I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1191: Demon Dragon 1

   Chapter 1191 Demon Dragon 1


   A sixth-order foreign powerhouse who had just attacked was knocked out by the corpse dragon. No matter whether other powerhouses attacked him or not, the corpse dragon roared excitedly and rushed towards that person.

   The strong man who just killed two desperate mandarin ducks has not come to pull out his weapons, and a huge shadow will cover him all!

   At this moment, a picture instantly appeared in his mind, and because of this picture, his body also became stiff, and the breath of death wrapped his body, to death!

"No...I...I don't want..." He muttered to himself in horror. Before he could finish speaking, the corpse dragon would bite down a building with one mouth, and the whole building collapsed to the ground. , drowned one body after another.

This sixth-order powerhouse, along with the two miserable mandarin ducks, was swallowed by the corpse dragon with this large amount of cement stones. He may have noticed that the enemy was also facing Miao with the **** of death. The doctor's completely lifeless face revealed a touch. smile.


Another strong man was swallowed, and there were only five strong men left, and all of them were seriously injured, and, by now, they also discovered that the corroded wounds on their bodies not only did not show signs of healing, on the contrary It got worse in the eyes!

   They were in a bad mood. After the corpse dragon swallowed the miserable mandarin duck and the strong man, they only dared to surround themselves. No one dared to go forward and start the gun easily. There are more than 30 sixth-order strong men, how many are left now?


   This is already a major loss for Yunxia Base! Although those strong foreigners are not valuable and are not regarded by others, they are also sixth-order new human beings.

   "Withdraw, if this continues, we will all die."

   "The sapiens above have already applied for the use of Aurora Breathers."

   The five powerhouses had panic on their faces. In front of a sixth-order corpse dragon of such magnitude, its strength could beat thirty-three sixth-order new human beings.


The long and long roar seemed to come from the ancient times, and the cloud circled the entire Yunxia base. In the safe area, people gathered in the square, looking desperately at the dragon body that had just risen. On the high platform, Su Sigui looked into the distance. Chu Julong, there is no expression on his face.

   The long sword in his hand was deeply pierced into the ground, just like the blade, the grip reflected a stunning cold light with the flickering lights in the distance, corresponding to the tall body of the dragon in the distance.

   "Prepare for the storm!"

With the movement of the corpse dragon, a storm spread out with its body as the center. People saw that on the battlefield in the distance, one building after another was torn apart by the storm, and all kinds of debris were in the air. fly.

   From the city of the sky, there are constantly strong people riding down the aircraft. In the square, there are many strong people, and the air is full of amazingly powerful blood.

   Even though the people here are separated by dozens of kilometers, they can still see the wind and waves blowing from a distance.

With the reminder of the powerhouses here, many people were ready, but at the moment the storm hit, many ordinary people were directly lifted into the air, and some low-level newcomers couldn't control their figures. , was blown to keep sliding back.

   The destructive power of the sixth-order new humans is quite terrifying, which is why many survivor bases do not allow new humans to fight in their respective management areas. No one can sustain this kind of loss for long.

   "Captain, when did you pass?" a sixth-order powerhouse asked the other.

   "There is no order from above, so don't rush."

   The other person who was being questioned said, his eyes fixed on the distance. After a while, the communicator on his waist rang, he opened it, and a man's voice came from inside.

   "You can go, be careful, if the situation is wrong, report it immediately."

   "Yes." The sixth-order new human replied, but in the next second, exclamations erupted from the crowd.

"I go!"

   "Nima, what's the situation?" Everyone's faces were shocked, and they looked east in surprise.

Those powerhouses noticed this strange scene and looked up at the place, and saw the giant dragon in the distance rising high, because it was already night, the sun had completely set on the mountain, and under the lights in the Yunxia Base , is also confused to see the figure of the corpse dragon. After all, it is too difficult not to be noticed by such a big one.

   But at this time, the body of the corpse dragon began to emit red light, and a circle of purple lighted up on its head, which illuminated its figure so clearly.

   The corpse dragon that swallowed a sixth-order new human once again released a lot of white air from its body, and its body was also changing. Song Muyuan, who was on its head, was not stupid, and immediately understood what was going on.

   This is about to evolve!

"What's the matter, you are evolving at this time, and you want to kill me!" Song Muyuan didn't feel any surprise about this. On the contrary, he was very flustered. Most zombies evolve into a dormant period under normal circumstances, and during this time , is the most vulnerable time of zombies. Once unconscious, it will be completely unconscious. Even if someone comes, don't want to wake up. At that time, wait for people to be slaughtered and take out the evolutionary crystals in their brains.


The corpse dragon roared up to the sky, the flesh and blood on its body was still wriggling. The boundary between the abdomen and the body was a line, and the scales on both sides began to be separated by a distance of four or five centimeters. Its flesh and blood were torn apart during evolution, and the black blood inside It flowed out loudly.

  The thick pus and blood in the big beach drowned many people. Then, the flesh and blood mingled with each other and turned into two organs that looked like electric eel fins, but if you look closely, you will find that they are a little different.

The flesh and blood on the corpse dragon's head also wriggled at the same time, growing one after another with pustules, which actually stretched the scales on it. The black blood on the corpse dragon, people covered their noses and retreated to the back.

The changes of    during this period of time made the corpse dragon, which looked infinitely heroic, suddenly ugly. Without the scales and armor on its head, it turned into a dense pustule, which is disgusting no matter how you look at it.


   "You move your sister!"

   The corpse dragon roared, and it could be heard that it was in pain right now, its body was twisting frantically, and many buildings were instantly smashed into powder by its body! Song Muyuan held onto a piece of scale armor that was propped up by a pustule but did not fall off, making sure that he would not fall off the corpse dragon, and cursed at the same time.

   The corpse dragon entered the second corpse-prevention wall without dying. With its power, it was entirely possible to retreat here, but Song Muyuan was different.

These days, I went to learn to drive, and I went to work, typed words, and went to driving school. I was lined up all day, and I couldn’t get there. I couldn’t help my parents saying that a big man who doesn’t have a driver’s license and doesn’t find a girlfriend is a waste, I really I threw up, it's very emotional anyway.

The author is from a rural area. In my hometown, I was married when I was 18 years old. At 20 years old this year, I haven't even touched a girl's hand. When I go back, my relatives will talk about these things every day, which is very annoying. It’s really hard to think about these things. Maybe I’ve just entered the lying flat on the Internet. I don’t want to think about too many things. I just want to read novels and code words for the rest of my life, but my parents’ thoughts and traditional concepts do not allow me to do this. ah~

   The leader at work has a lot of shit, and it’s a comfortable time to code when I get back from work. Now I have added a driving school car. I have to worry about whether the second and third subjects will fail. I really live in Bengbu!

   In short, I've been a little busy these days, and my mind can't be free to think about the plot. When I started, the feeling of blocking came again, so I might have to ask for leave again one day.

   Sigh~ I shouldn't have asked for leave for such a thing, but I really did what I said at that time, there are countless times when I ask for it for the first time...

   I'm sorry, everyone, thank you for your continued support and concern.



   (end of this chapter)

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