I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1192: Demon Dragon 2

   Chapter 1192 Demon Dragon 2

Although Re Song Mu was originally a sixth-order zombie, in addition to his mental control power that was dozens of times that of other sixth-order zombies, its combat indicators were only barely in the fifth-order index, and even some aspects were not as good as Fifth grade.

   And below, the sixth-order powerhouse was beaten to death by the corpse dragon, and the wounds... oh... No, there are no injuries, in fact, it is no different from death.

After all, the bodies of the five sixth-order new human beings who are still alive below have been corpse to varying degrees. It may not be long before there will be five more sixth-order zombies in the world, but even so, there are still a lot of them below. The fifth-order new human beings fall by themselves, and with their own strength, they can't get out at all.

   Therefore, he did not dare to fall, once the corpse dragon entered the dormant period, it would be a very terrifying thing for Song Muyuan!

   "Why don't you sleep!" Song Muyuan shouted angrily.

The long body of the corpse dragon swayed wildly on the street, and those buildings were swept away by the waist under such terrifying power. The roar from its mouth gradually became hoarse, making the faces of the surrounding people distorted, and such a sound entered the ears. , completely unbearable, this feeling is like a person holding a piece of sandpaper and scraping **** your eardrum, scraping off your eardrum little by little!

   For a while, many people fell to the ground, their bodies rolling back and forth like a corpse dragon, and wisps of bright blood flowed out of some people's ears.

Song Muyuan was hanging behind the corpse dragon's neck, his hand firmly grasping the strong scale armor, and as the corpse dragon's sturdy and super long body twisted, his body also swayed left and right. Like the people below, his face was distorted to the extreme, and he obviously couldn't stand the sound of the corpse dragon.

  The powerhouses in the central area of ​​the ground city of the Yunxia Base have gathered, and a large number of soldiers and their respective armored vehicles with devastating weapons are coming towards them.

   Corpse Dragon didn't notice, but Song Muyuan did.

   He couldn't take it anymore, and kept sending EEG messages to the corpse dragon, trying to wake him up.

   "Get out here."

Song Muyuan's EEG information was imprinted in the mind of the corpse dragon like a few dazzling characters. Originally, Song Muyuan had no hope. immune to its own control.

   But soon, he also received a message in his mind, which directly made Song Muyuan sluggish.

   "I... it hurts! Shut up!"


   On Song Muyuan's sluggish face, there were waves in his heart!

   What does it feel like to transmit the EEG information of zombies in your mind? In short, this feeling is very strange, it is difficult to explain this feeling.

   is like an obscure and incomprehensible text symbol passed into his mind in an audio way. Even if he doesn’t understand, after these sounds sound, he seems to understand himself, so he can understand it all at once.

   But to be more precise, this is not a sound, it is more like the words that were suddenly engraved in my mind at that moment, entering my mind as a voice without sound.

It is not only to understand what the other party is trying to express, but also to express the emotions of the other party clearly, and the EEG information of the corpse dragon's sentence "I... hurts, shut up!" contains the corpse dragon and its Impatient emotion.

Song Mu was originally a wise zombie. When he had wisdom, the other zombies were a bunch of idiots to him. It could be said that his wise zombie was a different species from those without wisdom, but the body structure was the same, as if Humans are the same as those beasts.

   After a while, the cognition of these things became common sense in Song Muyuan's mind. Other zombies were different from him, and there was a big difference.

But now, this piece of EEG information sent by Zylong actually contains a bit of wisdom, which makes Song Muyuan feel extremely surprised. This kind of feeling is as if you have raised cats and dogs of seven or eight years in your house for five or six years. Suddenly one day Talk to you like a normal person, wouldn't it be surprising?

"You..." Song Muyuan was sluggish for a while, but quickly reacted. It seems that the corpse dragon is indeed evolving. It is leaping from the sixth-order level to the seventh-order level, and its intelligence will also increase. The commanded area also spent a lot of time. Although those high-level leaders in the United Commanded District were all commanding zombies disguised as human beings, after all, the United Commanded District was a sheltered city for human beings, and generally speaking, it was an area where humans lived.

In human society, Song Muyuan had of course understood how zombies came to be. He also knew that as the level of zombies continued to increase, their intelligence would also increase. Logically, the intelligence of zombie dragons is now around eleven or twelve years old. Think like a normal human being.

"Hey, you can't faint here, otherwise there are thousands of ways for those people below to kill us! Also, I can have very important things here, does the boss know? It's Li Henian, I'm dead You will suffer too."

Song Muyuan said that Li Henian, the corpse dragon's huge dragon eyes showed a strange look, to the corpse dragon, Tang Ye was a very special existence, as if he was born his own master, that man in front of him, has an absolute Command power, its memory starts from the sixth order, and the previous memory is blank. It only knows that what that person says, it must go, and, subconsciously, it is very afraid of that person, the other party's words, it can't There is the slightest resistance, and there seems to be a voice telling him that his orders must be carried out, and if they are not carried out, they will die!

   In short, this kind of feeling is very strange, just like the parents who have just been born, but the existence of Tang Ye is not as kind as parents, more like the relationship between subordinates and subordinates.

"Let's go quickly, the big troops over there are all here." Song Muyuan urged. The soldiers who rushed over from the ground of Yunxia Base to the central area were all wearing exoskeleton suits that didn't look simple. Obviously, he let the corpse tide madly destroy the agricultural products in the agricultural area, which has made the senior management of Yunxia Base anxious, and they are doing their best to stop the corpse tide. The fields in the district have isolation belts, which can effectively stop zombies. Of course, these isolation belts will not block zombies. They are all surrounded by glass and iron fences. In the face of high-level zombies, these things and water tofu There is no difference.

   However, the zombies are not interested in the crops inside. As long as there is no one inside, the zombies will secretly follow the road set by the people to attack the second anti-corpse wall, which will not cause damage to the farmland area.

   (end of this chapter)

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