. He killed people, partly because the people he killed offended him, and when he walked into the abyss He pushed himself directly, no matter how hard these people pushed, they were still targeted by Lin Jie.

   He didn't kill someone simply by picking up a knife, it took a long time for him to kill someone!

   Most of the time he was torturing the other person, watching the different painful expressions on the other side's face when he fell with a knife.

This was probably because Lin Jie had a problem in his heart, but after thinking about it for a long time, Lin Jie realized that what he wanted was the pain on those people's faces. Their expressions seemed to satisfy certain needs in his heart, but it seemed There are many needs to be met.

   He kept searching and finally found relief from the pain on people's faces.

   But he is just dissatisfied, thinking that this kind of satisfaction can be given less and less.

It's like playing games and fighting monsters to gain experience. At first, I felt that I gained a lot of experience, but as my level increases, I need to upgrade more and more experience. Gradually, the experience gained by these monsters is getting more and more. Less, I can't satisfy myself, but I can't find a monster that can get more experience, but this game can get more experience monsters.

That's how Lin Jie is. He gets less and less satisfaction. Even though his methods are unimaginable, the pain on the faces of those who are tortured by him is getting "less" and more and more difficult to satisfy. Will be angry, very crazy!

   The pain on the other's face doesn't seem to be the expression you want!

But he didn't know what the expression was. He wanted that expression very much, and he always expected the other party to show it himself, but he couldn't see it. The face of the person who was tortured by him was always the same to him. Begging, and the pain caused by their injuries, they begged themselves not to kill them, but as everyone knew, Lin Jie had already hated this inevitability.

He was waiting, thinking, a look of anticipation appeared on Lin Jie's face. In his mind, he seemed to be torturing another person. He needed a lot of people. At the beginning, the goal was only those who had conflicts with him before, and who had a problem with himself. Injustice, but when he got to the back, his eyes gradually focused on those innocent people.

   In Lin Jie's thoughts, these innocent people are not innocent. They may just glanced at him. In Lin Jie's opinion, they are despising themselves and thinking they are rude!

   In his mind, under his endless torture, the pain on his face became more and more, but Lin Jie was very excited, he felt that something was happening, and this thing would definitely satisfy him!

Finally, there was an expression on this man's face that he couldn't see. Lin Jie thought it was this expression, and his heart suddenly lifted. He was so excited. It was this expression, the expression he wanted to see in his dreams. !

   At this moment, Lin Jie's eyes that were identical to those of the Shining Armored Corpse suddenly burst into a gleam of light!

  Although I couldn't see it was an expression at all, but it was this, this expression that made my heart beat faster as if I saw my first love!

   But soon, Lin Jie realized that all this was just a fantasy in his mind, and his mutated eyes dimmed again.

   "No! Why! I don't want to die! I really don't want to die! I still have a lot to do! Please! Don't let me die!"

After Lin Jie realized that this moment was all hallucination, Lin Jie started to go crazy. He roared, black blood vessels appeared under his neck, the wound on his chest was squirming, and the skin seemed to be sprayed with paint at will. The same circle, began to turn out a touch of silver!

   At this moment, Lin Jie burst out with a strong desire to survive! It is not because he is afraid of death, nor is he afraid of losing anything, because there is nothing in him, there are, but all the negative emotions in this world!

  Everything is the opposite of normal

Childhood memories began to appear, scene after scene, full of pain and despair, until I met someone, and his life began to have other colors, but it didn't last long. When I grew up, reality hit him straight. On his shoulders, the person he loves the most becomes the person who hurts him the most!

  The person who loves himself is destroyed by his own hands because of the knot in his heart. It is not until the end that he realizes that he has missed too many things, and all of this is because of the person he loves!

   Overestimating his position in the other person's heart is the stupidest thing he has ever done!

   (end of this chapter)

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