I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1332: Lin Jie's words

   Chapter 1332 The words left by Lin Jie

   Zheng Minghui and Shen Mingke followed, and when they saw the scene in the hall, their faces suddenly turned pale.

   "I'm going, who did this? It's too cruel, isn't it?"

  The two followed Ah Beng and stepped on the rotten flesh on the ground into the hospital. The one in the blue shirt was frightened in place, his throat squirmed, and then he vomited all at once.

As far as their line of sight can reach, there are broken limbs everywhere, and many internal organs and human body parts can no longer be distinguished from their original shapes. Beng looked carefully and didn't even know that the clothes were originally white. In addition, there were some fragments of plain clothes, which should belong to those patients.

   He didn't feel uncomfortable about such a scene. He was very indifferent. He had seen too many such scenes in the mother's nest, and the zombies would not be terrified by such scenes.

   He walked forward step by step, his nose twitched, in addition to the strong smell of blood, he also smelled another smell, which he seemed to have come into contact with.

Before Ah Beng could analyze what the smell belonged to, he heard Zheng Minghui's trembling voice saying, "Master, you have to follow us, there may be a murderer here, a very terrifying murderer. "

   "Murderer? Who?" Aben turned his head and asked curiously.

   "Paint Man Lin Jie."

   "Paint Man?" A Beng was stunned for a moment. He had heard this name before, and his eyes lit up after a while!

   This is a living enemy!

   If you capture him alive and take it to the Khan to claim credit, with the Khan's face, you should be able to cover yourself tightly!

   "Lin Jie! You two are sure it's Lin Jie, where is he? Let him come out for this uncle!"

As if seeing something incredible, Ah Beng shouted loudly, wishing he could immediately let the guy named Lin Jie appear in front of him, of course he knew who Lin Jie was, but he only had a thought, a dozen or so eighth-order I will rush here immediately. If the Yunxia base is destroyed, he won't believe it. A dozen or so eighth-order zombies can't deal with an eighth-order anti-host!

  Abeng's behavior only made people feel surprised. Zheng Minghui and the brothers and sisters looked at each other and felt extremely speechless, but it was also because of Abeng's appearance that it gave them a lot of confidence.

   "No one is there?"

"Master, it's definitely a paint man. Ever since we entered the Yunxia Base, we've heard of his deeds. I don't know how many people he killed, and the people he killed were very miserable. It's like this, and every time he kills, there's a spray of paint. Wei, it's definitely him!" Shen Mingke said with certainty.

In Yunxia Base, in addition to the shadow shrouded by the corpse king, there is a murderer on top of people's heads. His motive for murder has never been ascertained. Break it down, leaving no whole meat behind!

I don't know how long he came to Yunxia Base, but the first person in Yunxia Base who died in his hands was found two years ago. No one knew where he was hiding, just like a good leader The hidden demon, the one person who may pass by you is Lin Jie!

After shouting    for a while, A Beng didn't see anyone appearing for a long time. His perception covered the entire Hua B21 area. Except for the outside, he did not perceive any human breath in the entire hospital.

   In other words, apart from him, Zheng Minghui, Shen Mingke, and that woman, there is no other living person here.

   "There isn't even a figure, so it looks like he has already left." A Beng shook his head, feeling a little pity in his heart, walking on a **** ground, his shoes stepping on the rotten flesh made a "puchi puchi" sound.

  I don't know how many people died here, and the corpses covered the entire hall.

The woman outside did not dare to come in, but trotted out of the hospital all the way, then took out her mobile phone and dialed a number, shouting something loudly, attracting many pedestrians to watch, and there were also curious passers-by who learned that the woman was in the first place. After seeing everything in the second sick building, they turned over the retractable door and ran in, but after they saw the corpses all over the floor, they were too scared to enter.

  A Beng took Zheng Minghui and the two into the hall, then turned left. At first glance, he saw a wall with white space left, on which was written a sentence in bright red:

[If you want to purify the sample, just come to me, it is in my hands, the conditions are the same as before, exchange it with the news I want, it is very simple for you, I know you can see your words, This is what I specially leave for you, if you don't come to me, I will come to you in person! - Lin Jie. 】

The words on the wall were written with paint mixed with the blood. The fonts were a little distorted, but it didn't prevent people from being able to understand them. A Beng knew that the words left by Lin Jie should not be for himself to see, but who made him the first One to here?

   He got closer and glanced at the stairs when he passed the stairs. At the entrance of the stairs, the flesh and blood had piled up into hills. In this scene, A Beng could quickly simulate what happened at that time just by closing his eyes.

What method should that guy named Lin Jie use to get all the workers and patients here to gather in the hall of the second ward, and then start a crazy massacre. At that time, he should be at the door of the hall, concentrated in the hall. Because the people in the hall were the closest to them on the stairs, many people ran to the stairs immediately.

However, the speed at which Lin Jie killed people was too fast. Before anyone could run out, his body had already been disintegrated. Those stumps were all punctured and lacerated under the blessing of enormous strength. tentacles of the head.

   The hill-like corpse pile on the stairs should be the last to be killed, and all the people crowded at the entrance of the stairs were smashed to pieces by countless tentacles at the same time!

  A Beng just glanced at it, simulated the general situation in his mind, and set his eyes on the wall. Zheng Minghui and the two could not help but be speechless at this scene.

   Good guy, as expected of a zombie!

   Such a **** and cruel scene, even the two of them could see their stomachs rolling and their faces pale, but Aben did nothing.

  A Beng ignored the two, looking at the **** words Lin Jie left on the wall, and fell into thought.

"He left this sentence for a person, and I don't know him, so it's definitely not for me... Then, who is it? How can Lin Jie be sure that person will come over to see him leave? The sentence that came down? Also, what is the purifier?"

  Abeng tried to reason it out by himself, but there were too few clues, so he contacted Tang Ye directly.

   (end of this chapter)

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