I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1326: shout to the sky

   Chapter 1326 Shouting to the sky

   After eating the eggs, A Beng endured the dry feeling like chewing wax, opened his mouth to the point of exaggeration, and poured the whole plate of fried noodles into it, like a bitter medicine, and suffocated in one mouthful.

  Since Sugiyama Ryoko said that he would come to find him later, Aben did not leave immediately, he put the empty plate on the table and waited slowly.

Not long after, Shanshan Ryoko opened the box door, glanced at the clean plate and couldn't help but smiled, and said, "Abeng, if you don't come here in the future, I'll give you a job, so you won't suffer hungry."

Ah Beng refused in his heart. He didn't want to eat human food all the time. Even so, he restrained himself, showing that he didn't want to but couldn't do anything, and pretended hesitantly said: "Sister Liangzi, you don't need to. Now, I still have things to do, and when I'm done, I'll come to you..."

   "That's it..." Sugiyama Ryoko's eyes showed regret, but she didn't force it to stay. After a few simple exchanges, she agreed to let Aben leave.

After leaving the restaurant, A Beng glanced back at the restaurant and sighed that there were still good people in Yunxia Base. He took out the photo to find a white man passing by, and asked in Chinese, "Hey, foreigner, have you seen this before? No woman?"

The foreigner was stopped, and his face was a little confused, but fortunately, in order to communicate better, the foreigners in the Yunxia Base had more or less learned Chinese, but they could understand a few sentences. Handing it to him, he knew that these Chinese children should be looking for the woman in the photo. He shook his head, said "NO" a few times, and left.

   "Where's Leonima!"

   A Beng said in dissatisfaction, watching the white man leave, holding the photo and asking another foreigner.

   "Have you seen the woman in this photo?"


   asked several times with a look on his face, but it was still the same as before, unable to ask what he wanted at all.

Just when Ah Beng wanted to give up, he suddenly saw a riot in front of the crowd. The crowded people seemed to see something terrifying. The weapon came over fiercely.

   They looked around and seemed to be looking for something. From time to time, they pulled out one or two unlucky ghosts from the crowd and asked rudely, "Have you seen a woman in a leather coat pass by?"

   "Ah... ah! Well... see you..."


A few foreigners obviously didn't learn Chinese, and they were kicked out by the Huaxia people with laser weapons without saying a word. Although they were a little embarrassed, the blood on their bodies was shocking, and some of them were impressive. A seventh-order new human, and four or five sixth-order new humans.

   This kind of lineup is not a problem to walk sideways in Wanhe three districts!

   "What a human talk!"

   One of them impatiently slapped one of the people who were being questioned, and the huge force slapped him out of his mouth, causing him to spit out a large mouthful of blood, and he slumped on the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

  The other people around didn't dare to say anything, they hurriedly dodged far away like a plague god, watching these people leave.

   When passing in front of A Beng, the eyes of a sixth-order rookie met him, as if he felt that A Beng was not afraid of himself and others.

   A Beng rolled his eyes, this look looked extremely provocative in the eyes of the other party, the sixth-order new human who spoke immediately burst into a violent burst and walked towards A Beng, but was pulled by another person in the next second.

   "Don't make trouble, go."

The few people didn't stop and left the place quickly. As the crowd regrouped, their figures disappeared from sight. After a while, A Beng saw a woman in a black leather coat from the roof of a low house somewhere. After jumping down, A Beng saw this woman, and suddenly remembered that the person they were looking for was a woman wearing a leather jacket.

  After the woman landed, her eyes swept around, and finally locked on A Beng and walked directly over.

   "Child, Sugiyama Ryoko didn't go out?"


  Abeng was stunned for a while, but he quickly realized that this woman might have been looking at herself after Sugiyama Ryoko invited her to a meal out of kindness.

"I have no idea."

  The woman did not speak, and stared at A Beng, as if to see through him, A Beng looked at her calmly, a sixth-order new human, he would not be afraid of her.

   One person and one zombie looked at each other like this, and no one said a word. After a while, Aben saw that the woman turned around and was about to enter Sugiyama Ryoko's Japanese restaurant.

   "Hey, sister, wait a minute, I'll ask someone."

   "Are you calling your sister when you see someone?" The woman's expression was a little speechless.

   "Who are you inquiring about?" Aben smiled, took out the photo from his pocket, and handed it over: "Well, it's her."

The woman took the photo and looked at it for a while, her face changed slightly, and the smile on her face slowly disappeared, but A Beng has already gone through many endings, and I don't think this woman who knows Sugiyama Ryoko will know about Long Ying. Jia, he didn't look at the other party's expression either, he waited for the "I don't know" and "I don't know" that he heard hundreds of times every day.

   But this time, it seemed to be a little different. A Beng heard the woman say, "Who is she from you, and what are you doing with her?"

   "She...she's my sister?"


   "Hmm... ummm." Aben nodded.

   "Do you know what her name is?"

   "Long Yingjia."

   "Your surname is Dragon too?"

   "This... should be... wait! You know her?"

  A Beng's eyes widened instantly. At this moment, he only felt that he had found hope, but the next second, he saw this woman shaking her head and said ruthlessly, "I don't know."

   "This...you don't know why you ask me so much?"

  Abeng snatched the photo at once, but felt very boring and was about to leave, but the woman behind him stopped him: "Little brother, wait, how can I contact you? If I find this Long Yingjia."

"Oh, thank you then... If you really find it, you can shout to the sky that I found Long Yingjia, and I may appear in front of you soon." Hope on this woman.

   "Are you kidding me?"

   "You can find it first."

   "Hmph, I'm not that boring yet, since..."

The woman's words suddenly came to an abrupt halt halfway through. A Beng turned his head and saw the figure of the other party turned into a black shadow and disappeared into the night sky, sneaking into the distant buildings, and at the same time, appeared from the other side of the street. A large group of heavily armed troops with laser weapons in their hands.

   "It's the security forces!"

   (end of this chapter)

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