I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1324: two new guests

   Chapter 1324 Two new guests

This kid replaced Song Mu's A Beng who went to Yunxia Base. Originally, he should have a good time at Yunxia Base, and then he can go home happily after doing some things by the way. In the end, because of Yin Huangcheng's request, He and his others we have been busy for a month and a half, and still haven't found the woman named Long Yingjia.

After his understanding, there are nearly 20 million people in the entire Yunxia Base. They walk on the streets here every day, and they see people other than people. It's like being on the sea. It's all water, like this Finding a person in it is a real needle in a haystack!

He doesn't know how he came here during this time. In short, because of his exquisiteness, he turned into this ghost. The clothes on his body are torn and tattered, and his face is so dark that he can't tell what he looks like, like a beggar. , Although part of the reason for this appearance is because of himself, but if it wasn't to help Yin Huangcheng find that **** woman, he wouldn't need it.

   He still remembered that when he entered Yunxia Base on the first day, he seemed to be abducted by traffickers in the T12 area of ​​Xia. At that time, he was still confused. He never thought that someone would dare to abduct him?

As a result, those traffickers turned into silver-armored corpses, and they turned out to be ordinary people. After they became silver-armored corpses, their strength was very weak. They were just ordinary zombies. He didn't care about these silver-armored corpses. The Shining Armor corpse also caused great panic in the Xia T12 area after it was discovered, and everyone put it at risk.

Sitting on the steps, A Beng set off his dirty clothes, took a long breath, and relaxed for a while. After working so long, it's better to take a break. Anyway, in other places, we still have him. He is working hard, but Aben has given up on this commission.

It is really hard to find such a person. In Yunxia Base, most of the people walking on the streets are men, and women are rarely seen. In the last days, even in Sanctuary City, women walk on the street. It is a very dangerous thing. Many women have either become slaves or hid in their residences. Men are generally used to obtain living materials and food.

  Women who can boldly walk on the street generally have a certain strength or are accompanied by a few strong men.

The screen on the building not far away kept flashing paragraphs of pictures. This is the high-rise building specially built by the wealthy businessmen before the end of the world for advertising. At this time, it is placed here, which is quite contrary to everything on the street. In the window, through the glass, you can see a figure looking down at the one below. In front of Ah Beng is a Japanese restaurant with a more atmospheric decoration, but the fact that such a restaurant can be opened here also explains the restaurant from the side. It has something to do with the five gangs in Wanhe 3rd District. Japanese-style ones, of course, are related to Takeguchikawa. If it doesn't matter, don't doubt that opening a restaurant here will only become a place for people to receive free food.

The restaurant is brightly lit. At the location of Aben, you can see Kabuki in kimono dancing to the slow music formed by the intertwining of koto, taiko, and shakuhachi. They are holding a round fan in their hands and turning their wrists gently. , sometimes covering his face, sometimes swiping around, and there are people inside from time to time making wretched laughter, full of rotten breath.

  Abeng watched it for a while, and couldn't help but feel bored. He really couldn't appreciate this kind of strange dance and the kind of weird and creepy music he expected. Compared to this, he preferred to see Sister Gong Xiao wearing JK to perform a segment.

After being silent for a while, the pupils in his eyes suddenly darkened. He checked his situation and me. He and we are still asking a girl named Long Yingjia. Whenever we meet people, they will hold each other and ask them. Do you know of a woman named Long Yingjia, but there was no change in the results. The answers from those people were all shaking their heads or saying, "No."

   At this time, on the screen of a high-rise building not far away, the picture flashed and turned into a news story.

  【The overlord of South China, Li Henian, who disappeared for three years reappeared, everyone in the council was threatened, the king returned or plundered? 】

   On the screen, it turned into a picture, a man in a suit stepped on the long table with one foot, behind which a group of zombies and eighth-order new humans formed a clear confrontation with the people on the right side of the council.

The long table was cracked by the huge force, and the door behind it was even more bent, and it would break away from the door frame at any time. This news attracted the attention of Ah Beng, and also attracted the attention of many people. Many people looked at it. They came over and talked in their own languages, with yearning in their eyes, but deep down there was a curtain that couldn't be concealed. They could see that everyone sitting beside the long table was a famous eighth-order from Yunxia Base. The strong man, and the man named Li Henian, although they don't know much, but they know the hegemon of South China.

It didn't take long for those who stopped to watch it to disperse quickly. For them, this kind of news is undoubtedly the myth of wealth created by the rich man before the end of the world. For ordinary people, the level is too high. It doesn't matter to them either.

   "Tsk tsk, it's only been reported for a week now."

This news made A Beng speak out. He knew eight days ago that Khan and the others had entered the Yunxia Base, and he blackmailed the eighth-order new humans of the council that day, probably because Khan wants to be stationed at Yunxia Base, and those people in the information department have a tendency to defect to them.

Everyone knows that Li Henian is not only surrounded by eighth-order new humans, but also eighth-order zombies. In this case, as long as the two major forces are not stupid, they will not conflict with Li Henian. Eighth-order new humans are easy to say, but The eighth-order zombies are completely the source of mobile infection!

  Once there is an explosion, even if you win, the Yunxia Base will be in a semi-occupied state.

The corpse tide broke out inside. Thinking about this kind of thing makes people feel chills, and there are already rumors that there is a corpse king standing behind Li Henian, that is the corpse king of the Shenzhou continent. People didn't dare to act rashly and made them anxious. If the other party directly let the corpse king attack the city, it would be completely worth the loss.

This news was reported for about two or three minutes, and soon it was transferred to another screen. The Japanese restaurant in front of me also welcomed two new guests. Looking at their faces, they should be locals from China, but said The language proves it even more.

   "Old Shen, let's spend a bit today."

   "Hey, I heard that the girls here are pretty good..."

   "You still understand me."

The two held a green evolutionary crystal in their hands, and their faces showed wretched smiles. Their identities did not seem to be simple. As soon as they approached the restaurant, several maids in kimonos ran out and said in broken Chinese " welcome."

  PS: The order is wrong, I just didn't pay attention to it, I have contacted the editor in charge, and I will change it back in a while.

  Oops I was careless (ω`)

   (end of this chapter)

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