I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1330: you are done

   Chapter 1330 You are finished

   "That... can we go?" Seeing that Ah Beng already knew the question he knew, Lao Shen asked quickly but cautiously.

   A Beng glanced at them and sneered: "I promised to kill you, but I didn't say let you go."

   "Huh?" The faces of the two suddenly turned bitter. He didn't want to stay here with this weird child, not even a minute longer.

   "Well, when I find Long Yingjia, I'll let you go. By the way, where do you live now? Follow me tomorrow and go to the mining hospital to find the record sheet."

   "This... okay." Old Shen was very reluctant, but he didn't dare to show it, so he could only say this.

   "Also, in order to prevent you from escaping, I have to put a lock on you?"

   "Lock? What lock?" The two of them became vigilant at once, but in the next second they were picked up by one of A Beng's one hand and one hand, unable to move.

   And A Beng stretched out a hand, palm facing up, and the flesh on his wrist began to wriggle. This scene was extremely strange, and the two of them opened their eyes instantly. This is not the ability of human beings!

   In such a second, two words flashed in their hearts at the same time, Zombie!

   Advanced Zombies!

   A zombie that can disguise itself as a human, and it is so natural?

   Only Tier 8 zombies can do this!

Thinking of this, the legs of the two of them began to tremble. What they provoked turned out to be an eighth-order zombie. If they had known that there were eighth-order zombies in Yunxia Base disguised as adults and lived like humans, they would not have come to Wanhe District 3 The Matsusaka Bureau came to have fun, maybe even the Yunxia Base didn't dare to come in, just thinking about it makes one's hair stand on end!

"Don't be surprised, I'm not the only one in this Yunxia base!" A Beng seemed to know what the two were thinking. The ball appeared in front of the two of them, and before the two could react, A Beng raised his hand, and two extremely disgusting-looking flesh **** were stuffed into their throats.

   The two wanted to spit it out, but as soon as the meat ball entered their mouths, they felt tentacles growing around the meat ball, as if they were moving?

   The two of them felt more and more frightened in their hearts and wanted to say something, but now the meat ball seems to have got into the trachea, blocking their throats, making them unable to say a word!

  In the end, the foreign body sensation of the meat ball stuck in the neck disappeared, and it was unknown where the meat ball ran to their body.

   Hearing Ah Beng say:

"Very well, now, you are my slaves, don't be discouraged, this is much better than him and me who became me, by the way, I would like to remind you that if you feel that you run away, no matter where you run, I will stop you. The meat ball that goes into your mouth will explode, turning you two into zombies!"

   The two shivered and looked at each other, each other's expressions even more crying.

   What can they say now? dare not say anything.

   can only nod, admit his current experience, there is nothing more unfortunate than this, it is better to live than to die, who told them not to have eyes to provoke an eighth-order zombie disguised as a human?

"Okay, that's it, let you go when you find that Long Yingjia, don't look at me with this expression, even though I'm a zombie, I'm still very reasonable as a zombie, and you don't have to worry too much. Things, there are already clues, I believe it won't take too long to find the person I'm looking for."

"Yes Yes."

   "Yes, yes, you are right!" The two of them dared to refute, they could only agree with what A Beng said.

   "What's your two names?"

   "My name is Zheng Minghui."

   "I'm... My name is Shen Mingke."

   "Take me to where you live."


   Zheng Minghui and the two nodded hurriedly, took A Beng out of the restaurant, and walked towards the outside of Wanhe Third District.

They live in District E37 of Xia, not too far from Wanhe 3rd District, about four or five kilometers away, but with their feet, this distance did not waste Aben long, and the speed was not slow or slow. It took about three minutes for A Beng to arrive at the residence where the two of them were.

After all, it is also a sixth-order new human being, although it is nothing to the existence of his level, but for those middle- and lower-level residents, the sixth-order new human is a real powerhouse, and the two of them live because of this. It was a two-story single-family villa. According to what the two of them said, they also bought several foreign slaves, including blacks, whites, and Latinos.

As soon as he entered the villa, Ah Beng sat on the sofa as if he had returned to his own house. On the contrary, Zheng Minghui and Shen Mingke, who were supposed to be the masters, were like poor relatives who came to defect, giving people a very cautious look. Feel.

The white slave on the side was very discerning and did not need two people to remind him. The first one reacted and poured a glass of strange blue drink for A Beng. It was also the first time A Beng saw this thing and took a sip, but I didn't taste what it was, and there was no follow-up.

It may be that he found a clue to find Long Yingjia. A Beng and his friends rarely relax. He even changed his dirty clothes in the two people's residence and wore delicate small clothes. Early the next morning, Ah Beng woke up the two of them and walked towards Hua B21 area.

   However, when they passed through a shanty town, A Beng couldn't help but stagnate for a while, and his heart felt a little cold.

"Uncle? What's wrong with you?" Shen Mingke scratched his head and looked at the place A Beng was looking at. There, a strong man with strange facial features walked across the road with dozens of people. , A Beng looked at him, the strong man nodded, the two knew each other, but neither of them spoke.

However, in front of the prairie man, there was a slender man with a slightly pale face kneeling on the ground, as if begging for something, when the prairie man walked in front of him, he roared, "What about Yajin? ? Not even today?"

   "Brother Jin, give me some more time, the time is too short, I can't get it all together, three days! Give me three more days, and once the three days arrive, I will definitely pay back the Yajin I owe you!"

   "I don't care so much, I said, if you don't come today, I'll break your leg! Do it!"

The strong man didn't give any face. With a wave of his hand, the men behind him swarmed up, and the iron rod in his hand fell, forcibly smashing the thin man's legs to the outside, and behind him the door of the house was opened with a gap. A beautiful eye looked at the thin man worriedly.

   But that eye changed instantly when he caught sight of Ah Beng.

   Worry disappeared and became particularly threatening. He looked at Ah Beng, even though he didn't speak, he seemed to say, "Boy, you're done!"

   (end of this chapter)

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