I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1121: Did I said wrong thing?

   Chapter 1121 Am I wrong?

The heavy blow on his head suddenly made Lao Cao dizzy. Before he could relax, the soldier behind him who attacked him with the **** of his gun kicked his leg hard and couldn't control it. , Lao Cao knelt down at once.

   "Be honest with Lao Tzu!"

   "Kneel down!"

"All on my knees!" A non-commissioned officer walked over from the group of soldiers with eyes filled with sullenness. As he walked, the murderous aura on his body became more and more intense, and the blood of a fifth-order new human was surging. It made Wang Dabiao and his party nervous.

   A powerful presence has come.

   They looked at it like this, the fifth-order new human non-commissioned officer walked all the way to himself and the others. He stood in front of them, and his military uniform highlighted the evil spirit on him.

"Which one of you is taking the lead?" Following the sergeant's words, all the surrounding soldiers raised their weapons and aimed their launchers directly at them. How could Wang Dabiao and his group feel resistance? The moment the weapon was aimed at them, everyone raised their hands, indicating that they would not resist.

After the sergeant finished speaking, Wang Dabiao looked left and right, and the mysterious people all lowered their heads. In the current situation, the sergeant asked such a question again. Obviously, if anyone admits to being the leader, then the first It was him who died!

   But now, none of the mysterious people answered, and in his dormitory, he was the head of the dormitory, and he should be the leader.

  Wang Dabiao was a little hesitant, and he was a little scared in his heart, but he seemed to be the leader, even if he didn't admit it, according to the way the Peace Club used to deal with, he would rather kill a thousand by mistake and not let one go.

   "Forget it, if you die together, you will die. If you die alone, you will die. It's better to admit it."

   After a while, Wang Dabiao's eyes showed a firm look, and then he raised his hand, ignoring the stunned and worried eyes of Lao Cao and the others, and said, "I took the lead."

  As Wang Dabiao admitted that he was the leader, all those mysterious people breathed a sigh of relief.

   Soon, the non-commissioned officer's eyes came over, and he looked straight at Wang Dabiao, pressing the evil spirit in his eyes, so that Wang Dabiao didn't dare to look at him at all.

   "You took the lead?"

   "Yes!" Wang Dabiao answered the non-commissioned officer's question with his eyes closed. He felt that after answering this question, his head would fall to the ground in the next second.

   But he came over a few seconds after he answered, the scene he imagined in his mind and the intense pain in his body did not appear, only steady footsteps came from his ears, getting further and further away.

   The non-commissioned officer standing in front of him seemed to have gone far.

   Wang Dabiao reluctantly opened his eyes, yes, that non-commissioned officer did go far.

   But soon, he turned around again, looked at himself and others, raised his head and pointed to one of the people on his side, that was Wang Dabiao's roommate, whose name was Xu Qiang.

  The sergeant said in a low voice, "You, get up."

  Xu Qiang was a little stunned, but this state didn't last long. Soon, he reacted and realized that the non-commissioned officer was referring to himself.

   "Me?" He pointed to himself, and the sergeant nodded.

   "Oh." Xu Qiang stood up.

   "I seem to know you."

   "Really?" Xu Qiang felt a little surprised when he heard this. Such a character actually knew him.

   Similarly, Xu Qiang also knew this non-commissioned officer, but the position of the other non-commissioned officer in the Peace Conference was not low, and such a person would not think that the other party would know him if he were someone else.

   Soon, Xu Qiang said again: "Oh, you took us with us when we were chasing the remnants of the Nine Songs half a year ago."

  The sergeant nodded and said again: "So, you are all members of the Peace Association?"

   "Yes." Wang Dabiao spoke at this moment.

   "That part?"

   "Report, Wang Dabiao of the Eighth Army, No. 3-33624!"

   "Report, Cao Hongzhi of the Eighth Army, No. 3-33627!"

   "Report, Xu Qiang of the Eighth Legion, No. 3-33626!"

   "Report, Eighth Legion..."

   "Report, Eighth..."

   The successive voices sounded, including the group of mysterious people, who also revealed their identities. Without exception, they were all soldiers from the Eighth Legion.

   "You are all soldiers of the Eighth Legion. If that's the case, then why..." The sergeant pointed to the dormitory building that had been devastated by the fireball shot by the flying python in the distance. The meaning of what he wanted to express was obvious.

   "We..." Wang Dabiao couldn't say it for a while, but Lao Cao on the side said directly: "We are avenging Ding Fulong."

"Avenge Ding Fulong?" The sergeant narrowed his eyes. He also had a lot of power in the Peace Conference. He naturally knew a little about Ding Fulong's death, and he knew the whole process. Just got suspicious.

"You avenged Ding Fulong, what kind of revenge? At that time, Ding Fulong was killed by Lai Yu, Chang Jinyang, and Li Zhongliang, and afterward, he was killed by your Eighth Army General. Now all three of them are dead. , what are you revenge for?"

  Yeah, the three Tier 4 new humans who killed Ding Fulong had already been beheaded by the angry Ruan Chaoen. What revenge are they taking?

Several people were dumb for a while. It was those three people who killed Ding Fulong, and those three people were also killed by Ruan Chaoen. It stands to reason that Ding Fulong's revenge has already been avenged. What are they doing? Although there are still some people who are related to Ding Fulong's death, they did not participate after all. For their lives, risking such heavy consequences to avenge Ding Fulong again is unreasonable.

For a while, everyone was silent, only Wang Dabiao frowned. They seemed to realize that they and others seemed to be brought into rhythm, which always made them feel that the remaining people who were indirectly related to Ding Fulong's death were directly The person who killed Ding Fulong.

   Only now did they realize what a stupid thing they and others did.

   Soon, Wang Dabiao thought of Xiao Hu, so to speak, Xiao Hu is not avenging Ding Fulong, but avenging those who bullied him!

   "Shit!" Those who reacted couldn't help but burst out a foul language in their hearts. They just reacted, but subconsciously they still believed that those people had an inseparable relationship with Ding Fulong's death.

   Only Lao Cao still thinks that those people are also the murderers who killed Ding Fulong.

   "But if it wasn't for them, Brother Ding wouldn't have died."

   "Old Cao, shut up!" Seeing Lao Cao's roar, the people next to him hurriedly shouted, but the next second, Lao Cao also said angrily, "Am I wrong?"

   (end of this chapter)

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