I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1198: Demon Dragon 8

   Chapter 1198 Demon Dragon 8

On the remaining fighter planes that can still fly normally and fight, the fighter pilot skills of these pilots can be regarded as king-level. After all, in the black beam of light swept and waved by the corpse dragon, it is not luck that can survive. .

Two minutes soon came, and finally, a giant aircraft that was more than ten meters long and could be called a fortress came to the place where the corpse dragon was fighting. It stayed above the corpse dragon, and the corpse dragon below did not look at it. Scarlet bloodthirsty eyes stared at the remaining fighter planes from beginning to end.

   "The target is that sixth-order zombie, trouble you two."

  This large aircraft stayed firmly in mid-air, motionless, to say how stable it is, let’s just say, if there is no other reference, it will even make people think that time has stopped.

Inside the   aircraft, a man in military uniform respectfully said to the two people who looked exactly the same in front of him, the man in military uniform was a sixth-order new human, but the expression on his face was not at all unhappy. On the contrary, there was still fear in his eyes!

   This only shows that the two people in front of you are very powerful! Powerful enough to make a sixth-order new human willingly bow his head and bow his head!

  If Tang Ye was here, he would find that the two people who looked exactly the same in front of this sixth-order new human were Ning Tianlang!

   For the words of this sixth-order new human, the two didn't have to say anything to respond, just nodded silently, their movements were neat, as if they shared a soul in their bodies.

The sixth-order rookie also nodded and waved to the soldier next to him. Soon, the hatch was opened behind the large aircraft. The two Ning Tianlang turned around and walked towards the back step by step. On their faces, the strands of hair around the ears of the two were lifted.

   Bowed their heads, they saw the huge corpse dragon winding its huge body, and the black light drew a fan shape in the air, so conspicuous at night, it was darker than darkness.

   "Support is here! We can retreat!" Seeing the large aircraft above, the soldiers on the few remaining fighter planes in the Griffin group showed relaxed expressions on their faces.


  The soldiers on the No. 2 fighter shouted and greeted everyone to quickly leave the battlefield and fly towards the Yunxia Base.

   On the large aircraft higher in the sky, the two Ning Tianlang didn't talk nonsense at all, their eyes fixed on the direction of the corpse dragon, then jumped and jumped off the aircraft.

   At the same time, the corpse dragon just exploded a fighter plane, and also felt a sense of threat, twisted its body and roared and swam to the back.

In the next second, one of the figures of Ning Tianlang suddenly appeared in front of the corpse dragon. It opened its huge mouth and released its own power recklessly, trying to scare the opponent away, but this time, it was not a sixth-order new human being. To deal with it, it is a seventh-order new human being!

   The sixth-order new humans may be frightened by the actions of the corpse dragon, but the seventh-order new humans will not. No matter how powerful your corpse dragon is, the level gap cannot be compensated by the advantages of body size.

   The moment the corpse dragon's mouth had just opened, Ning Tianlang, who was in front of him, immediately opened his hands, and the whole person was stagnant in the air, his icy eyes staring at the corpse dragon's tire-sized eyes.

Roar! hold head high!

   The corpse dragon once again spit out black light, looking into Ning Tianlang's eyes, the sense of danger in the corpse dragon's heart became more and more intense, under tension, it directly spewed a black beam of light, trying to kill Ning Tianlang.

   But who knew that Ning Tianlang, who was in front of him, controlled his hands to move a little to the side, the whole person leaned down, and avoided the black light attack of the corpse dragon. Amidst the storm, a loud "bang" sounded! Under Ning Tianlang's feet, the air shrank extremely rapidly, and burst out at the critical moment. The air directly changed from invisible to visible. People could see that with this loud noise, a white cloud burst out under Ning Tianlang's feet. Mist, looks a bit like gunpowder.

   After the smoke dissipated, Ning Tianlang in front of the corpse dragon was nowhere to be seen.

hold head high!

The corpse dragon roared again, twisting its body and turning back quickly, but it was not seen from above, but in the next instant, a huge force erupted from its waist, the corpse dragon roared, its amazing body The corpse dragon also saw where Ning Tianlang was in the dragon's eyes, and was shoved out by this force to a distance of more than ten meters, so he waved his tail and slammed it fiercely.

"do not!"

The strong wind that could almost tear a person's skin made Song Muyuan, who was hanging from the tail of the corpse dragon, bared his teeth. Under the action of the corpse dragon, Song Muyuan could only feel the endless death. He believed that if he stayed here again, he could Mu Yuan may be planted here, this person is obviously not a sixth-order new human, and the power is not comparable to sixth-order new human.

Since it is not a sixth-order new human, there is only one answer, that is, the seventh-order new human, let the corpse dragon deal with the sixth-order new human, no matter how much Song Muyuan is not worried, after all, the corpse dragon's amazing body is there. It is not easy to shake, but the seventh-order new human, the ghost knows how powerful it is.

Therefore, Song Muyuan could only leave from the tail of the corpse dragon. In a hurry, he could only let go of his hand, and then quickly controlled the flying zombies around him to catch him. Fortunately, those griffin fighters were in Ning When Tian Lang came over, he had already retreated, and no one noticed him, Song Muyuan was relatively safe for the time being.

   Just as he was about to land, a fourth-order flying zombie bird caught Song Muyuan, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

   If you don't die, everything will be fine!

After arriving on the ground, Song Muyuan didn't dare to delay for a moment. After jumping off the zombie bird, he plunged into the corpse group and was quickly submerged by the huge and dense corpse tide. No one could find him again. After coming out, he can watch the battle between the corpse dragon and the powerhouses in the Yunxia base, but he is also a little worried. After all, the corpse dragon is in the process of evolution, and its own strength has not yet reached the seventh rank. The risk of falling, Song Muyuan couldn't help a little, he could only pray silently in his heart that the corpse dragon could escape today's catastrophe.

  The stubby tail carried unparalleled power. Wherever it passed, the air distorted in an instant, leaving a vast expanse of white, which was shocking. In this way, the corpse dragon's tail quickly approached Ning Tianlang.

   But the other party was not afraid at all, raised his hands, and wanted to greet him?


The    loud and somewhat harsh sound exploded in everyone's ears, Ning Tianlang's body was pushed back continuously by the tail of the corpse dragon, but in the end Ning Tianlang stopped him!

   I saw him grit his teeth and unreservedly unleash his full power as a seventh-order new human being! With the roar of the corpse dragon, the body of the corpse dragon that was as long as three hundred was lifted up by a man who looked like an ant!

   (end of this chapter)

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