I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1309: same school

   Chapter 1309 Concurrent

Even in the current Shenzhou Continent, if you encounter a silver armored corpse somewhere, if it is above the sixth rank, the first idea is not to kill it to get the **** evolution in the opponent's brain, but to choose to escape, because of the vision. Sharing the word, this ability is not so uncommon, on the contrary, many eighth-order zombies have such skills, not to mention the legendary ninth-order?

   And those people led by Xu Haihui killed such a zombie, aren't they afraid that their actions have been seen by the corpse king? to get revenge on them!

You must know that this is an eighth-order zombie, not the fifth-order kind of rotten street. Although they have seen many eighth-order zombies, it is because of their own level, so they will often deal with this level. This is A last resort, if they are ordinary people, they will match their level, which is the second-level level at most, or even encounter a third-level zombie or a malicious person or other creature somewhere in the wild. , For this level, it is all disaster level!

This is not a joke. It sounds like there are many Tier 8 existences, but in reality, Tier 8, whether human or zombie, is a very rare existence. The entire Shenzhou Continent has a population of 700 million, so don’t record all Tier 8 new records in the archives. The total number of human beings is less than 500, what a rare ratio.

   And the eighth-order zombie is also a very cherished existence for the corpse king, even if it is just a death, it is a huge loss!

   Killing such an existence, and it is still in the mainland of Shenzhou, it is a small probability that there is no visual sharing.

They don't believe it. People like Wang Ting would not have thought of this. Maybe they don't know what kind of existence the Corpse King is. Of course, the probability is very small. It would be strange if no one knew what the Corpse King was. The human survivor bases in the mainland of China are scattered in various places. As long as there is still life or life, you can get such a situation from some survivor bases.

   is also possible, Geert Xu Haihui and others are not afraid.

  Looking at their expressions, everyone in Mingyue City felt that it was more likely the latter.

   But, why is this?

   Thoughts kept flashing in their minds, and many people glanced at Li Henian...

   Zombies can evolve to the ninth rank and become known as the corpse king. Can humans also evolve to the ninth rank? However, it is unknown until now, even if it is only a ninth order, no news has come!

   And here Li Henian, the aura on his body is very strange, the blood of a new human being can hardly be felt, just like an ordinary person who has been weak all the year round, he may suddenly die of illness at any time!

   But three years ago, Li Henian was a powerhouse in the whole of China. He was one of the four hegemons, and one of the existences standing at the peak of human evolution. Three years later, where will he reach?

If they say he is an ordinary person, they won't believe it if they kill him. New humans don't have internal injuries. All injuries can be healed with time. The only injury is one. No, it's like the limbs were chopped off, but they didn't grow back, and they became disabled.

   For ordinary injuries, as long as you miss the key point, you will either die or heal all your injuries with time!

   But what about this situation?

   Several people observed the wounds on this demonic zombie for a while, with a look of surprise on their faces. This dead eighth-order zombie is the only intact corpse they have seen so far.

Although the corpse of this zombie has been chopped into several pieces, some of which have been smashed into mud, but it can also be described as intact, because the eighth-order zombies can transfer their own evolutionary crystals, which makes them difficult If you are killed, unless you are lucky and smash the evolutionary crystallization of the opponent with one blow, otherwise, as long as there is still a chance, these eighth-order zombies will take the opportunity to escape!

   In the past, the eighth-order zombies they hunted were one by one, and they were all destroyed into mud to successfully obtain the evolutionary crystallization of the opponent.

   One of the women stood up first, looked at Ha Zhen, and asked, "Do you know there is an ability called visual sharing."

  Hazhen looked at the woman, nodded, and replied calmly, "I know."

   The woman didn't know what to say at once, so she could only nod her head. It seemed that Ha Zhen and the others were really fearless. They glanced at Li Henian again, and the powerhouses in the city of the bright moon stopped talking.

   At this time, Ah Fu asked: "Hey, what are you going to do next? Wait here?"

Hearing Ah Fu's words, Xu Tianyu and the others looked at each other, and then he looked at Su Sigui, who was pale and asleep, and shook his head: "We don't know, it stands to reason that we will go back after escaping the pursuit. The capital has converged, and now you are here..."

Xu Tianyu's words paused, Tang Ye brought so many eight-level powerhouses from the royal court to appear, destroying the pursuit of Yunxia Base and making them overwhelmed. Before they started again, they never thought that there would be The arrival of foreign aid.

   "We now... just wait for the mayor to wake up."

   "So, just waiting for her here?" Tang Ye said at this moment.

  The people in the capital of the bright moon did not answer, but Yan Xing looked at him, and the expression in those eyes was very clear.

All this depends on what Tang Ye is going to do next. These zombies and people from the northern empire are obviously headed by this former South China hegemon. Such a person should say that he brought so many strong men to Yunxia Base , the purpose is just to help them the capital of the moon, that is completely impossible.

Whether it's zombies or new humans, there are already as many as 131. This kind of power is more than enough to compete with Yunxia Base, not to mention completely occupying Yunxia Base, at least occupying half of Yunxia Base is not a problem. , the previous Yunxia base added up all the eighth-order new humans, including the powerhouses in Mingyue City. There are a total of 140 eighth-order new human beings, excluding Mingyue City, there are also 102. As for the order to help guard , Not many people know about this data at all, maybe very little, maybe more.

The current eighth-order new human who belongs to the capital of the bright moon has lost another one in the battle just now. Now there are only twenty-one left, and it is difficult to resist the Yunxia base. Tangye helps them from this point. Look, no matter what he does, in short, he has confirmed that his interests will not conflict with himself and others, otherwise he will not save Su Sigui.

   Therefore, it is easy to think of what the remaining powerhouses in the City of Bright Moon will do, that is, to be in the same league as the new zombies of the Northern Empire.

   (end of this chapter)

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