I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1130: Not low

   Chapter 1130 The position is not low

   "Vice President, it's four minutes and twenty-seven seconds!"

"Very good!" Xu Haihai was overjoyed, this is a super long record. For a long time, since the first zombie he experimented with, no zombie could last for three minutes, but this giant zombie rat still held on. Four minutes passed! How could this not be a surprise?

   "Four minutes and thirty-three seconds!"

   "Four minutes and thirty-four seconds!"

   "Four minutes and thirty-five seconds!"

The staff had to read the stopwatch every second, and at five minutes and seventeen seconds, the giant zombie rat suddenly stopped twisting, and a staff member who was watching the data in his body suddenly changed his face: "No. Well, the pressure in its body has exceeded expectations!"

   "What?" Xu Haihai was startled, and hurriedly shouted: "Quick! Stop!"

   "Yes!" Those staff hurriedly operated the equipment to stop the continued experiment on the zombie giant rat.

"I'm going!" Just when the equipment was stopped, a staff member couldn't help but exclaimed. The next second, the giant zombie rat's huge body began to swell. The child exploded, and the rotten internal organs flew around. In the air, an unidentifiable stench began to emit, leaving everyone present in a battlefield full of dead people. "Damn it!" Xu Haihai couldn't help roaring as he watched the giant zombie rat explode.

   Failed again!

   His face was gloomy, and there was a gambler's look in his eyes. He wanted to try again, and he thought so in his heart, and it became more and more determined as time passed.

   But soon, a soldier walked to Xu Haihai's side, and the words that came out of his mouth directly dispelled Xu Haihai's idea of ​​continuing to try again.

   "Vice President, the people from Tokatsu Heji have been waiting outside for a long time."

  Xu Haihui nodded, suppressed the excitement and unwillingness in his heart, and asked, "Where are they now?"

   "Just in the manor."

   "Yeah." Xu Haihai replied, but seemed absent-minded. If Tang Ye had not forced Tang Ye the task of receiving the Dongsheng Hezhi mission, he would not have wanted to go even if he was beaten to death.

"Let's go." After Xu Haihai said these two words, he looked at the researchers wearing white coats in the workshop and said, "You guys clean up this place, I'll be back as soon as I go, and by the way, ask people to do more experiments. Come over."

   "Yes!" All the researchers responded respectfully, and then began to get busy.

   On the other side, when Xu Haihui and a group of soldiers went out of the underground experiment, they got into a military vehicle, started the engine, made a roar, and went to the place where the Dongsheng Hezhi mission was located.

  Shanshui Manor was the residence arranged by the Liantong District when the Dongsheng Hezhi Mission arrived. At this time, many people were already surrounded by the manor.

Most of these people are residents of the Liantong District. These people don't know where they know that there are big people from outside holding a banquet, and banquets are not common before the end of the world. It is only popular among people in the upper classes.

   In these last days, things like banquets are even rarer. The most important thing is that I heard that there are a lot of good things at this banquet. When the big people inside are gone, the residents outside can still drink a little soup.

   After a while, the crowd began to roar.

   "Come on, everyone, get out of the way!"

  People looked outside and saw a Peace Society military vehicle slowly approaching the manor. Seeing this vehicle, people quickly made way for it.

   "It's the vice president!"

   "He is the vice president of the Peace Club."

  People were noisy, watching the car enter the manor surrounded by people.

   A large number of soldiers from the Peace Society appeared, separated the crowd, and looked at everything around them with serious faces.

The military vehicle stopped in the manor. Xu Haihai got out of the car and looked around. Although he didn't come here very often, he was familiar with it. In addition to the soldiers of the Peace Club, there were a group of unfamiliar faces in the Shanshui Manor at this moment. Wearing a black exoskeleton suit with a diamond-shaped shield logo on his chest, a soldier of Dongsheng Hezhi.

The exoskeleton suits on these soldiers are somewhat familiar to Xu Haihui, the hunter exoskeleton suits, but the difference is that if you look closely, you will find these hunter exoskeleton suits and those of the former mercenary guild in the Lian-controlled area. The details of the hunter-killer exoskeleton suit on the rebel are a little different.

It is very likely that the hunter-killer exoskeleton suits worn by the rebels of the former mercenary guild in the Liantong District were not officially sold by Dongsheng Hezhi. In the last days, for any force, the more advanced the equipment is, the more it needs to be kept secret. For the sake of a little benefit, you have to lose your vitality. That is something only a fool will do.

   Not only the guard soldiers of Dongsheng Hezhi, but also the sweet-looking beauties at the entrance of the manor, wearing cheongsam to show their attractive appearance.

   This kind of scene makes people wish that they are the big man who holds the power of one party, but the reality is so tragic, such people always belong to that small group of people.

   "The platoon is quite big!" Looking around, Xu Haihui couldn't help expressing such emotion, and then walked in with someone.

As soon as he entered a large building in the manor, a man brought a large group of people towards him. With a bright smile on his face, Xu Haihai looked at him and kept collecting information about this man in his mind. , I soon knew that this man was the master of Dongsheng Hezhi!

The name of the master of Dongsheng Hezhi is Miao Luo, and he is now forty-one years old, but he looks like he has just passed his 30s. He has a slightly round face, double chin, and smiles. A very kind feeling.

   But in the last days, such people need to be more on guard.

  Miao Luo smiled silently, and strode to Xu Haihui. As soon as they met, she took Xu Haihui's hand and shook it up and down.

"Hello, hello, my surname is Miao, my full name is Miao Luo, and I am the current mayor of Dongsheng Hezhi." This kind of smile seems to be abnormally fake and hypocritical!

   It's like seeing someone you don't know, but the other party's status is much higher than your own, so you have to nod and bow to him to get the other party's initial goodwill towards you.

Xu Haihai touched his nose and replied lightly: "The current mayor, oh, this position is not low, I actually came here in person, but I am disappointed you, I am not the president, the president has more important things I have to do it, I don't have time to come."

   "That's it, it's okay, can you tell me your identity? Let me have a good idea."

   (end of this chapter)

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