I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1193: Demon Dragon 3

   Chapter 1193 Demon Dragon 3

   Even if the corpse tide caused damage to the farmland area, the damage would not be great, that is, the zombies accidentally crushed a few ears of wheat. After all, the zombies are not very interested in vegetarian food.

   But this time is different, the target of the corpse tide is nakedly exposed, which is the plants in the farmland! The reason is very simple. This corpse tide is controlled by humans, and this "human" knows how to maximize the loss of Yunxia Base.

Generally, when Yunxia Base faces the corpse tide, all its armaments will be divided into two parts. The first part is to block the corpse tide that has not yet entered the Yunxia Base. The three lines of defense are broken in turn, and then transferred to Sky Continent, and the second part is the armament force in Sky Continent, mainly to shrink the corpse tide below after the fall of the ground city, and then more effectively annihilate the corpse tide. After all, the corpse tide usually attacks in one direction. The Gap Base has strong troops, and gathering all the troops to resist the corpse tide will lose a certain action effect, so it is necessary to divide the military force into two parts, and then transfer the personnel to the sky city with the greatest effect when the ground city falls.

Normally, those corpse tides would be wiped out in the third line of defense, and the result of the fall of ground cities would rarely happen, but this time is different. The zombies target agricultural areas, which means that the corpse tide only needs Destroy this huge agriculture, and the person who controls the corpse tide can let go.

This is a serious matter. The top management of Yunxia Base can only transfer all military forces to the ground cities to resist the tide of corpses and minimize the losses in the agricultural area. There are too many people in Yunxia Base. Once a large-scale famine occurs, the consequences are simply Regardless of imagination.

   No one doubts that the madness driven by the famine will give people the courage to challenge the upper levels of Yunxia Base.


   Song Muyuan shouted again, looking at the rows of thick muzzles that were approaching from a distance, even though Song Muyuan was a zombie, he couldn't help but feel terrified.

  Perhaps aware of the seriousness of the matter, the corpse dragon also roared up to the sky, ignoring the pain caused to his body due to evolution, danced this long and huge body and slowly rose into the air.

   Watching the giant dragon leave the ground and in front of the soldiers who came to support, dozens of strong men burst into an astonishing light in their eyes.

"Don't let it escape. With such a large number of Tier 6 zombies, the evolutionary crystallization taken out by killing is at least this big!" One of the strong men drew a circle with his hand, almost the size of a truck tire. Such a large evolutionary crystallization is enough. Let Yunxia Base's economy recover to half!

   With the words of this strong man, the other sixth-order new humans around also burst into the light called greed.

   Such a huge sixth-order evolutionary crystallization, who wouldn't be tempted?

   Watching the giant dragon rise higher and higher, no one wants to slow down, those powerful new human powerhouses jumped up directly and ran towards the direction the corpse dragon was about to leave!

   "Stop the corpse dragon!"


  The soldiers let out a thunderous roar, and their roar also shocked the morale of the soldiers in front of them who were preventing the corpse tide from destroying the farmland.

   In the sky, I don't know how many fighter planes flew past, flying towards the corpse dragon at high speed, and there was a chill in the air.

   "Hurry up!" Song Muyuan shouted anxiously.

The corpse dragon wailed, a little reluctantly, but there was no other way but to speed up. However, the corpse dragon didn't fly as fast, and it was not half as fast as it traveled on the ground, which also made Song Muyuan feel unhappy. .

   "Why are you flying so slow, how dare you burrow into the ground!" Song Muyuan roared, who knows, the corpse dragon roared unhappily.

"you shut up!"

Because of the reason to evolve to the seventh order, the corpse dragon is in pain all over the body now, and the speed of burrowing is fast, but it needs a certain impact force to break through the underground rock layer. In the case of pain, it is not willing to do this, and it is swimming on the ground, it is not that it is unwilling, because... imagine, a person with unbearable foot pain, under the condition of that condition, whether to take a car or continue walk?

The answer is obvious.

"Damn, you can't faint, you're done for me!" Song Muyuan said helplessly, looking back, but just after turning his head, a fighter jet flew over his head, and the tail spurted fireworks that pushed and pushed out. Let the air burn for a while.

   "Fuck!" Song Muyuan exclaimed, not because he was frightened by the fighter plane, but because something fell from the fighter plane. When he got closer, he realized that it was a cannonball!

   He quickly released his hand and fell from the back of the corpse dragon's neck to the front of the corpse dragon's body. In the next second, a green fire burst out from the corpse dragon's head!

  In Song Muyuan's eyes, he saw scales and armor detached from the ground of the corpse dragon head very quickly, and there were scorched flames on the edge.


Song Muyuan could see the reason why the shell caused the damage to the corpse dragon, but he didn't have the time to think about it any more. The weak point is the head, and the corpse dragon is also a zombie. The soldiers will only focus on the head of the corpse dragon, and that place will be the gathering point of all firepower.

   "Unit 1, block the advance route of the corpse dragon!"

   "The No. 1 crew leader has received it and is acting."

   "Unit 2, hit the head of the corpse dragon with all its strength."

   "Unit 2 received it and is in action."

   In just a few minutes, I don't know how many fighter planes passed over Song Muyuan's head. The speed of this flight made Song Muyuan a little stunned. He never thought that a pile of rotten iron could still fly in the air.

These tools are what Song Muyuan and some other intelligent zombies admire most about humans. Some ordinary things can be used in this way. At the same time, it is very strange to them. conduct.

Behind him, the corpse dragon's head had burst into flames, and even some scales flew to his side. The originally hard scales were blown to pieces and entered the first anti-corpse wall. The corpse tide was also suffering a frantic blow. Yunxia Base directly showed up, opened the gate, and drove out a scavenger-crushing corpse tank directly into the corpse tide.

  It is unimaginable that after these tanks entered the corpse tide, the ground was suddenly dyed black-yellow or black-red by the body fluids of the zombies, and their stumps and arms made a sour sound.

   Those two crawlers directly turned into a meat grinder. Wherever they passed, there was a piece of rotten meat, and even the fourth-order zombies could not be spared.

   (end of this chapter)

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