I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1196: Demon Dragon 6

   Chapter 1196 Demon Dragon 6

   The giant mouth of the corpse dragon opened, and the pitch-black darkness inside was like an endless abyss, making the scalp tingle!

   Looking at this huge mouth, the soldiers in the fighter plane couldn't help but feel cold. This was not the kind of cold brought by the winter season, but the coldness that came from the inside and penetrated deep into the bone marrow! Even in the cabin of the fighter plane, there is a heating supply so that the soldiers inside can't feel the cold outside, but looking at the giant mouth, they only feel that they are outside the fighter plane!

   The corpse dragon's speed is very fast. The time between the blurry black shadow when it was in the white fog and the time when the scales and armor on its body are clearly exposed is only about two seconds!

Fortunately, each of them reacted in advance. The pilots and soldiers on some fighter planes watched like this. The corpse dragon's open mouth swept past the fighter plane he was driving. The fighter plane will be tightly caught by the mouth of the corpse dragon!

   "This beast, finally came out for Lao Tzu!"

Seeing the corpse dragon coming out of the thick fog, the soldiers on the No. 2 fighter plane showed a smile on their faces, and then picked up the wheat roar and said: "All of them! White phosphorus bombs are ready for Lao Tzu! Count three, and give Lao Tzu to die. put!"

   "Three!" Twenty fighter planes circled over the corpse dragon.

   "Two!" The soldiers on the fighter aircraft adjusted the flight angle to ensure that they would not be the first to sacrifice when the corpse dragon counterattacked.


   With the sound of the soldiers on the No. 2 fighter plane falling, the decks at the sites of the twenty or so fighter planes automatically opened, and a large number of black iron round heads fell like raindrops.

Song Muyuan, who was holding the scales on the tail of the corpse dragon, felt that it was not good, and quickly controlled a flying zombie to come over, but before he came to him, he was even 200 meters away from himself, and was unfortunately killed by the corpse dragon. The twisting body slammed into the ground!

   "Fuck Nima!"

  Song Muyuan uttered a foul language, hating and anger in his heart, if he had known that there was such a link, he would not have gone to the head of the corpse dragon and pretended to be such a coercion.

At this time, the corpse dragon's huge tail was lifted, and Song Muyuan slid down. His whole body was suddenly thrown up and flying. Just as he was about to fall, Song Muyuan hurriedly grabbed a thorn behind the corpse dragon's tail. , after being thrown up and down a few times, it barely fell.

   Before Song Muyuan could settle down, the black objects that fell from those fighter planes smashed onto the body of the corpse dragon!

   And Song Muyuan also saw clearly that it was a cannonball, but unlike the cannonball shot just now, it seemed to be aimed specifically at something.

After the shells landed on the corpse dragon, they were shaken up, followed by a loud "bang bang rumbling". These shells suddenly disintegrated when they were in the air, divided into countless small fragments, and hit the corpse dragon again. , and this time is the most damaging of these shells!

After the    small fragments hit the body of the corpse dragon, it was as if the flames had met gasoline, and they exploded with a bang, and the flames rose.

   After a while, these flames ignited on part of the corpse dragon's body, and these flames were still spreading around.

The cannonballs fell like raindrops, crackling down. In just a few minutes, the whole body of the corpse dragon was wrapped in flames, and Song Muyuan, probably because he was lucky, the soldiers' attacks focused on the corpse dragon's head. , so most of these falling shells landed on the corpse dragon's head and front body. As for, it did not threaten Song Muyuan for the time being.

   Click, click!

  The corpse dragon turned into a fire dragon, and the flames dispelled the dense fog around it. As soon as you listened to it, you could feel the roar containing thousands of anger that never stopped for a moment.

Its long body is coiled together, and the scales are rubbing against the scales. It can be seen that the corpse dragon wants to wipe out all the flames on its body, but for some reason, these flames are like maggots attached to bones, no matter what the corpse dragon does Even if the flames are extinguished, the corpse dragon will reignite after relaxing a little.

What it doesn't know is that white phosphorus bombs were military weapons banned by many countries before the end of the world, because white phosphorus bombs are mixed with white phosphorus and some viscous liquid. Once they hit people, white phosphorus will stick to the dead. On the human body, the flame will quickly cover the whole person, and the fire cannot be extinguished by conventional means. The victim can only be continuously burned in the flame until it becomes a coke, and this is the end!

   And the white phosphorus bombs scattered from the fighter planes have been strengthened, and their power is many times stronger than before the end of the world, and they are only used to deal with large-scale corpse tides.

   "Give it up! Burn it for me!"

Looking at the corpse dragon burning with raging flames, the soldiers on the No. 2 fighter plane showed excitement on their faces. Under his command, if this corpse dragon died, he would become a hero of Yunxia Base when he went back. ! Status and resources will follow!

   How could he not be excited?


   didn't wait for him to be happy for too long, the next moment, the howl of the corpse dragon full of anger sounded again, followed by the explosion caused by the air being torn apart!


   In an instant, there were seven fighter planes with their tails smashed to pieces, and the soldiers on the second plane were watching the tail forcefully blowing up those fighter planes, and the unlucky ghosts above were all dead and dead!

   The other fighter planes hadn't reacted yet. A black light shot right after, and another fighter plane was penetrated by the black light, and it turned into a fire with a "bang"! Then, the black light swept away, and several fighter planes burst into flames on the spot!

   "No, hurry up!"

   Only then did the soldiers on the second plane react. He underestimated the defensive power of the corpse dragon. He never thought that the pain of the corpse dragon came from itself and had nothing to do with their attacks.

With the cry of this soldier, the other surviving fighter planes quickly turned around and flew to a higher altitude towards the Yunxia base, but it didn't take long for the accident to happen again. A sixth-order zombie jumped directly to a height of 100 meters. The root tongue is even more exaggerated, like a long hook, and it grabs the wing of a fighter plane with precision, and then with a force, the whole fighter plane is staggered and pulled down!

"Damn!" The soldier above let out a roar, and directly opened the disengagement device, the glass cover of the fighter plane bounced, and the two pilots were shot out, but who would have thought that the sixth-order zombie just gave up the fighter plane, and his pale eyes died. Die looked at the pilot who had left the fighter plane, then shrank his tongue, stretched it out again, and flew towards the body of the pilot soldier.

The    man was in the air, and the driver had no way to change his position, and was directly entangled in the body by the tongue protruding from this sixth-order zombie.

   (end of this chapter)

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