I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1334: really don't need

   Chapter 1334 is really not needed

  Tang Ye couldn't help thinking of Lin Jie's reaction when he fought against Li Qingtian before he evolved to the ninth rank. He seemed to have seen similar things, killing relatives?

   And this kind of thing seems to have been experienced by Lin Jie personally, causing indelible pain in the soul, and it resonated with him after seeing similar things in others.

   cried and laughed, because of Su Sigui, he seemed to be curious too.

   But speaking, the one next to him is the most bizarre, the transmigrator, who seems to have transmigrated in the late end of the apocalypse... Something she doesn't even know, which is a bit interesting.

   After a brief chat, Tang Ye saw Su Sigui take out a potion, opened his mouth and drank it in one gulp.

"what is this?"

   "You don't need this thing."

   "How did you know I didn't need it?"

   Tang Ye looked at the reddish liquid in the glass tube, which was a little strange. He had seen some medicines with the same color as Su Sigui's, but it was definitely not what Tang Ye thought.

  Su Sigui looked at Tang Ye for a while, and after laughing "Haha", in Tang Ye's perception, the blood in her body began to weaken.

   "Oh, blocker, this is the first time I've seen a blocker of this color."

   "Semi-permanent, as long as it is not impulsive, it will always be maintained. It is necessary to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger."

   "Looks like I really don't need it."

   "Let's go."

  The outside of the mining hospital was already crowded with people, and a large number of soldiers with laser weapons poured in. A non-commissioned officer with a high rank frowned and looked at the tragic situation in the second ward.

   "Call me the people from the Chinese Medicine Department. What do they eat? The mining hospital closed for no reason, and they didn't check what was wrong?"

   "Someone has come, just outside."

   "Let them in."

"I go……"

   "What do you think, why did that lunatic kill these people?"

   "Let people in first, and call the surnamed Zhan Tai. She is most familiar with this place. Let her take you to find it and see if there is anything missing."

   "Report, that director hasn't recovered yet, and is still being supported by our brothers."

   "Made, this kind of woman is trouble. After a long time, such a scene can scare her into this?"

   A non-commissioned officer slapped his lips, and his tone was full of disdain for ordinary people, but what he saw in front of him, not to mention those women, even him, he felt a little nervous.

   It is impossible to count the number of people at the scene. There are body fragments everywhere, and many parts are completely muddy. Those pharmacies, toilets, function rooms and elevators, as long as they can check the first floor, they are all body fragments!

   This kind of scene is like when you are carrying two kitchen knives, take out a large piece of beef, and chop it hard for a hundred thousand times. The final result is that the piece of beef becomes almost flour.

   Every rib is chopped to pieces!

   The woman who entered the hospital with Aben and the others before was forcibly supported by the soldiers and entered the hall, stepping on the mud-like rotten flesh, squeezing out blood "gulugulu", exuding a strong **** smell!

In this scene, if you are in hell, the woman will close her eyes and dare not look at everything around her. She has only seen people kill for survival in the two months when the end of the world just broke out. At that time, she kept doing I had several nightmares. Every night, as long as someone made a little movement, he would wake up immediately, for fear that someone would kill him with a knife in the middle of the night.

Fortunately, because she is a doctor, she is very useful to the survivor team, and no one is stupid enough to touch her, so in the entire apocalypse, the most disturbing thing she has ever seen is the survivor where she is. The top leader of the team threw a disobedient guy from upstairs and fed it to the zombies. As for cannibalism, she had never seen such a thing that touched the bottom line of human morality.

She can be said to be the luckiest part of the people in the apocalypse. In just two months, she was rescued by the army, or it was because of her occupation that she was a doctor. Like other related occupations, she had a great impact on the reconstruction of human society. It has a great developmental effect, so she does not need to risk her life to hunt evolutionary zombies to solve her own survival problems like other survivors. The quality of life has only decreased a little, but she lives like a real person anyway!

   Compared with other people, her life is hundreds of times more decent!

She has never seen bloodshed. Although she has seen corpses and seen those crazy people on the reconstructed network, she has not had much impact on her. At most, she will have nightmares at night. No one knows, how many times she has been Thank God a hundred times for letting me do this job.

   It can be said that in the entire apocalypse, she is one of the few lucky ones who are closest to ordinary people. Think about it, an ordinary person sees this scene, isn't that frightened and almost lost his soul?

   She shouted while the two soldiers were holding each other, her feet kept shrunk upwards, and her body was completely carried by the two new human soldiers.

   "Let go of me, I don't want to go in, please!"

The    soldier didn't care about her thoughts. Her strength was not as good as ordinary infants for two soldiers of the third rank, and she couldn't shake them at all!

   But one of the soldiers felt that the screaming of the woman was too annoying. It would be fine if the other party was a beautiful woman with a beautiful charm, so they would be happy to support each other, no!

   Don’t talk about holding it, you can carry it!

   But the other party seems to be close to forty years old, just an ordinary person.

The soldier said helplessly: "I said, old lady, it won't take you long, just take us to find out if there is anything missing in the hospital, then you can go out, if you are in your head, just a few brothers. You're welcome, I'll throw it directly at you, look, there's still a broken hand."


   "Come on, go to the second floor, this old lady is going to die, there is no such meat dregs on the second floor, don't worry."

   "Hurry up, go to the second floor, the second floor, I'll take you to find it, as long as it's not here!"


  The two soldiers took the woman to the second floor. At the end of the corridor on the left, there were many people in formal suits looking at the content left on the wall and thinking about something.

   "What is a purifier?"

   "I don't know...but I feel it should be something very important, should I ask the people above?"

   "This... wait a minute."

  One of the men saw the soldiers go up and followed to the second floor.

   (end of this chapter)

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