I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1302: emotional color

   Chapter 1302 The Color of Emotions

In the entire city center, the air flow became chaotic in an instant, and all the orderly guards broke out. The first attack was the strongest, but the strong men in the royal court also reacted very quickly and dispersed immediately. Those eighth-order new humans They showed their weapons one after another, all of which were alive weapons taken from zombies!

   And the zombies also changed their appearances in the next second, from normal people to hideous-looking zombies, and for a while, the cold light mixed with the bone spurs and flesh **** that couldn't be tentacled!

   A battle is about to begin!

   Several strong men in Yunxia Base chose to flee at the first time, they knew that they had no chance of winning here!

   But the moment they escaped, Ha Zhen and Xu Haihui followed up with a group of eighth-tier powerhouses, blocking their escape to the Yunxia Base as soon as possible!

  This battle is destined to bring the entire long-term market to pieces!

But it didn't last long, it only took about ten seconds, the ground seemed to come alive, tentacles grew out of the ground, and they caught the bodies of those orderly guards with precision. At this time, it was like a chicken, entangled by these tentacles, unable to move, and then further compressed by these tentacles and smashed to pieces!

   "The boss is here."

  The strong men in the royal court stopped and looked in a certain direction, and Tang Ye's figure appeared in their eyes.

"You don't have to fight with these guys for too long, it's just a group of cannon fodder." Tang Ye said, waving his hand at will, a large number of tentacles sticking out from the ground drilled into the ground at this moment, leaving only potholes, and the potholes Come down, there is nothing.

It is incredible to call the Order Guard with rank 8 strength as cannon fodder, but Tang Ye can see a lot of things that others can't see. In the brains of these Order Guards, the color of the conspicuous evolutionary crystal nucleus appears. There is also a pure black thing, which is not available, so he concluded that these order guards are just a group of cannon fodder.

After listening to Tang Ye's words, Ah Fu looked at the corpse of an orderly guard next to him whose body was twisted by tentacles. green chip.


  The crowd gathered around, and at a glance you could see what this thing was.

   "Enslaved Chips!"

   On this chip, in addition to the pieces of blood stained after being violently removed, there are also pieces of flesh and blood torn from the connection point with the nerve.

"That's it." Tang Ye nodded, took the chip out of Ah Fu's hand, said a word, and when he used his hand, the chip turned into sand and scattered everywhere. In his eyes, this thing was black, and he could only see it if he got closer. to the original color of this chip.

   "The one who escaped, catch them first. These evolutionary nuclei will be divided equally among you."


The people around nodded and began to dismantle the evolutionary nuclei from the brains of these order guards, but Tang Ye didn't need these. He looked at the Yunxia Base, the world's only double SS-level sheltered city. A thick cloud of red and blue floated.

The color is very deep, dark, full of depression, Tang Ye knows that the color of people's emotions, resentment, pain, and madness are a collection of colors, except for this group of red and blue intertwined colors, in Next to it is a cloud of colors intertwined with white and yellow, those people have positive emotions, joy, happiness, and freedom.

   However, the yellow and white colors occupy dozens of times smaller area than the red and blue colors next to them!

   He has seen a lot of these colors, and although he knows more and more, he already understands what these colors represent.

   "Khan, someone is coming." Chang Jinlun said on the side. He is a zombie and has a very keen perception of living things. When he found someone coming, he said it as soon as possible.

   "Well." Tang Ye nodded, he felt it too, glanced around, the surrounding zombies understood and nodded, the attacking organs on his body were immediately retracted, and he became a normal person.

   After a while, four or five people from the capital of the bright moon rushed over from a certain direction, and one of them came to the royal court with Su Sigui that day.

   When he saw Tang Ye and his group, Yan Xing was stunned for a moment, but after thinking about it, he quickly realized who these people were.

   "You... from the royal court?"

   Tang Ye nodded and didn't finish speaking, but Yan Xing would not forget what Tang Ye looked like, and he breathed a sigh of relief the moment he found him.

   "We...what about the mayor?"

   "Over there." Tang Ye pointed out not far away.

  The four people next to Yan Xing were still vigilant against this group of strangers, and after getting Tang Ye's reply, they hesitated and moved a little bit in the direction they pointed.

   "Don't worry, they are friendly, they are malicious to us, they can do it now, and no one can escape if they do it!"

   "Sixteen eighth-order new humans, what are the others..."

   "It's a zombie! An eighth-order zombie disguised as a human."


After a few simple exchanges, everyone except Yan Xing glanced at Tang Ye in horror. If those people were all zombies, so many people and non-humans would have surpassed all the people who hunted and killed them in Yunxia Base. The number of order guards and eighth-order powerhouses.

   Not long after they came to an open space, they saw Su Sigui lying on the ground. At this time, her wounds had received the most basic treatment.

"She is your mayor, right? I just helped her stop the bleeding. I can take her back now. With her resilience, she should be able to wake up tomorrow, and the worst will be the day after tomorrow. Don't worry about her life. threaten."

   Beside the fainted Su Sigui, an eighth-order rookie said slowly.

   "Thank you then."

   "It's alright, just a small problem, inform the rest of you and tell them not to leave Changchang City, so that we can solve them." The eighth-order new human opened the kettle, rinsed the blood on his hands with water, and said casually.


A few people didn't say anything. They glanced at Su Sigui and saw that his face was pale and his expression was a little gloomy. It was the first time they saw Su Sigui like this. One of them stepped forward and lifted Su Sigui up, preparing to Put her in a safe place, and Yan Xing and the others also began to contact other personnel in the City of Bright Moon.

  Before the action, they glanced at Tang Ye, where in the footsteps of the group of people lay corpses with twisted eyes.

   "These Order Guards are dead."

  The death of so many Order Guards here is already a lot of loss to Yunxia Base, and the direction of those 8th-order new humans who escaped is not Yunxia Base, and death will come sooner or later.

   Their words could not help attracting Tang Ye, he was stunned for a while, he still knew the order and guard of Yunxia Base very well.

   (end of this chapter)

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