I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1325: Sugiyama Ryoko

   Chapter 1325 Sugiyama Ryoko

  Abeng was stunned for a while. It was the first time he heard Chinese from these servant girls. How should I put it, it was quite novel.

And the two new guests also felt fluttering. Their arrival seemed to have shocked the entire restaurant. More and more kimono maids came out of it, and warmly attracted the two with a hospitable look. go in.

However, in A Beng's eyes, these two people are not really big people, they are just sixth-order new humans, but these sixth-order new humans are placed here, and the lineup should not be underestimated. After all, in Wanhe Third District, Not to mention the sixth-order, there are not many of the fourth-order, most of them are the first-order and second-order, and you can see the third-order new humans from time to time.

Not long after, a woman in white clothes came out, walked towards the two people, talked a few words in fluent Chinese, and introduced the two of them into a box. People don't know what they said, but they looked very proud, and a group of servant girls spread out with a smile.

The woman in white summoned a few maids, said something in Japanese, and was about to leave. At this moment, her eyes swept to Ah Beng on the steps opposite the door. The eyes of the two crossed each other, and the woman pondered for a while. , said something to the maid again, and pointed a finger at A Beng, this scene made A Beng look strange.

   After a while, he saw the woman walking towards him, and when he walked to the door of the restaurant, she waved to him.

   "Child, come here."

  A Beng looked left and right blankly, only then did he confirm that the woman said that the child was him, he raised his finger and pointed at himself, and the woman opposite nodded.

  Although he didn't know what the woman was called and what he was doing, Ah Beng couldn't help but walked over curiously.

   "Sister, what did you ask me to do?" A Beng asked politely.

  The woman looked at him for a while, and then Aben saw a look of pity in her eyes, and immediately knew why this woman called him.

   This is really treating yourself as a beggar!

   She squatted down, looked at A Beng, and asked in a soft tone, "Are you from China?"

   "Well, yes." Aben nodded.

   "Where are your parents?"

   Although the woman is from Dongying, she speaks Chinese fluently and Mandarin very clearly. If she hadn't spoken Japanese directly, A Beng would have thought that the woman was a pure Chinese.

   Her words made A Beng silent for a while, and soon he saw him shaking his head and saying, "I... I don't have parents."

   "No parents..." The pity in the woman's eyes was a little stronger, and she continued to ask, "What's your name?"

   "I don't know. Some people call me Ah Beng. Sister, just call me Ah Beng."

"So, are you hungry?" The woman tidyed up A Beng's dirty clothes and touched his stomach. This move made him feel uncomfortable. Except for Gong Xiao, there seemed to be no one else. Dare to do it.

   "I...my that..." Ah Beng couldn't tell for a long time, he is a zombie, an eighth-order zombie, how could he feel hungry? And even eating human food doesn't get much supplement, so he doesn't know how to answer the woman's question.

   But the other party just smiled, and Aben's hesitant answer seemed shy in her opinion, and she was embarrassed to ask for it from others.

She didn't care, she led Ah Beng to the second floor, took him into a box, and said softly, "Wait here for a while, and food will be delivered soon, my name is Shanshan Ryoko, you call me Ryoko is fine, I'll go to work first, and I'll find you later."

   "Oh oh oh."

   Sugiyama Ryoko had the same smile on her face as before. She turned around and was about to leave the box. Only then did Ah Beng react, and hurriedly called out to the other party: "That... Sister Ryoko, I want to ask you about someone."


  A Beng quickly took out the photo that Yin Huangcheng had given to himself, Sugiyama Ryoko looked at it for a while, shook his head, and said, "I have never seen this person, who is she from you?"

   "She's my sister, I...I'm looking for her."

"Is she in Wanhe 3rd district? If she is, I can help you find it." Shanshan Ryoko said, A Beng looks like eleven or twelve years old, wearing tattered and dirty clothes, it may be the overflow of motherhood, which makes her unable to help Want to help each other more.

If Ah Beng wanted to find such a person in Wanhe 3rd District, it would be relatively easy to find such a person with the power of the Zhukouchuan Club, but if it was not in Wanhe 3rd District, Zhukouchuan would have no choice. This is the Yunxia Base. It belongs to the territory of China. Apart from the Chinese people, the citizens of other countries are all third-class people, and the Chinese people have a great hatred for the Dongying people, not to mention some ordinary people, even many of the high-level eighth-order new humans in Yunxia are right. The Dongying people have great prejudices, and in the sixth year, when Takeguchichuan just established a foothold in the Yunxia Base, he was led by two seventh-order new humans to smash the newly established club headquarters. At that time, the strongest were not eight. rank, but rank seven!

It can be said that in the entire Yunxia base, the situation of Dongying people is the worst, and it still exists now, that is entirely because Dongying is the first foreigner to show his loyal attitude to the Chinese people, and in order to do so. At this point, the two eighth-order new human beings among the Dongying people have completely licked the dogs of the two major forces in exchange for the conditions for the Dongying people to survive in the Yunxia base.

But even so, the range of activities of Dongying people is limited to Wanhe three districts. Once they go to the outside world, they have not mastered fluent Chinese. The hatred in their blood will make the Chinese people start a killing tournament without hesitation. As a result, many Koreans died on the streets because of this, which is also the reason why Takeguchikawa and Nanxin were hostile.

Although the Dongying people are very angry about this, they have nothing to do. The resources are firmly in the hands of the two major forces. Most of the eighth-order new human beings are Chinese, and the eighth-order new human beings of foreign descent are even in the entire council. One-tenth is not accounted for, and if you want to survive, you can only hold your tail.

   "I don't know, all I know is that she is at the Yunxia Base." A Beng said hesitantly.

   "That's it, let me find it for you, and I'll let you know if there is any news."

"um. Thank you."

   A Beng said sincerely, after Sugiyama Ryoko went out, it didn't take long for a plate of Yuejian fried noodles to be brought in. After the waiter left, A Beng took a sip and his expression became grim.

   "No taste!"

   complained, but he couldn't have leftovers, so he ate the half-boiled eggs first. In this plate of fried noodles, only the eggs could be swallowed. As for the noodles? I'm sorry, zombies are not human, even if they can eat human food, the taste must be extreme, either sweet to the extreme, or spicy to the extreme.

   (end of this chapter)

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