I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1333: "Everyone is happy"

   Chapter 1333 "Everyone is happy"

  Sky City, Shanhe T71 District, Tang Ye leaned on the railing and looked at the city below, and from time to time he would play bad fun, he would twist the characteristic railing uncontrollably.

The EEG sent to him by A Beng quickly went through his mind, and he didn't see any response. He looked at the city below and couldn't move his eyes. In the place he was looking, he saw that he hadn't seen it for a long time. bird.

There seemed to be a very thin red cloud shrouded there. He saw people there running on the street, roaring excitedly. Some people used net pockets to catch birds flying in the sky, and some people frantically competed for the bright red With feathers like blood, there were also people kneeling on the ground, as if they were praying to these birds.

  The smooth, blood-red feathers on the birds were like the flaming fire of life. They flew by in groups, and where they passed, a large number of feathers fell on the ground, being fought over by people and eaten by people.

That was the red feather bird that Tang Ye had not seen for several years. When he saw them again, he suddenly remembered the little guy who was bitten by a spider and left a scar on his forehead. He didn't know if it was inside or not, but he might have died. It's been a long time.

It seemed like something, he raised a hand slightly, the flesh on his wrist split, revealing a pink plush elastic, part of the plush of the elastic seemed to have been burned by the fire, leaving a piece of it. It was pitch black. He put the rubber band on his wrist again. Now, he has absolute strength to protect this item. He doesn't need to be wrapped in flesh and blood to protect him.

The pink plush rubber band looked a little strange on his hand. This is not something a big man should have. Tang Ye continued to look at the flock of red feathered birds. After a while, he suddenly mocked: "Lin Lin Jay... hehe~"

Just now, he covered the entire Yunxia base, and even included several surrounding cities, but he didn't find even a little strange place. He stared at the entire Yunxia base, but there were too many colors, and it was impossible for him to spend a lot of time. Pick out the colors that belong to the anti-host.

   But compared to Lin Jie, he still has more important time now. When he finds the person he is looking for, it is a very simple matter to take care of this ridiculous murderer.

   It's not far from "finishing", and when that day comes, it's also when Lin Jie's death is imminent.

   "You seem to have run into Lin Jie, what? He seems to have offended you."

Su Sigui's voice suddenly sounded from behind, Tang Ye didn't look back, he shook his head and said, "That guy is very cautious and hides deeply, as for me and him, it's far beyond what the word offense can contain. You mean, our Liangzi and Dazhu are here."

   "What did he do to you?" Su Sigui couldn't help but be curious.

  Tang Ye pouted, glanced at her, and said, "The Liantong District will suddenly disappear and turn into that appearance. That guy is one of the culprits."

   "One of the culprits? Who else besides Lin Jie?"

   "What kind of zombie queen, if she hadn't died, there might be more than one zombie king in China mainland."

   This sentence made Su Sigui's heart skip a beat, and he couldn't help asking: "She was solved by you?"

"Of course, I died completely, and the price I paid is obvious, so the Liantong District is finished like this." Tang Ye spread his hands and said hilariously, paused for a while, and looked at Su Si jokingly. Gui: "Look, I have paid so much for mankind, not much less than you, right? So, the rest is up to you."

   "Don't be discouraged, I will cheer you on from behind. You must do it. You are the overlord of South China, and you are still the emperor of the royal court."

   "I can't guarantee that at that time, I will just run away, maybe I will join the enemy... Anyway, I don't want to go to the toilet to light the lamp."

   “emmm… okay.”

Su Sigui only uttered two words, which surprised Tang Ye suddenly. He looked at her, but did not see any expression on the side of her face with baby fat. Like herself, she was watching the group of red-feathered birds below. .

   "You have one more thing in your hand, is it important to you?"

   "It is, it is also a burden."

   "Then why are you wearing it again?"

   "Hmm... the feeling of being alive."

"Oh I see."


   "Where is Lin Jie?"

   "He was not found, but traces of his passing were found, in the mine hospital."

   "Hua B21 District?"

   "Well, he killed all the doctors and patients there, and left a sentence on the wall, I don't know who saw it, but he seemed pretty sure that person would come... By the way, he also mentioned the purifier."


  Su Sigui repeated the word purifier, as if thinking about something.

   "I've never heard of this, do you have a way to find the person Lin Jie is looking for?"

   "It's very simple, just stay where you are." "What a stupid way."

   "No way, for me this is the easiest way and the most effective way, but why do I feel that this purifying agent is not a good thing for zombies?"

   "I don't know, if it is, then everyone is happy."


   "You seem to be reluctant to bear the corpse king?"

"how is this possible?"

   Tang Ye said with some guilty conscience.

His words only made Su Sigui shake his head, unable to see what she was thinking. She was next to Tang Ye, with both hands on the railing, looking at everything below, and after a while, she listened to her Said: "Let's go, go to the mine hospital."

   "You are going too?"

   "Of course, but it's not because of Lin Jie. Although that guy also left me with some unfriendly impressions, I'm more curious, what does Lin Jie want to know? If that purifier is a very important thing."


"Lin Jie never had a motive to kill. He would suddenly appear at a certain time, and then someone would be brutally murdered. Before he died, he was tortured inhumanly. He seems to have a soft spot for something, such as human beings. The expression on his face, showing the expression he wants will make him feel happy, his appearance time is irregular, sometimes he will kill one or more people a day, it is said that he was seen shouting in a corner, like a madman, But the man survived..."

   "Besides, Yunxia Base will calm down from time to time. Of course, he never left any Yunxia Base, because someone always found him, in the crowd, or in a corner."

   "His prey is actually fixed?" Tang Ye said uncertainly.

"It should be, because when Lin Jie is silent, he is more like locking on the target, waiting for an opportunity! There are also some of his behaviors that make me curious, but compared to this, I am more curious about the purifier in Lin Jie's hand. "

   (end of this chapter)

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