I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1131: To the point

   Chapter 1131 Enter the topic

   Hearing what Xu Haihui said, the faces of the people behind Miao Luo suddenly turned gloomy, but they didn't dare to last for too long. After all, this was in other people's territory. As one of the four great kings of China, this was not something to be offended by.

   However, Miao Luo's face didn't change, as if he didn't care about Xu Haihui's position and status in the Peace Conference.

   "Of course, I am Xu Haihai, the vice president of the Peace Society. I believe this position will not disappoint you."

Miao Luo nodded, the smile on his face brightened a bit, a vice-chairman of the Peace Society, after all, is one of the three major seventh-order new humans of the Peace Society, and he is only a sixth-order new human, a seventh-order new human is willing to Seeing yourself is already enough to give yourself face.

   And comparing the strength of the two sides, the overall strength of the Peace Club is much higher than that of Dongsheng Hezhi.

   "No, no, we are here this time, and we have important things to say. As long as someone arrives, it's fine. Vice President Xu, please come and take a seat. We have everything ready."

  Xu Haihui nodded and walked first, followed by Miao Luo and all the members of the Dongsheng Hezhi regime.

After entering from the lobby of the front desk, there is a large banquet hall. In the apocalypse, this place was a venue for couples to get married. Now, there is only a long table in the center of the entire venue, which is covered with The red cloth, and the red cloth was filled with all kinds of delicacies, and the scene was simply arranged, which barely looked like a banquet.

But at this time of the apocalypse, no one will care about such randomness. After all, in the apocalypse, people's values ​​are very different from those before the apocalypse. Compared with the grandeur and grandeur that the upper-class people liked to pay attention to before the apocalypse, people in the apocalypse are more Pay attention to what's on the table.

   In troubled times, there are thousands of dollars, not to mention the end times?

  Xu Haihui walked to the front of the table and turned around, seeing a lot of things on the table.

"My good guy, the writing is really big." After a while, Xu Haihai sighed in his heart. The things on this table can already be compared with those of the banquets before the end of the world. Before the end of the world, very few people could afford it, but in the end of the world, he actually took it out. He was very particular. It can be seen that this man named Miao Luo had a high social status before the end of the world.

   However, under such a world view, what is the purpose of bringing out such cherished delicacies of Asian gold value that can be used by hundreds of people for a lifetime? Of course it's asking for help!

  Xu Haihui flashed a little light in his eyes, nodded to Miao Luo, and said, "Okay, sit down."

   "Sit and sit!" Miao Luo still had that kind of smile on his face, very bright, and he couldn't see any haze. He came to the main seat and helped Xu Haihai to open the seat on the main seat.

  Xu Haihui was not polite, and sat down with a butt, and then Miao Luo and several others also sat down one after another.

  As they took their places, the soldiers who came together blocked the entrance. The soldiers of the Peace Conference were not polite at all, and they all stepped forward and drove all the soldiers of Dongsheng Hezhi out.

   "What are you doing?"

   "There is an important meeting inside, you have to go out."

   "What about you guys?"

   "We don't have to worry about you."

   The non-commissioned officers of the Peace Club had a tough attitude, the blood energy of the fifth-order new human beings swayed, and there was always a surging evil spirit in their eyes, which seemed to be violent at any time.

   Dongsheng Hezhi in front of him was subconsciously fearful. This group of Peace Corps soldiers had obviously participated in many battles. At any stop, the killing intent could not be released involuntarily.

He reluctantly looked at Miao Luo over there. The other party obviously knew what happened here, but he didn't seem to care. He still smiled and said something to Xu Haihui. After a while, he turned to look. To this side, casually said: "Go out, we will have nothing to do, this is the territory of the South China hegemon, we came with sincerity, and something happened here, I believe it is also disrespectful to the South China hegemon Li Henian?"

   "Of course, no one dares to attack you here." Xu Haihai said casually.

   Immediately afterwards, Mr. Miao Luo chatted with Xu Haihui about some unimportant things, and they talked about interesting things about some people, such as those who followed him to the Liantong District, and at the same time, there were also some interesting things about his childhood.

These things are not nutritious, but the scary thing is that Xu Haihui has something happened. Miao Luo grasped the laughing points of each link in these interesting little stories, and people couldn't help but explore what will happen in the future What kind of fun.

  Xu Haihui listened to Miao Luo's chatter, which caused people to laugh from time to time, and even the soldiers of the Peace Conference around were infected by the smiles on the faces of these laughter people and began to hold back their laughter.

  Xu Hairen also laughed along with the people, probably because of the zombies, he soon felt that this kind of story was boring, and the smile on his face gradually faded.

He picked up the last piece of food he had never eaten with chopsticks in his hand and chewed it in his mouth for a while. His brows were slightly wrinkled. No one knew how many times Xu Haihai had frowned in these ten minutes. .

At this moment, in Xu Haihui's mind, these so-called treasured delicacies are actually the same, but the memories in his mind have already explained to him that these precious ingredients, the chefs who cook them use their greatest strength to stimulate their original flavors. , So the seasonings are generally very particular, and Xu Haihui's taste is similar to that of Tang Ye Afu, and he can eat the taste that humans can taste, but in their mouths, this taste will be weakened several times.

   Therefore, in Tangye, when they eat human food, they will feel a little dull, and even feel like chewing wax.

  Because of this, Tang Ye and several people prefer to eat some heavy flavors when they eat food, either extremely sour, extremely salty, or extremely spicy!

   Anyway, no matter how spicy, sour, or salty, in the mouths of zombies, these flavors will be diluted a lot, so that humans can taste the deliciousness.

   And here, the delicacies that Xu Haihai ate seemed very bland in his mouth, so he didn't feel very good.

   After finishing all the food, Xu Haihui hummed, interrupting Miao Luo's speech.

   "Mayor Miao." Xu Haihai put down his chopsticks and shouted to Miao Luo, who quickly turned his attention.

   "Vice President, what's the matter, you don't feel satisfied with the dishes, don't worry..."

   Before Miao Luo finished speaking, she was interrupted again by Xu Haihui.

   "Okay Mayor Miao, I don't think I have heard so many stories from you, let's get to the point."

   (end of this chapter)

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