I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1195: Demon Dragon 5

   Chapter 1195 Demon Dragon 5

   "All staff report the situation!"

   "No. 3, No. 9, No. 22, No. 11, No. 35 were destroyed. The attacker was the tail of the corpse dragon!"

   "Where is it, report the latitude and longitude!"


The driver on the No. 14 fighter reported the latitude and longitude. In the next second, more than a dozen fighter planes came back and came to the place where the driver said. The white fog here is relatively thin, and the inside can be faintly seen from the inside. The corpse dragon winding in the white mist!

   "It's so big!"

   "Number 2, what should I do?"

   "Don't panic, someone will support us soon, and our task is not to let this dragon run away."


While speaking, the roar of the corpse dragon sounded in his ears again, and then, a sturdy tail swept across, the storm swept away in all directions, and the dust on the ground was affected, and it even rose from the ground, flying in the sky, like a knot. The world generally spreads out around.

   Every pilot and soldier who operates a fighter plane is not a novice, and has a high degree of control over the fighter plane. When the storm is strong, he stabilizes the control lever in his hand and tries his best not to let himself have any accidents.


The giant tail of the corpse dragon swept across from a distance, and the soldiers were already prepared, and there was no need for anyone to remind them. The surrounding fighters dived and steadily avoided the attack of the corpse dragon. The storm that brought it up made the fuselage a little unstable.

hold head high!

   Seeing that he didn't draw even a single "bird" from his tail, the corpse dragon roared again. In this roar, he could clearly feel the boundless anger in the corpse dragon's heart!

The soldiers who escaped this attack were still in awe, and did not dare to think about the consequences of being pulled by the opponent's tail. The strength of the corpse dragon's tail can be seen from the white marks left by the place where the tail swept. .

   No one will doubt that this tail draws him, and the fighter will explode into a pile of scrap metal on the spot!

After the    tail swept across, it quickly disappeared into the cloud and mist, and the huge black long and stout figure in the white mist also began to fade, and then, the entire body disappeared into the white mist.


   "Do you want to turn on the headlights?"

   "No, determine its location first."


   Just when they said yes! From the thick white fog, a black light shot straight, and the speed was fast, between the electric light and flint!

   The pilots hadn't reacted yet, the black light swept across, and five fighter planes blew up immediately!

   The pilot soldiers in the fighter planes that were not swept by the black light again trembled fiercely.

"What a beast!" After the death of the No. 1 fighter plane, the pilot of the No. 2 fighter plane who was in charge of commanding roared. In addition to the anger on his face, he could see the horror in his eyes. He only remembered a key point now, the corpse dragon is a head Zombies, but such a zombie actually hid in the fog and took the opportunity to attack them?

   At first, they didn't feel anything, but after a long time, they gradually felt that something was wrong, which seemed to have violated their cognition of zombies.

   Hiding people in the thick fog can already be said to be a conspiracy, but do zombies have a conspiracy?

  Thinking of this, the brows of the soldiers on the No. 2 fighter plane gradually wrinkled.

   "This beast is incredible!" He muttered, then turned on the communicator and shouted, "Everyone, turn on the lights!"

   Hearing the order, the other soldiers were stunned for a moment, not fighting, but what did they mean?

   But after hesitating for a short while, the soldiers still turned on the lights.

   The remaining twenty-seven fighter planes flashed several times in front of them and shot into the thick fog in front of them.

   The bright and dazzling lights seemed to dispel some of the thick white fog. In the middle of the night, the soldiers gradually saw a huge black shadow that not only hovered in the depths.

   On the No. 2 fighter plane, the pilot's face turned cold, and madness flashed in his eyes!

   "Big animal, try this!"

   Aiming at the shadow in the mist, the No. 2 fighter jet took the lead in firing a large number of shells, and then other fighter jets followed suit!

   "Let this guy out, don't walk around!"


About ten seconds passed, the depths of the dense fog were filled with flames, and the corpse dragon's huge body burst into flames. It was also at this time that the corpse dragon's body twitched. It was obviously very painful now. The components of these shells are: The problem is that there are some extremely corrosive substances on it, and it actually blew out its original hard and non-thick scales!

   The continuous bombardment of more than 20 fighter planes, when combined with the evolution to make the corpse dragon feel the pain, also makes it even more angry!

   "Want to use a corpse trap?"

   "You can...wait, don't use it for now, see the situation later."


Twenty fighter planes crossed back and forth, and countless shells were released wildly on the corpse dragon. The corpse dragon also screamed and endured this huge pain, but in fact, these pains were not caused by the attacks of those fighter planes, but Because of the pain in the process of evolutionary transformation!

   This kind of pain is unbearable even for zombies, and the severed pain nerve seems to be awakened in an instant.

   Pain makes the corpse dragon even more crazy, and also more angry at those who attacked him!

The    torrential rain-like attack lasted for about half a minute, and soon, the roar of the corpse dragon penetrated between heaven and earth!

  The soldiers on the No. 2 fighter looked happy and shouted to Mai on the communicator: "All of them are there, ready to disperse, and also, prepare the white phosphorus bombs!"

   "Fighter No. 8 is ready!"

   "Fighter No. 9 is ready!"

   "Fighter Twelve is ready!"

   Under the order of the No. 2 fighter, the other fighter pilots responded immediately.

   Soon, the more than 20 fighter planes scattered in different directions, and in the next second, a violent blast blew from the dense fog where the corpse dragon was, like a shock wave that was set off after a nuclear bomb entered the city and exploded!

The buildings below    were torn apart by this powerful storm, and the dense tide of corpses was like a huge wave swaying on the sea, with the roar of corpses everywhere being quickly pushed a few hundred meters away!

   "All of them! Tactical dispersion!"


  The soldiers on the fighter jet roared! The fighter jets slanted their fuselage, and the propulsive flames at the tail became a little more vigorous. Only a few "swoosh" sounds were heard, and these fighters flew towards the higher air!

  After the fighter plane made this series of actions, the thick white fog dispersed, and a huge black shadow came out like a sharp arrow that just left Xuan! Open your mouth at the same time, and for a while, this space is like the inside of a balloon, and the gust is the gas inside. As the balloon is broken through a hole, the gust of wind pours into it frantically!

   (end of this chapter)

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