I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1197: Demon Dragon 7 has a remarkable record

   Chapter 1197 Demon Dragon 7 has a remarkable record

   "Save me! Save me!"

  The entangled driver-soldier shouted to his companions, with a begging voice in his voice, his eyes more like the expression of a prisoner who was about to be put to death to his savior.

   He shouted, and he could clearly feel the covetousness of the sixth-order zombie at the end of the tongue, which made him even more flustered.

   However, his comrades ignored him at all, as if they didn't hear his shouts, they withdrew towards the Yunxia base on their own.

   "No. 2, No. 31 crashed. We are asking for support. Do we want to act?"

   "Don't worry about him, we'll leave first, we'll be gone when it's too late." On the second fighter plane, the soldier said ruthlessly, without the slightest bit of emotion in his words.

But just when the soldiers on the No. 2 fighter plane said this sentence, the communicator on the surviving fighter plane made a noisy "zizizi" sound, and after a while, a man's voice sounded: "Griffin team. , stop your actions immediately, and do not retreat without the permission of the headquarters!"


This time, the faces of all the soldiers on the fighter plane became ugly. They couldn't figure it out. They bombarded the corpse dragon so wildly before. The impression of strangulation, where do they still have the mind to annihilate the corpse dragon at this time?

   Their attack couldn't do much damage to the corpse dragon at all. They should have retreated, but why wasn't it allowed?

The soldier on the second plane wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, he gave up, he seemed to understand something, this has already involved the interests of those giants, for those people, he is just a small person, say one more word, It is very likely that even if he commanded the fighter team to successfully kill the corpse dragon, it would not be good to go back.

Hearing these voices, the soldiers on the other fighter planes panicked. There were more than 30 fighter planes when they came, and after facing off against the corpse dragon for such a period of time, only half of the fighter planes remained. If this goes on, no one will know. Who will face the **** of death next?

   "No. 2, what should we do?" The soldiers on the other fighter planes asked the soldiers on the No. 2 fighter plane on the communicator.

  The man gritted his teeth, hesitated for a while but then firmed his eyes, and said in a very reluctant voice: "Go, go back!"


   The only remaining fighter plane turned a circle in the sky and flew towards the corpse dragon again.

The corpse dragon wanted to fly out of the thick fog to continue chasing these **** birds, but after watching these "birds" fly away, they also flew back, the corpse dragon was also cold, but this is good, so that you can kill a few more solutions My own hatred!

Through the windshield, I was getting closer and closer to the huge corpse dragon. Before I knew it, the hearts of the soldiers on the fighter plane were all in their throats. They rushed towards them with their ferocious mouths, and the soldiers were ready to sacrifice. They didn't know at all, who would be the first among them during the next battle with the corpse dragon? Who will live.

Below them is the corpse tide submerged by the earth. Even if the fighter plane was destroyed by the corpse dragon, they survived by chance, and when they landed on the ground, they would be surrounded by those crazy and damned zombies at the fastest speed to form a mountain, and then wait for themselves. body torn to shreds!


   At this moment, the communicator on each fighter rang again. First, there was the sound of a man coughing. The voice was familiar to the soldiers in the fighter, and it was the man just now.

   At this moment, what does this person have to say?

   Is it to let them turn on the fighter and feed themselves to the corpse dragon?

  The soldiers swore that if they did, they would return immediately and bombard the soldier on the corpse wall hundreds of times back and forth! Let the zombies come in, devour all the people in the Yunxia base, and go to the city of the sky, no matter if they are dead or alive, they must also be disgusting and disgusting.

   However, the soldiers thought too much, this man's voice no longer brought despair as before, but gave them a boost of heart.

"Ahem, listen to all the members of the Griffin team. You are not allowed to retreat at any time. You are soldiers. Soldiers take obeying orders as their natural duty. I know that your current situation is very difficult, and the headquarters has no intention of letting you die on purpose. , In this operation, your goal is to drag the corpse dragon, and the Valkyrie-730 carrying the Order Guard will hit your position within two minutes, please support."

   Hearing this voice, all the soldiers on the fighter plane breathed a sigh of relief, and the originally gray eyes also lit up with a light, that is the light called hope!

   "Come on! Brothers, attack with all your strength, you must leave this beast!" At the same time, the soldiers on the No. 2 fighter plane also recovered their energy and shouted loudly.

The    soldiers shook their bodies and controlled the fighter plane to attack the corpse dragon back and forth.

   "Boss, stop fighting, hurry up and leave!"

   Song Muyuan, who was hanging on the tail of the corpse dragon and turned into an inconspicuous black spot, begged bitterly to the corpse dragon, but the other party ignored Song Muyuan at all, as if he did not exist at all.

The rounds of bombing made the corpse dragon violent, and the roaring sound continued from its mouth. The long body with flames twisted and drew rotten tracks in the air, and the corpse dragon kept squirting from its mouth. A black beam of light emerged, waving back and forth like a divine sword in the hands of a giant.

   You come and go on both sides, and the fight was a dark and dark place.

   The thick black beam of light was waving recklessly in the air. It was a miracle. It attracted the attention of many people in the Yunxia Base. Some people even took out their mobile phones to shoot the battle in the air.

The attack power of the corpse dragon is really too powerful in the past, but any encounter like that will result in the destruction of the machine. The soldiers on the fighter plane are tense and dare not slack off. The effect of a person smashing a pillow hard, can a pillow kill a person?

   Although there are, but the chances are too few, pitiful, but they are different.

The only thing that the corpse dragon finds annoying is the unquenchable fire on its body, which makes the corpse dragon feel like it is in a puddle of mud, but these flames have also successfully dyed its body another color, because evolution has led to flesh and blood abscesses And when it became ugly, it also turned into a majestic fire dragon because of the fire on its body, covering its ugliness.

   Several fighter planes were hit by the black beam of light, and exploded in mid-air! There are only seven fighter planes left. They emerged from the Yunxia base and killed more than 30 sixth-order new humans, and destroyed more than 30 fighters close to forty. The corpse dragon can also be said to be a record. Brilliant!

   (end of this chapter)

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