I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1310: Lai Zi

   Chapter 1310 Lai Zi

"Then wait here for your mayor to wake up, but there will be a lot of battles here, so be prepared." Tang Ye said indifferently, perhaps these people in the City of Bright Moon will subconsciously think about everything. To complicate it, but his mind is very simple, but the conversation between Su Sigui and himself that day made him curious, helping Mingyuezhi is a part, and wanting to know some things is also a part.

Tang Ye's words made the surrounding members of Mingyue City stunned for a moment, and their heads were a little hard to turn around. His actions were really unpredictable. Waiting for Su Sigui to wake up here is indeed not a good choice. Obviously, you can move Su Sigui to a safe place and wait slowly. Although Changchang City is nearly 100 kilometers away from the Yunxia Base, those eighth-order new humans will not use their speed for three minutes to get here. time

   However, they gave Tang Ye the power to decide, so what kind of things and choices he makes is none of their business. They just need to wait for Su Sigui to wake up and help the people of the Northern Empire to accomplish Tang Ye's goals.

The reason why Tang Ye decided to wait for Su Sigui to wake up here is actually very simple. He just waited for Yunxia Base to send those eighth-level new humans to give away their heads, not to mention the hundreds of eighth-level powerhouses around him, just himself In itself, although it is just a "clone", it is just this clone that can easily exert power beyond the eighth-order.

   He is not afraid of this so-called world's largest sheltered city. In the face of absolute firepower, it is not fear that dominates himself, but that he dominates fear!

There is nothing to say. Soon, the people of Mingyue City followed the zombies and people of the Northern Empire to set up temporary camps. After a short time together, they communicated with those zombies who lived in human appearances. People in Mingyue City found that, Zombies do not seem to be absolutely bloodthirsty, they can also communicate like humans and live the same life as humans.

   The difference is that the society of zombies is greatly distorted compared to the society of humans, and needs stronger people to dominate them. Those stronger people are equivalent to the laws in human society, which are used to limit the crazy actions of zombies.

   When it comes to their Heavenly Khan Li Henian, there is nothing that the strong cannot defeat, and he, their law, is the balance that judges good and evil.

  Without the checks and balances of the stronger, the society composed of zombies will only be more cruel and **** than human society!

   Slowly, Mingyue Capital also put down its instinctive defenses against zombies and became normal and no longer so strange. This is a very wonderful feeling.

The second day soon arrived, and until the evening, Tang Ye was disappointed that the high-level executives of Yunxia Base were not as stupid as they thought. For more than 30 hours, Yunxia Base did not send strong people here. It's just that this drone has been hovering above them, monitoring them.

It seems to have acquiesced to the existence of Tang Ye and the others, and Tang Ye did not let people use those annoying drones, so they can naturally observe themselves and others. Until noon today, they have been waiting for the strong people from Yunxia Base to come over. Tang Ye finally became irritable, and in a fit of rage, let people shoot down all the drones. It seemed that he was aware of Tang Ye's threat. Although the other party was still sending drones to investigate, his actions were no longer as blatant as before. Be careful, Tang Ye has acquiesced to this, and don't care about these drones. There are too many drones, and the "woo woo" sound is really annoying, and such patience has not yielded results.

  The two superpowers of Yunxia Base no longer hunt down the eighth-order new humans in Mingyue City. This also makes the people of Mingyue City very strange, but thinking about it carefully, it seems that Yunxia Base can only do this.

Hundreds of powerhouses here did not cover up at all, and if the drones probed casually, they could quickly realize that once they angered them, it would be an unprecedented battle. Not to mention that the other side can win, the moment it is divided into winners and losers, the Yunxia Base will not exist.

   Probably thinking of this, the executors did not act rashly.

It was almost nine o'clock in the evening that Su Sigui slowly woke up. When she opened her eyes, she saw a prairie man playing cards boredly not far from her. When she saw them, she subconsciously reached out to him. I grabbed it around my waist, but I didn't touch anything, just a thin blanket.

   After his thoughts recovered, Su Sigui searched in his mind for a while, and quickly determined that these prairie men were from the Northern Empire, and he was relieved.

   "Mayor, you're awake." A familiar voice sounded next to him, it was a woman's voice.

   "Qiuyue?" The woman's face appeared in front of him, causing Su Sigui to be stunned.

   "You didn't leave Changchang City?"

   "No, the people from the Northern Empire rescued us, and we returned after receiving the notice of Yan Xing."

   "Everyone?" Su Sigui asked.

   "Well, they're all back, they're all here, but..."

"but what?"

   "Xi Xiang is dead."

  Su Sigui was silent for a while, and soon, other people from Mingyue Capital came to the room where Su Sigui woke up. The original twenty-two people were now twenty-one.

   Not far away, the three prairie men who were playing cards around a piece of rotten wood found that Su Sigui woke up, and one of them directly mixed the cards and said, "It's okay, I finally woke up and stopped playing."

"Nima! Every time you want to lose, you stop playing, and you have a small four and three fives left in your hand. Fuck Nima, when he blows up, your four kings just now, and my pair of kings, A total of three times, Jima and I are eighty gold, bring it to you!"

   One of the big men roared in rage in an instant, his voice was like a Hong bell, which made people's ears itch.

   "Go to Nima, I didn't bring so much!"

  Su Sigui looked at the three big men playing cards strangely. Their roars seemed to be really inconsistent between humans and zombies.

"Mayor, don't worry about them, it's been a few times." Yan Xingzai said next to him, the big guy who won't play if he loses is called Yuan'e, he is an eighth-order, and he has also played against the other party in Dou Dizhu, and every time he looks at his hands After the cards can't be thrown out, they find various reasons to cheat.

  This is a total bummer!

   This kind of thing happens to a zombie, no matter how many times you watch it, it will feel amazing, but they are used to it.

   Following Yan Xing's words, the prairie man called Yuan'e came to Su Sigui's side and asked with concern, "How is it, is it better?"

  Su Sigui felt something strange, but nodded and said politely, "It's almost recovered."

   "That's good, eh... do you have Yakin on you? You shouldn't be short of this stuff, right, or... lend me five hundred?"

   (end of this chapter)

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