I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1329: The landlord's life-saving grace

   Chapter 1329 The landlord's life-saving grace

   Hearing this sentence, the two of them were instantly desperate. They only felt that the road ahead of them was dead and dark, and there was no hope of surviving.

  If they can do it all over again, they will kill this little brat, no! Would never step into this **** Japanese restaurant! The first time I came here, I suffered such a big disaster. How can I make sense?

However, the two of them have been able to survive until now, and they are still sixth-order new humans. In this case, they are not only Gou, but also must have a spirit of adventure, otherwise they would not have today. It has been eleven years since the end of the world, and they have not experienced any danger. Pass? Still not alive!

   No matter what, I still have a little hope in my heart.

   "That, sir, can I ask you that question...what type?"

   "Okay, I just want to ask someone, see if anyone knows or knows her."


The two were completely desperate. They only came to Yunxia Base for two months, and they spent a long time in the house. As long as no one provokes them, they will not make trouble. How many people can they know? ?

   looked at each other, and both saw a piece of dead ashes from their companions' faces.

   What could be more desperate than this?

   "Okay, I'm going to start asking, you two, are you ready?"



  A Beng took out the slightly yellowed photo from his pocket again, and the two took it and took a look, yes! Someone I really don't know.

   When he showed his companions, the other side also looked desperate. The two of them looked at A Beng in unison, with a smile that was uglier than crying.

   "Master, here...give me another chance, you don't have to be a puppet, we can help you do a lot of things!"

   "Don't care so much, why? Don't know?"

   "That...I don't know..."

   "Oh~ that's nothing to talk about!"

  Abeng paralyzed his hand, raised his hand, and looked like he was about to snap his fingers. When the old Shen saw this, he hurriedly shouted, "Don't! Don't! Please!"

"What's the matter?" A Beng stopped the momentum of snapping his fingers and asked. The other party is no different from his own and me in front of his eyes. At Yunxia Base, unless it is a four or five eighth-order new human powerhouse Surround yourself together, otherwise I wouldn't worry at all, but the two of them are only sixth-order. I don't know how many people at this level in the royal court, and I can't count them. Yunxia Base will not be dedicated to these two people. Come and fight against steel yourself!

   So, A Beng doesn't mind giving the two of them a few more seconds to say a word.

   "I want to ask, what's the name of the woman in the photo?" In fact, in this old Shen's heart, everything was over, he just wanted to rescue him, and he could live an extra second.

   "Oh, this woman's surname is Long, and her full name is Long Yingjia."

"Long...Long Yingjia...I've never heard of this surname before. I'm done." As soon as Lao Shen heard that, his whole body slumped to the ground, but it was another person. His eyes suddenly lit up when he looked at Ah Beng. A Beng was about to start snapping his fingers again, and he shouted anxiously: "Wait! Uncle, just wait, this... this name..." He swallowed, his eyes glowing, and he seemed very excited.

   Seeing the other party like this, A Beng also showed anticipation on his face. It seems that this guy has clues.

   "What? What do you want to say? Know?"

   "I don't know, but don't be impulsive. I really don't know, but I have an image! It seems that I saw this name a few days ago?"

"Oh, really?"

   "Yes! Uncle, wait a minute, I'll look for it!"

  The man stood up, took out a mobile phone from his trousers pocket, turned it on quickly, opened a certain software, found the browsing history without any pause, and quickly scrolled down.

   just turned around like this for a while, and Aben suddenly felt irritated. He now very much suspects that the other party is deliberately delaying time to survive.

   "Wait, I'll find it soon!"

   Seeing that the browsing history could not be turned over, the person immediately backed out, clicked on the search, and took a deep breath, but his hands remained on the top of the typing page for a long time, looking at him, he seemed to be thinking about something.

   It didn't take long, just at the moment when Ah Beng was about to split, he directly typed three words.

  【Crossing Field】

After typing these three words, a lot of content quickly appeared on the software interface. He directly clicked on one of the videos, handed the phone to Ah Beng, and said, "Look, it should be this."

The content of the video flashed quickly in front of A Beng's eyes. It was roughly the middle of the seventh year of the end of the world, the Yaogong of Mingyue Capital, Changqiu, Lin Jiangyang, three seventh-order new humans and the same two seventh-orders of Qianlonghui. The new human beings and the army below discovered a big battle. The place was in the cross-ling field in the B3 area of ​​China. The outbreak of that battle was too sudden. The people living in that area had not yet reacted, and it could almost tear apart all storms. It swept over and plowed the ground, causing a large number of deaths. Afterwards, Changqiu and Lin Jiangyang, the capital of the bright moon, were killed in battle, while the two seventh-order new humans at the Qianlong Club and the army below were completely wiped out.

   After all, that incident was the first seventh-order new human war that broke out at Yunxia Base, and the damage caused was really serious. Those information departments wanted to know the psychological activities of the survivors at that time, so this interview was made.

During the    video interview, A Beng saw a name, Long Yingjia, but he was not sure, so he asked the person in front of Xiang Xiang: "Isn't this word yi?"

  The man touched his head, he wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare.

   "Why didn't you realize that this little brat is illiterate?" He thought to himself, but on the surface he explained honestly: "This word, read Ying..."

   "Oh." Ah Beng nodded, not caring about anything.

   When the two saw this, the expressions on their faces were all relaxed. Their lives were saved, and that person could not wait to confess to the person who posted this video. This is a life-saving grace! If it weren't for the landlord, he wouldn't know there was Long Yingjia.

   "I must give you a like when I go back!"

   And when Lao Shen exhaled, he was also very surprised. He never imagined that the lives of the two of them would be saved in this way!

"Uncle... Uncle, this is the person you found. Although the appearance is not clearly visible on the video, the woman, with the same name, should be her. Also, when she was interviewed, she was at the Mining Hospital in District B21, China. There are records in the hospital, there should be this Long Yingjia's address."

A Beng watched the video and the system table of the mining hospital in the video. He had mixed feelings. It's been almost two months. He finally found a clue about Long Yingjia. This feeling is like busy work in vain. A lifetime of things suddenly progressed, making people full of expectations for the future!

   (end of this chapter)

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