I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1190: String our hearts together

   Chapter 1190 String our hearts together

   "The Corpse Dragon... The Corpse Dragon has come in!"

"Ask for support! The corpse dragon has entered the industrial zone. It is a sixth-order corpse creature with a body length of more than 320 meters and an estimated body diameter of more than six meters. The gap between the quantity and reference is too large. If this continues, it will cause serious consequences... Phew~ Request the Sky City Command to send support!"


   "Request Support! Request Support!"

   "Please state your current situation clearly."

   "Go to Nima!"

   "The industrial area is asking for support, because the sixth-order corpse creatures have entered the industrial area. The comparison of the quantity is 1:32.71. The gap is too large. Our situation is not good, please support quickly."

   "Go away! Leave it alone!"

  The soldiers walked past the doctor one by one, their footsteps panicking. The exoskeleton armor hit the ground and made a "bang bang bang" sound. In the doctor's ears, this was not a noisy sound, but a symphony. Filled in any corner of the world.

   After an unknown amount of time, a woman walked in front of him. Under the dim light, he saw the woman smiling miserably, but there was no expression in his eyes.

   The doctor struggled to raise a hand, this action seemed to have exhausted all the strength in his life, just as he raised it, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

   "Weier...I'm sorry for you..."

The other party didn't speak, and walked over silently. The girl's face lost her previous intelligence, only the sluggishness of a walking corpse. She walked in front of the doctor step by step, and then her whole body softened and fell into the other party's arms. The doctor He hugged each other tightly and refused to let go.

   The figures of the two are connected together, forming the most poignant picture in the shadows, which may be their dullest moment in the end times.

   But in the end times, this blandness is not destined to last long. Soon, a figure limped in with a crazy smile in his eyes.

   "Little bastard, you still want to kill me, why? You want to avenge your little girl friend, hehe~ that's just you? Go to hell!"

   This figure is holding a big three-meter-long gun in his hand, and the tip of the gun exudes a little cold light.

   He had very little luck. When the corpse dragon suddenly emerged from the ground, he was only hit by the corpse dragon's scaly body, and did not die directly in the corpse dragon's mouth like other companions.

But thinking about the doctor's behavior, and the strange expression he showed in the medical center before, he almost knew the reason. This girl may be a very important person to this doctor, and he raped him like this. The girl, if it wasn't for the most important person to him, would be impossible to hold back.

   He also admires the courage of the doctor. A fourth-order new human wants to kill himself, a sixth-order new human. The courage is good, but it is too ridiculous.

   But it was also because of this doctor, otherwise so many of his comrades would not have died on the corpse dragon's mouth!

The strong all have a commonality, which cannot be seen before the end of the world, but in the end of the world, or in other worldviews that value strength, in the face of the weak, the dignity of the strong cannot be desecrated, and his courage makes him this sixth-order. The newcomers felt a little offended.

   A fourth-order new human, how dare he?

He waved the long spear in his hand and limped towards the two of them. Every step he took would leave a blood-red footprint on the ground. If he took a closer look, he would find that his feet were bare and had been It was so corroded that it was sunken, and even the bones in it could be seen.

   He came to face the two of them. The doctor didn't look at him. The girl turned her back to him and was relatively silent. After a while, a crazy smile appeared on the other side's face.

   "Hey hey hey, what a pair of desperate couples, I was moved by it."

As he said that, he looked at the girl again. Her clothes had just been torn to shreds by himself, and large areas of snow-white skin were exposed, and there were many bruises that he had pinched out. These bruises Inadvertently aroused some madness in his heart.

   This pair of mandarin ducks is really enviable, but envy is probably jealousy, just like every single dog hates couples who show affection.

Possibly to anger these two people, he smirked at the girl and said, "It's been so many years since the end of the world, I didn't expect there to be a virgin, tsk tsk tsk, this tastes really wonderful." Then he added Looking at the doctor, he provocatively said: "Speaking of which, your girlfriend is really moist, hehehahahaha~"

His laughter sounded, he thought that the two would be irritated by him, and then recklessly killed him, but he was surprised again. The laughter continued for a while, and he had nothing but to hear his own laughter. sound.

   A sense of embarrassment struck, looking at the pair of men and women, seeing that they were indifferent to him, not even looking at him, which made a monstrous anger in his heart, and nothing was more irritating than ignoring.

   "Damn! Go to hell!"

   The reaction of the two completely angered the strong man. He hated this feeling very much. Shouldn't the two of them fight with themselves? And then killed by himself here, and before the doctor dies, he can have another piston show under his desperate and painful gaze.

   But it was completely different from what he imagined. The two of them didn't react at all, making the other feel powerless like a fist hitting the cotton.

   He roared and waved his spear with a deep killing intent in his eyes. The spear attacked with an aura that would tear everything apart. The two people in front of him didn't hide, or they couldn't hide at all.

The strong wind lifted by the sixth-order new human powerhouse blew the girl's shoulders, and the only remaining clothes on her body were completely shattered by the strong wind. The heart of the doctor pierced through the other side of the body, penetrated into the doctor's body, and happened to be inserted into his heart.

  Puff! puff!


   The two of them spit out a smear of blood, one from the chest and the other from the back. The two hearts were strung together by a long spear, and finally smashed against the wall, stirring up dust.

   "Damn it!"

Killing two people with one blow, the other party still harbors lingering resentment. Sometimes, killing people can't bring enough pleasure to him. For example, at this moment, he wants to smash the bodies of the two people, but his A set of actions has beented too much time, and the corpse dragon has already looked at him!

After swallowing the seven powerhouses in one breath, the foreign powerhouses next to them were also alarmed and jumped up to attack the corpse tide, but they didn't fight for a while. When he touched the body of the corpse dragon, he suddenly slumped on the ground, twitching all over, and then was swallowed by the corpse dragon in one mouthful.

   (end of this chapter)

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