I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1335: I'm afraid

   Chapter 1335 Afraid

   After the two soldiers sent the woman to the second floor, they stopped, and the woman immediately said, "Looking for something, it's impossible for me to show you everywhere to find it, right?"

  The woman observed the surroundings and said with confidence that the second floor was much cleaner than the first floor.

The    soldier did not immediately answer her words. First, he gave a military salute to the man who came up with them. The woman realized that the man's identity was not simple, and bowed to show her respect.

   "Let him tell you," said a soldier.

   "Yeah." The woman resisted the strong nausea in her heart and responded with difficulty.

More soldiers gathered on the second floor, some of them were even seventh-order new human powerhouses, the man didn't waste any time, and said directly: "Lin Jie left a paragraph below, he should be looking for items, The people who died below were killed by Lin Jie at will. The incident should have happened around seven or eight o'clock last night. I had people compare the mixture of blood and paint on the wall and other places. The time difference was two hours, which is Say, that sentence was left by Lin Jie before he left."

"His time doesn't seem to be too much, and he didn't use the method of slowly torturing the victim to satisfy his psychological needs. This has shown that the item he was looking for is very important to Lin Jie, but he didn't find it in the hospital, so he If we are willing to exchange something called a purifier for similar clues, we will not care what the purifier is, and we won’t explore what the purifier does, now, finding Lin Jie is the most important thing!”

The man's eyes turned to the woman, and what he said before was not so much for the woman, but for everyone at the scene: "Therefore, we narrow the scope, think about whether anything strange happened in the hospital during this time, and then Go to check the places in the hospital where important things may be hidden, and make sure if there is anything missing. If it is determined that there is none, then we can rule out the possibility that Lin Jie is looking for some kind of item, and then it will be easy to do. What Lin Jie is looking for is one person!"

   "You take someone to check all the file rooms that record patients. If there is an abnormality, we have two directions to take action. If not, we can only wait here."

Lin Jie's words were heard without a word by Ah Beng, who was standing on the roof. He looked at an inconspicuous place in the distance. He had already noticed that Tang Ye and Su Sigui had arrived here. Dormant.

   "Abeng, what did you ask me to do?"

From the window behind   , a man jumped in and asked Aben's back.

   "Fortunately, I only have less than two months, less than two months! I found the clue that you are looking for someone."

  Abeng said that in less than two months, the words were biting very hard, with a strong resentment.

  Yin Huangcheng smiled disapprovingly and said, "That's hard work for you."

   "You ride a horse!"

When A Beng heard this, he almost couldn't resist the urge to beat the guy, but he finally resisted, and he continued: "Your little girlfriend was injured because of the battle of the seventh-order new human beings and was hospitalized here. All you have to do is find your girlfriend's hospital records, and then you know where she is, and you better hope she doesn't die."

   "You're not serious."

   "Go to Nima, tell you, I'm not afraid of anything now. Anyway, Gong Xiao already knows that I'm coming out, so if you have the ability, go and tell the mother-in-law and see if she ignores you?"

   "It's okay, I get it."

   "Huh. Just look at the group of people below. When they find the archives, you can find them. I'm leaving first, wasting my precious time. I don't want to be with you for a minute now."

   "I see, but... you'd better restrain yourself. The boss has a very important matter. If you screw up because of your playfulness, the boss is likely to throw you to Madman Xu."

   "Hey~ I'm afraid~"

A Beng grimaced, shrugged his shoulders, and looked like he was not beaten. Even so, he still carefully remembered what Yin Huangcheng said in his heart, just because he was threatened to do things during this time, let him look at each other now More and more unpleasant, deliberately wanting to anger him.

Yin Huangcheng shook his head silently. He could hear the resentment from what A Beng said, but he didn't have any regrets about the use of this tool corpse. A Beng is the best way to find someone. The object, if it is him, let's not say whether there is time, even if there is time, he has the freedom to find the person he is looking for, but in the absence of any clues, he does not think he can find the clue even at this time .

He is also afraid. In the report he saw, Long Yingjia is not a new human being, but an ordinary person. He deeply understands how dangerous an ordinary person, or a girl, will be in this apocalypse. The most fearful thing is to find all the clues, and finally find that the girl I am looking for is dead!

   He didn't know how many dreams were like this, turning into shadows on his heart.

"I'm leaving first, you just look at the group of people, I don't have the patience to continue looking for you, the hospital is so big, I don't know where the files are stored, and when they find it, you can go and see Look, but you have to pay attention, not only you and me are around, the boss and that Su Sigui are also here, and there are many human beings near the sky in other places, but you can't feel it after drinking the blocker."


Yin Huangcheng made a gesture, came to the place where A Beng was standing directly, and looked at the group of soldiers who had already started to move. He regretted that he was not prepared before he came, and came directly. He did not take the blocking The blood energy of his eighth-order new human being is still so obvious in the eyes of those who are hiding. Maybe here, he is the only one who is on the bright side.

   On the other side, Tang Ye moved his gaze from Yin Huangcheng's direction to other places. He was also a little puzzled, how could Yin Huangcheng be here? But he didn't care about it, maybe he was also very curious about Lin Jie.

   The most important thing is that in addition to Yin Huangcheng and A Beng themselves and Su Sigui, in some equally inconspicuous corners, there are no less than six eighth-order new humans hidden.

   This made Tang Ye sigh, that Lin Jie has offended a lot of people.

More and more people entered the second ward of the mine hospital, and a large number of human remains were collected. Not to mention the people watching outside, even the soldiers who had experienced many battles were frowning. It has exceeded their imagination. Although they have resisted the corpse tide, the corpses of zombies are covered with the routes they pass through, but here, all the corpses are living people!

   (end of this chapter)

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