I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1129: What is a liar?

   Chapter 1129 What is a liar?

Pieces of memory began to be intertwined with Li Qingtian's original memory. A period of ordinary life without any ups and downs, without any splendor, but fully expressed the life of this sixth-order dominated zombie. At the same time, it is also the life of most people in this world. .

From son to father, from naive to mature, after becoming a father, he did the same thing as his father. Perhaps for this Yin Hang, the most exciting part of his life was that his son was admitted to the university. Live up to your expectations.

  A lot of memories entered his mind. Although it was over, the pain was still lingering in his mind, causing Li Qingtian to keep rolling back and forth on the ground, and the pain was unbearable.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the pain in Li Qingtian's brain seems to have decreased. Her body gradually became less distorted. Slowly, the distorted symptoms gradually disappeared. Li Qingtian let out a heavy breathing sound, her head was long. Her hair was completely wet with the sweat that was constantly seeping from her forehead, the flesh on her back was squirming, and Li Qingtian's voice was hoarse with weakness, and then fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, her eyes finally opened slowly, and she got up. She turned to look at the messy living room that was destroyed because of her crazy rolling. After being silent for a while, she shook her head and said. Standing up, because she evolved to the seventh rank, she did not master her power for a while, and accidentally stepped on a piece of white porcelain on the ground to smash!

   "This..." Li Qingtian was stunned, looked at his hand, clenched his fist, and secretly said: "Is this a seventh-order new human?"

   Soon, she sat down on the sofa. Even though she had a serious cleanliness addiction, she rarely ignored the mess around here.

  She sat on the sofa, and her eyes kept flashing strange expressions. After about a minute or so, she raised her hand and muttered, "What is a liar?"

   Then, her eyes became more and more bizarre.


In a dark basement, Xu Haihui carefully used a clip to take out a crystal filled with different colors. He gently shook the liquid on the crystal to ensure that there was no liquid on it, and then placed it on the flannel next to him. Be careful too much, as if this crystal is some kind of treasure.

   "It should be fine." Xu Haihai muttered, with anticipation in his eyes.

   But soon, a researcher in a white coat said, "Vice President, all the experimental subjects have been used up."

   "It's out of use, so soon?"

   "Well, how about I send someone to grab one now?"

   Xu Haihui flashed irritability in his eyes and waved his hand, but at this moment, he suddenly thought that there seemed to be a zombie walking down the street in the workshop next door, and his eyes lit up.

   "Go and catch me that mouse."

   "Huh?" The researcher was stunned for a moment, and quickly said: "But, Vice President, that's the sixth-order."

   "Don't worry, pull over!" Xu Haihai's eyes are full of madness, if he succeeds, he will create an unprecedented monster!

   Pictures kept flashing in his mind, thinking about it, Xu Haihai couldn't help showing a morbid smile on his face.

The researcher next to him was helpless, so he went out and ordered the soldiers outside. After a while, a few soldiers walked in with a huge zombie. If Tang Ye was here, he would find that this The zombie is the giant zombie mouse tamed by Xu Haihui. It is the zombie that was controlled by Tang Ye to play the striker when he led the mercenary guild to attack the Peace Conference tonight.

   "Come here, quickly pull him over."

Seeing this zombie, Xu Haihai became more and more excited, and involuntarily raised his hand. He forcibly pulled out the input tube connected to a device on his back. This lunatic not only used other zombies for experiments, but also Take yourself as an experimental target, just to create a zombie with strange abilities.

   He has always been keen to combine all the abilities of zombies into one zombie to create an almighty super zombie!

   However, for such a long time, most of the results made Xu Haihui not very satisfied, and the only few successes were just petty troubles.

   "Release it." Xu Haihai said, then walked to the sixth-order zombie giant rat, uttered a strange syllable, and pointed to the experimental bench next to it.


The    giant mouse was very obedient, and following Xu Haihui's order, he walked towards the place where Xu Haihui let it go.

The staff around    divided the above locking traps around the zombie giant rat's head, waist and its limbs, and fixed it firmly.

"Let's start." Xu Haihai said, and a group of staff next to him responded. One of them pulled out a tube about the length of an index finger from behind. The teeth on the top began to rotate, and he held the tube. Two or three times, the child climbed onto the body of the sixth-order corpse mouse, and inserted the tube into the body of the giant mouse.

  Black-red blood flowed out as the tube was inserted into his body, but was quickly squeezed back by the air pressure inside.

Xu Haihai nodded, took out a container from the side, kept adding liquid to it with an extractor, and various colors began to fill the container. Then, Xu Haihai picked up every colored crystal just now, and carefully placed this crystal. The crystals are thrown into the container.

The colored crystals come into contact with the liquid in the container, and bubbles keep popping out of them. The colored crystals dissolve rapidly in the liquid, and finally merge with the liquid inside. The colors merge with each other and become a strange combination of colors. .

  Xu Haihui poured all these liquids into the card slot on the equipment in front of him, and the staff not far away shouted: "Open!"

Then, the device was turned on, the liquid poured into the card slot began to decrease a little bit, and the tube inserted into the zombie giant rat began to flow with liquid, and the liquid entered the zombie giant rat little by little along the input tube. in the body.

   After a while, the zombie giant rat let out a roar, and there was pain in the sound. Obviously, these liquids entered its body and made it feel very uncomfortable.

   "Increase the power!" Xu Haihai didn't care about the pain of the zombie giant mouse at all, and his eyes were still excited.

The    device began to increase the output, the liquid level in the card slot quickly decreased, and gradually, the zombie giant rat's body began to twist.

   "Come on, I supported it for three minutes, and my performance was better than any of the previous experimental subjects."

   "Continue!" Xu Haihui became more and more excited.

   With his voice, the liquid in the card slot decreased at a faster rate, the zombie giant rat's body distorted more and more seriously, and the staff on the side kept ringing the countdown.

   (end of this chapter)

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