I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1328: He and I are both puppets

   Chapter 1328 He and I are both puppets

   "Leave quickly, or I'd mind packing you up together."

   One of the two restaurant guests said very rudely, here, they belong to the two sixth-order new human beings with the highest status. Who is arrogant if he is not arrogant?

Other people's eyes just stayed on A Beng for a while, and soon they were placed on Shanshan Ryoko. In this case, this Chinese child obviously has something to do with Shanshan Ryoko, otherwise he wouldn't be "head iron". She reported badly.

And Sugiyama Ryoko didn't speak. At this moment, she realized from A Beng that something was wrong with him. That look was not what a child should have, and there was an aura about him that made her body and mind tremble, as if encountering It's like a natural enemy on your own food chain!

   But at the same time, a glimmer of anticipation began to appear in her heart, what if this child is not simple?

   And she guessed right, after the guest said a word, the expression on A Beng's face instantly turned cold.

   "Clean me up? See if you have that skill!"

   After saying a word, A Beng raised a hand and snapped his fingers with a "snap". In the next second, a strong wind blew all the tables, chairs and sofas in the restaurant into the air! The wooden floor was like being lifted up by invisible but powerful hands, causing the dust to obscure most people's sight.

   After the dust dispersed, two tall figures suddenly appeared behind A Beng.

   Both figures are at least two meters tall, and those eyes that do not contain any human emotions swept across the crowd, making everyone's scalp tingle!

   Two people suddenly appeared behind the little kid. Their eyes were really scary, and they couldn't see clearly how the two of them appeared.

Sun Hengyi and the others couldn't help looking at the two restaurant guests. The meaning in their eyes was obvious. They asked if the other party could see clearly. But soon, his face turned pale. With panic, it was obvious that the two of them didn't see clearly, and they were not stupid, and realized that this kick hit the iron plate.

   "Come on? Pack me up? Show me!"

  A Beng snapped his fingers again, and the two people who suddenly appeared behind him also followed his movement and their arms moved back for a while. In the turbulent air, the clothes on their bodies exploded instantly, revealing exaggerated bronze-colored muscles!

   At the same time, two auras that are incomparably powerful and can only be felt by new humans also swept like waves!

  Eighth-order new human beings!

"Depend on!"

The two guests were so frightened that their whole bodies shivered. When they reacted and looked behind them, Sun Hengyi and the foreign security forces who had followed them had already run to the door, and they disappeared with a bang in the next second. Without a trace.

   The two of them still wanted to go, but before they moved their feet, the two behind A Beng disappeared in place at once, leaving a blurry afterimage along the way, which soon disappeared.

   "Sister Ryoko, thank you for the meal you had before, hurry up and get out of here, I'll take care of it for you here, and I'm not the poor kid you imagined." Aben turned to Sugiyama Ryoko and said.

   Sugiyama Ryoko didn't say anything, only saw her hands placed three inches below the navel, bowed to pay respect to Aben with her own unique etiquette, and then left quickly.

A Beng then looked at the two guests who were pressed against the wall by his me and me, looked at it for a while, and couldn't help but say: "The strength is not bad, although I am a bit unqualified for me, but I can barely use it. ."

The two looked at A Beng in horror, and the stench that the big man in front of him spit out every time he opened his mouth made them feel like they were out of breath, but fortunately, A Beng quickly let these two weirdos out. The guy put it on his neck, and the two of them knelt on the ground with two "pops" without pausing.

   "That... eldest brother, neither of us did it on purpose, spare our lives!"

   The appearance of the two of them at the moment, where do you want the arrogant and domineering powerhouse demeanor?

A Beng looked at them with a smile, only thinking that this scene was very interesting, people's reactions in certain situations really made him feel so happy, and he couldn't help but tut his tongue: "Isn't it very dragging just now? Why does it become like this now? What does it look like? Don't you want to clean me up? Come on?"

   "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's the two of us who don't have eyes, please let us go, we won't dare next time!"

   It was too straightforward for the two of them to admit that they were cowards. It was beyond A Beng's imagination. To be honest, this was the first time he had met such a person.

What about    dignity? been eaten? And I haven't moved my mouth yet!

  Abeng had only one thought in his heart.

   "Is there a next time?"

   "Don't don't... ah? Oh, no... no next time!"

   "Big Brother... Uncle! Let us go, it's not easy to live until now, we have just evolved to the sixth level, and we will die before we can enjoy it, this..."

   As one of them said, he couldn't help touching his neck and grimaced in pain, while the other kowtowed to A Beng frantically, looking funny.

  Abeng thought for a while, hesitant in his heart, the appearance of these two people really amused him a little, and now he is really reluctant to kill them both.

   "Let you go... It's not impossible, but it depends on your performance. I ask a question. If I can't answer the answer I want, then I will turn the two of you into my other and me."

   "Oh good good!"

   "Big... Uncle, what question do you want to ask, as long as I know, I will give you a complete answer!"

   "Yes, yes... eh? What is he and me?"

The other one nodded desperately and agreed, quickly reacted to a key question, and hurriedly asked, he and I don't sound like the same thing, but coming out of this weird child's mouth, it feels a little scary for no reason, shouldn't it be? what a good thing.

  Abeng pointed to the two two-meter strong men next to him, and said, "Well, it's these two, they are me, and I am also them, so you don't understand, in short, they are puppets, do you understand?"

"Puppet?" Hearing these two words, the faces of the two suddenly turned pale, and after a while, a man called Lao Shen asked tremblingly, "Then... that uncle, your question. What is it? Don't ask us what we don't know!"

   "Hey, I've asked a lot of people this question, and many people can't answer them, but they're fine, but if you can't answer them, it won't work for me, so you two get ready."

   "Ah? Uncle!"

   (end of this chapter)

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