I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1120: Inner Demon 2

   Chapter 1120 Inner Demon 2

  I don't know why, when the muzzle of his gun was pointed at the dense crowd swarming in the distance, Xiao Hu imagined that these people were instantly burned into coke under the powerful power of the flying python!

In his own view of himself, he thinks that he will never be a bad person, just like being evaluated by others, too honest, born to be bullied by others, he feels that at most his life is for the sake of Just survive and kill a few zombies, never kill too many living people.

   However, at the moment when the flying python in his hand was aimed at the crowd, the cruel scenes flashed in his mind made him excited.

  Xiao Hu is looking forward to how many people will be buried in the sea of ​​flames at the moment when the extremely compressed scorching flame bursts open, and even the air will be filled with the aroma of roasting human flesh!

  The screams of people will become the most beautiful symphony in the world!

Just like just now, the high temperature made the people in the small dormitory let out a terrible cry, not only the thrill of revenge, but also some kind of satisfaction in my heart, especially when I found that I was in the end of the world, and killing was just nothing It's just commonplace. At that moment, Xiao Hu seemed to know why some people like the end of the world. The original reason was this.

   The hell-like picture in his mind deepened, and more and more details were presented. Unconsciously, Xiao Hu's mouth outlined a strange and unspeakable smile, even he himself didn't know it.

   He was looking forward, looking forward to the look of despair on his face after the flames exploded, and the fear of death.

The launch port of the Flying Python was aimed at the densely crowded place. After coming here for two or three seconds, he felt that it was almost the same, so he decisively pressed the launch knob, the ignition system of the Flying Python was activated, and a little bit began to gather on the launch port. Blue light spots, more and more light spots gather, and finally form a blue light sphere.

With the sound of "huh", the recoil force made Xiao Hu, a second-order new human, unable to help but take a step back. Immediately, the ball of light escaped, and a long tail emerged from the tail, just like its name. Fly away like a flying python!

"what is that?"

   "It's a flying python!"


   The soldiers of the Second Legion below noticed the ball of light flying over from the dormitory, and they immediately showed a look of horror on their faces, and quickly spread out to the surroundings.

   But they were still a step too late. The ball of light emitted by the flying python hit the target. The ball of light spread out, and blue flames swept in. The spread flames began to heat up, and instantly changed from blue to red as blood.

The cement floor didn't last long under the high temperature and it began to soften and turn red, like magma. Flames ignited on many people's bodies, covering their bodies, running like crazy ghosts crawling out of hell. A shrill voice kept coming out of his mouth.

   Just like what Xiao Hu imagined in his mind, this scene is really like hell!


The sound of explosions sounded one after another. In Xiao Hu's eyes, a large number of soldiers of the Second Corps were blasted to a height of more than ten meters by the explosion, and their bodies were burned to smoke by the hot flames. No sound after calling.

  The flames spread everywhere, and in an instant, half of the scene was cleared. Looking at the dazzling flames, Wang Dabiao and the others did not recover for a long time.

   "It was the attack of the flying python." After a long time, only one person said a word.

   also followed his words, and others also reacted.

   "It's Xiao Hu!"

   Lao Cao shouted, now the only one holding the flying python in his hand is Xiao Hu!

   Half of the people at the scene were buried in the sea of ​​​​fire. Wang Dabiao and the others immediately stood up to fight back, grabbed the weapon from the opponent's hand, and started to attack them.

But this didn't last long. The movement caused by the two consecutive attacks by the flying pythons has already attracted the attention of the night vigil. Not long after, a mysterious person noticed the red signal light rising in the distance, and immediately understood that there was a full Armed vigils are coming this way.

   "We have to go, it will be too late if we don't go!"

   One of them shouted to Wang Dabiao and the others, and then quickly backed away, and Wang Dabiao also noticed that there seemed to be a few strong breaths in the air.

   "Quick, we have to leave, there are fifth-order new humans coming here."

Wang Dabiao shouted, there is no way, as the superpower behind Li Henian, one of the four kings, there are many strong people in the Lianhe District. Twenty sixth-order new humans, and more than that. In addition to these sixth-order new humans, there are also two vice presidents of the Peace Society and Li Henian, the president and the marshal of the joint command area, who are also seventh-order new humans, adding up to a total of The third-order new humans, such a powerful lineup, must be careful if they want to survive in the joint control area, especially the weak.

  If you are not careful, it may be a place to die without a burial!

   said, the group wanted to withdraw, but they were already too late. After the night vigil noticed the movement here, it was too late, unless they had already retreated before they were discovered by the night vigil.

Before the group had just retreated, a large number of heavily armed soldiers directly blocked all exits. Several fifth-order new humans came from different places, and the breath of those fourth-order new humans was in a group of first-, second- and third-order new humans It is so obvious.

   did not run a few steps, Wang Dabiao and the group of mysterious people stopped one after another, and a large number of soldiers appeared from around them to surround them!

"It's over!" The mysterious man saw that he and the others were surrounded by so many soldiers of the Peace Conference, and he was suddenly desperate. They did not dare to compete with the behemoth of the Peace Conference, so everyone stopped, and Seeing that the mysterious people couldn't escape, they simply ripped off the hoods they were wearing, revealing their true colors.

   "I'm going, why are you guys." After these mysterious people ripped off their hoods, some of Wang Dabiao were surprised.

In their opinion, these people who want to avenge Dingge should be the group of people who have a good relationship with Dingge, but to their surprise, these mysterious people are not related to Dingge. good person.

   "Is it worth taking such a big risk to avenge Brother Ding?"

   "Nothing is worth it, we have all received Ding's favor, and avenging him is considered to be repaying him."

  Wang Dabiao was speechless for a while, but now, no one could say anything more. Watching the soldiers around him approaching, Lao Cao could only shout to them, "Thanks, brothers."

   After Lao Cao finished saying these words, before the other party could answer, a soldier ran behind him and hit the **** of his gun directly on the head!

   (end of this chapter)

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