I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1301: Foreign aid 4

   Chapter 1301 Foreign Aid 4

   With this sound, they and an orderly guard all started together, but in the next second, a dozen or so thick bone spurs with a diameter of one meter suddenly appeared!

The moment    appeared, the building where it was located was blown up! Before the two helicopters hovering in the sky could react, they were stabbed and exploded by these bone spurs!


The expressions of several strong men changed, and they shouted in the direction of the pile of bone spurs. , still rushing towards Su Sigui, but the pile of bone spurs reacted very quickly, and it was divided into two times at once, forming two bone walls in two directions around Su Sigui, blocking the charge of the two order guards!

   "I see who dares to do it!"

   Soon, four or five figures appeared, and they made a ruthless killing move against these two order guards!

An orderly guard was pulled upside down by a flesh flap, and rolled on the ground a few times. A super giant man with a height of 4.8 meters appeared in his field of vision. It almost did not hesitate, and rushed towards the giant with a knife. Han, even though the opponent raised his fist and slammed towards him, the blade in his hand was still not as fast.

   The giant man couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene: "Hey, I finally met a fool!"

Seriously, he really likes to meet this kind of iron-headed baby, don't waste your brains, come out on your own, and the other party will follow, don't play with those twists and turns, in this life, he hates those who hide and like to take advantage of the opportunity to sneak attacks. of mice.

   The blade slammed into the giant man's heavy fist, and the shocking scene also appeared. The silver-white long knife made of grade 14 H steel was not as hard as the giant man's fist!

   At the moment of collision, the blade will bend directly and break! The heavy punch was unabated, and it was close to smashing the handle of the knife to pieces, hitting Huanglong directly, and hitting the shoulder of this orderly guard at once!

   As a result, it is obvious that the body of this order guard exploded like tofu! Died on the spot!

The power of    is really shocking. The strong men of Yunxia Base saw this scene and felt the chill go straight to their heads!

   And the other order guard flew upside down and spit out a big mouthful of blood and became wilted and lost his ability to move!

   Immediately, I don't know how many figures appeared around, some of them were not human at all, and there were dozens of huge eighth-order zombies!

   There were also dozens of figures who jumped not far from Su Sigui and protected him, their blood-red eyes swept over all the orderly guards present and those eighth-tier powerhouses at Yunxia Base!

   Among these voices, there were zombies, and the order guards and the powerhouses of the Yunxia Base were surrounded by two layers inside and outside, and the situation was reversed in an instant!

   "Hazhen..." Su Sigui reluctantly raised his head and looked around, his eyes fell on the familiar owner of the weapon shop.

   "The boss asked us to tell you that his agreement with you has not been voided, and at the same time, your request will be fulfilled by the boss."

   "Really...that's great."

   A smile appeared on Su Sigui's face, but she couldn't hold on for long when she was weak. After this smile, her body relaxed and immediately passed out in front of Ha Zhen.

   "Send her out of Ai Rui's side for treatment." Ha Zhen couldn't help saying when he saw Su Sigui fainted, and then looked at the surrounding order guards and the eighth-order powerhouses at Yunxia Base.

"Foreign aid from the capital of the bright moon..." The few strong men looked at the number of strong men more than twice their own, and became solemn. None of these people he knew, whether they were zombies or People, what is really shocking is that it is those zombies, those "human beings" who look like humans but whose arms are not the attack organs that humans should have!

   They all know that these guys are zombies! Real zombies!

   And they did something that no one thought was that they saved a person!

   They don't know where these zombies come from, and where do those unfamiliar eighth-order new humans come from, but they are enemies and not friends!

The powerhouses of the Yunxia Base looked at each other and didn't even think of fighting recklessly. It was just a look at each other. All the surrounding orderly guards shouted angrily and took the lead, and they chose to break through and escape at the first time. !

   "Do it!"

   "That... new comer, see your performance."

   For their reaction, a zombie human in the royal court was not surprised, and one of them even said something to a very strange looking zombie.

"Okay." The other party nodded. It was originally an eighth-order zombie in Changchang City, and it was also one of the few zombies that could disguise as a human. It named itself Ci, which was the first Chinese it knew. word, because human beings have their own names, and it imitates human beings to give themselves a name, but it is very difficult for zombies to name, and then use this word as their own name.

Originally, it lived a carefree life in Changchang City. From time to time, it became a human being who entered the Yunxia Base to see everything inside, and from time to time scourged a few unlucky ghosts who strayed into Changchang City. I understand what is going on in the world today, and I also understand what level of strength I have.

I have reached the end of the evolution of zombies, and no one can stand it. Of course, there are some corpse kings in some places, what kind of ninth-order zombies, and I am an eighth-order, but I have never seen it, and it does not think it is true. Yes, even if it's true, as long as you don't encounter it, it's fine.

   It can reign in this city called Changchang City for a lifetime, but it will never forget that day, those same people ruthlessly plundered everything here like bandits entering the village! The eighth-order zombies like it chose to surrender and hid in the corpse tide. It found that every one of its kind was looking at itself, and after a while, it was pressed in place by several bullies and pointed his fist to his chin. Ask yourself whether to join them, or be eaten by them!

Under the threat of life, it had to choose to surrender, and it also knew the origins of those people and those of the same kind. It was a force that belonged to the same kind and also belonged to people. That place is called the Royal Court, and it is said that the leader is called Tian Khan , is a corpse king-level existence, but it is not known if it is fake, but it is very likely to be true.

After all, there are so many eighth-order zombies, and it is completely impossible for them all to act according to the rules and regulations of human beings. It is completely impossible to rely on one of the same kind called the eighth-order, except that they are stronger than them. Only the defeated powerhouse can make all the eighth-order zombies surrender!

   (end of this chapter)

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