I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1308: Surprised?

   Chapter 1308 Surprised?

   In addition, the task of the mother nest is to mass produce zombies of the fourth rank or more every day. Tangye is not clear about the level of the mother nest. It seems that the bigger the thing, the more zombies it can produce.

From the first encounter with the mother's nest to the present, the mother's nest can produce at least 10,000 zombies every day, and the level of each zombie will be fourth-order or above, and even sometimes directly produce an eighth-order zombie, but this This situation is rare, and Tang Ye has only encountered it once or twice.

The killing of the zombies in the mother nest world will leave a large number of corpses every day, and these corpses do not need to be cleaned up by people. The mother nest will automatically absorb them and become their own nutrients, and the evolutionary crystals produced are partly from the mother nest world. The other part of the loot that the zombies deserved after the slaughter needs to be turned over, and Aben is responsible.

It can be said that the hundred-layer world inside the mother's nest is completely different from the royal court on the surface. One is full of happiness, joy, and has an endless paradise world. A **** shrouded in the shadow of the corpse king!

   Maybe someone in the know felt cruel to Tang Ye's actions.

But zombies are completely different from people. Not all zombies will naturally restrain their own nature like Hazhen, Geert, and Xu Haihui. Once they use human methods to manage all zombies, it will not be too long. The royal court will completely become a country of zombies!

   This approach is a last resort, and at the same time, it can also provide the most basic needs of itself and other eighth-order zombies like Xiang Hazhen. Based on this alone, Tang Ye can't be kind!

   It seems that only this is the most suitable social cycle for this group of zombies. Otherwise, why would there be a mother nest?

For those zombies in the mother nest world, Tang Ye is like an evil god, looking down on everything in this mother nest world, and needs a lot of sacrifices from them every day to support themselves. Of course, the eighth-order zombies below will also resist from time to time. However, the mother nest is the second generation of silver armored corpses, and he has absolute control over the nest. After the first rebel appears, the mother nest will no longer produce silver armored corpses at his request. Such a resister will be killed by Aben's me and him at the first time, and become the "sacrifice".

   At least one-fifth of these sacrifices are swallowed by Tang Ye every year, and the rest are those high-level zombies of the eighth to sixth order living in the royal court.

   Can you see how much the ninth-order zombies need for their own activity?

Tang Ye didn't know if other ninth-order zombies used the mother's nest to create a dark world of zombies, and used their evolutionary crystallization to support themselves. If not, then they would aggressively attack human bases and shelter cities. As expected.

   After all, this is the only way to meet their huge needs.

Now there is one living creature on the Lan'o Continent, and I am afraid they have all been preyed on. Although they can devour their own kind to maintain their own activity, without a mother's nest, it is not a long-term solution. As time goes by, Lan The Corpse King of Europe Continent couldn't hold back at first, and looked at the Divine Continent where 700 million people gathered. For the Corpse Kings of other continents, the Divine Continent was the closest and easier to reach the Nightmare Corpse King.

Tang Ye didn't care much about everything Xu Haihai expressed to him. A'Fu and he couldn't find a way to evolve to the ninth order. Perhaps the evolutionary crystallization of a ninth-order corpse king could allow them to evolve to the ninth order, so , Tang Ye was even more curious about what color the evolutionary crystallization of the ninth-order corpse king would be.

   "Bring its body here." Tang Ye responded to Xu Haihui's message and began to wait for reinforcements from Yunxia Base.

"it is good."

  Xu Haihui finally responded, with a wave of his hand, Geert and his group picked up the corpses that grabbed the demonic zombie, and the group quickly disappeared here, leaving only a mess on the ground.

On Tangye's side, the eighth-tier powerhouses from the capital of the bright moon came back one after another. Because of their support, everyone in the capital of the bright moon also seized the opportunity to fight back, from chasing their own order to help defend those Yunxia bases. The eighth-order powerhouse escaped.

   When they saw Tang Ye, their faces were a little stunned. The person who had disappeared actually reappeared in front of them. They thought this person was dead.

   "Li Henian, he is still alive?"

   "What is the origin of those people."

   "Look at that, is it Huang Quanjiu? That was the high-level of the old peace conference."

   "Looks like it's really Li Henian, why did he help us?"

   "Maybe... he and the president are old acquaintances." The powerhouses of the Bright Moon City said a little uncertainly.

   They walked in front of everyone in Tangye and nodded as a sign. There were also many people secretly looking at Li Henian, confirming the appearance of the other party, the overlord of the South China United Region three years ago!

   After all the strong men in Mingyue City were notified to return to Changchang City, Xu Haihui and the others also returned from Qizhen City.

   "Boss, this is the zombie I'm talking about."

Geert threw the corpse fragments on his shoulders on the ground, and then reassembled them based on memory, barely showing their original appearance, pointing and saying, at this time, they have returned to human form, and they look like normal people. almost.

The corpse landed on the ground with a "bang" sound. With this sound, the strong men in the City of Bright Moon who had returned also gathered around, and just took a look, and the expressions of each of them suddenly changed. They have to be dignified. Obviously, they have already seen that the corpse of this zombie is the royal zombie of the Lan'o continent!

   "Magic Zombie? This zombie appeared in Qizhen City?"

"Can you tell who this guy is?" asked another strong man in the capital of the bright moon. At the moment when the voice fell, he subconsciously looked at Tang Ye, and then looked at the other people in the royal court, his brows could not help but slightly wrinkle rise.

   "What's the look on their faces? Aren't you surprised?"

The expressions on the faces of the corpse gods in the royal court made him puzzled. Demonic zombies are like silver armored corpses. This magic sound zombie is also one of their characteristics!

   Now that the mainland of China has become the last place for all human beings to survive, a zombie of this type of the corpse king appears here, and it already contains a lot of information!

   In other continents, once a zombie of the same type as the corpse king appears in a survivor base, it is very likely that this zombie has already shared the vision with the corpse king. This is a very scary thing to think about!

   (end of this chapter)

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