I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1311: scare them

   Chapter 1311 Scare them

   Hearing this sentence, Su Sigui's body froze, and her head couldn't turn. She looked at the big man in front of her, and then at Yan Xing next to her. She saw Yu Jianghui's gesture of supporting his forehead secretly.


   "Lend me 500 gold coins. From yesterday to now, I have been guarding you, asking for a commission...hehehe."

  Su Sigui couldn't help but feel ashamed, she looked at Qiuyue and said, "Give it to him."

   Qiuyue glanced at Yuan'e, shook her head helplessly, took out a green evolutionary crystal, handed it to the other party, and said, "Is this okay?"

The face of   Erough Mine showed a happy look, how could this not be possible, and there was a little more.

"Ok, Ok."

   He quickly took the evolutionary crystallization in Qiuyue's hand, and said to the other two prairie men who were almost covering their faces: "Jima, Chuzha, let's go outside, I'm rich now."

   "Give me this first."

"have to!"

  The three prairie men walked out of the door with their shoulders on their backs like this, and several members of the City of Bright Moon at the scene couldn't help shaking their heads and smiling bitterly.

   "Mayor, how are you feeling now?" Xu Tianyu asked with concern.

  Su Sigui clenched his fists and nodded: "Almost, it should take three days to fully recover."

Being chased and intercepted by so many orderly guards and seven eighth-order new humans, she didn't know how many attacks she had received. The last blow directly injured most of her internal organs. If it were an ordinary person, or a new human below sixth-order , It is a miracle to be alive. Even if he survives, he is disabled, suffers from the root of the disease, and lives in the ICU for the rest of his life.

   But fortunately, she survived, as long as she lives, even if she hurts her heart, she will recover completely within three days at most! It can be seen how powerful the vitality of the eighth-order new human beings is!

   It's just that she has just woken up from a serious injury, her body is very weak, and she can't do too strenuous exercise in a short time.

   Everyone in the City of the Bright Moon breathed a sigh of relief, and Su Sigui also asked in the next second, "How long has it been in the past?"

   "A little more than a day."

   "Where are we now?"

   "It's where you were unconscious, we've been here since yesterday."

   "What?" When Su Sigui heard this, his color changed slightly, but seeing Xu Tianyu and the others had no unexpected expressions on their faces, they also reacted.

   "Didn't the Yunxia Base send anyone else here?"

   "They're not that stupid yet. The people here from the Northern Empire plus we have already surpassed Yunxia Base by a lot."

   "I see." Su Sigui heard the words and smiled. This smile matched her slightly pale face, making her look a little poignant.

   "Li Henian is here?"


   "It seems that he wants to fish, but the bait is too big, the fish dare not eat it, for fear of choking to death."

   Following Su Sigui's words, smiles appeared on the faces of the people around him. Of course, this does not rule out another reason, that is, threats!

"Mayor, what are we going to do next? If we make any moves, or if we leave Li Henian, the Yunxia Base will find us immediately." Yao Gong said in a sullen voice, getting along with Wang Ting's zombies here, he found I have a friend who suits my taste very well, and I don't want to leave.

"You don't need to think about these things." Su Sigui paused, looked at Yao Gong and continued: "I won't be separated from Li Henian for the time being, just do what you want to do first, and I will notify you later. "


   Although the group didn't know what Su Sigui was going to do next, they didn't ask any more questions. After a brief exchange, they dispersed, leaving only Xu Tianyu to stay here.

  Su Sigui looked at him and couldn't help but smile: "Why, are you worried about me?"

   As soon as these words fell, Xu Tianyu's face instantly turned red, he hurriedly lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

   "I'm going outside, I'm fine, don't worry."

   "Mayor, should I help you out? You are now..."

   "No, what I'm going to do next is very dangerous, and I don't know if I'm sure of myself. You'd better take a rest and keep in good shape."


From Su Sigui's words just now, Xu Tianyu kept his head down, as if he didn't want her to see the expression on his face, he didn't know what to say to pick up Su Sigui's words, he could only Running away, running away.

She looked at the door where his back disappeared for a long time, and after a while, she sighed inwardly, then put on her shoes, took off her clothes, and checked her wounds. There were a lot of bandages on it, and several serious wounds oozing out. A red bloodstain.

A part of the bandage on the body has been opened, and some of the less serious injuries have healed and scabbed over. As long as there are serious injuries on the abdomen, shoulders and waist, deep cuts can be seen, but compared with the beginning, these injuries have become shallower. a lot.

Putting her clothes back on, she walked out. The place she was in was a hotel building. The building was not big, only four or five floors. She was on the third floor. After descending two floors, she came to the gate and hadn't gone out. , and saw Tang Ye standing in front of the steps outside the door.

   The opponent put his hands in his pockets, looked up at a forty-five degree angle, and looked somewhere in the air, as if there was something there that attracted his attention.

   Also, he seemed to be there waiting for him the whole time.

   Walking to Tang Ye's side, Su Sigui looked at where Tang Ye was looking, and said, "What are you looking at?"

   Tang Ye didn't seem surprised that Su Sigui suddenly walked in front of him, and said, "There is a drone parked there, and the camera is facing me."

   "Then what do you want to do?"

   "I want to scare them again."

   "How scared?"

   "For example, a zombie with white hair suddenly appeared in front of me and smiled at the camera."

   This sentence seemed to amuse Su Sigui, and a smile appeared on her face.

   "This would really scare anyone looking at us, but someone should think you're funny?"

"Where do I want to hear this sentence, you think I'm very interesting? However, no one has said that, maybe... There is such a person, but she didn't say it, by the way, what do you want next? Where are you going?"

   "Back to Yunxia Base." Su Sigui replied quickly.

  Tang Ye had an unexpected look on his face, but quickly recovered.

   "Going back to the Yunxia Base is very bold. You are not afraid that you will not be able to get out when you go back. People will not always be lucky."

   "I'm not thinking about this anymore, how about you?"

   "Well, I seem to have become a protective umbrella, but it is the largest human shelter in the world. It's a pity not to visit."


  The two were silent for a while, looking at the camera of the drone for a long time without saying a word, and I don't know how long it took before Tang Ye said slowly, "You made me curious."

   (end of this chapter)

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