I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1336: Murder emerges

   Chapter 1336 Murder Emerges

Around the mine hospital, a large number of powerhouses have gathered in that place. Except for the sixth- and seventh-order powerhouses who have clearly indicated their identities, the rest have nowhere to hide in Tang Ye's eyes. They hide and never show up. , seems to be waiting for something, and as for what it is, Lin Jie's words on the wall have already explained everything.

   He was sure that person would see what he left behind, but who would it be? Also, the purifying agent is a mysterious item, even many famous rank eight new humans in Yunxia Base don't know what it is. Lin Jie's strength is no secret in Yunxia Base. An anti-host, such an existence, what he has in his hands will make people curious.

   And Tangye is no exception.

Outside the gate of the hospital, people were coming and going. After hearing about what was going on here, they couldn't help but look inside out of curiosity. However, when I saw soldiers at the gate of the second ward, they kept lifting a lot of blood-red meat from the inside. After that, many people were persuaded to retreat and left here quickly.

   I don’t know how many directions they cast their eyes and stare at the crowd, always paying attention to whether there will be any strange people.

In the hospital, under the leadership of the woman, the soldiers have checked all the places suspected to be hiding important items. The final result was that nothing was lost, and there was nothing inside that could make the eighth stratum. The next existence is concerned about.

Finally, the soldiers locked the archives. Led by the woman, they violently broke the fire door. What they saw was a corpse hanging from the ceiling. The clothes on his body had been torn to pieces. Like the ingredients on the barbecue, they have been changed into strips of flower knives! The death was extremely tragic.

   However, the soldiers' eyes just flickered, and there was no superfluous expression. Compared with the tragic situation in the hall of the second ward, this corpse at least retained the interpretation and died more happily.

   "This person should be leading the way for Lin Jie. If the opponent's goal is achieved, he will kill the donkey." The man in formal attire said to himself.

  The air is a little frozen, I can't see any movements of the soldiers, and the woman's face is a little dull, she doesn't know what to do next, and now it is very confirmed that what Lin Jie is looking for is a clue of a person!

  Because the huge archive room has become a mess, many of the archives on the shelves have been taken away, about a third of them are empty, and the rest are some punch-in reports and irrelevant records.

   "Lin Jie, what exactly is he looking for..."

The man in formal attire opened his mouth to speak, but his voice suddenly stopped halfway through, and the expression on his face changed. He saw that the soldiers at the door had all fallen to the ground unconsciously, the wound on his neck was clearly visible, and bright red blood was flowing. flow on the ground.

   He is a seventh-order new human being! Everyone around me was solved in a very short period of time without any perception of anything wrong, and the murderer would only be an eighth-order powerhouse!

Except for the corpses left by the soldiers, he did not see the murderer's figure. At this time, his body froze, and he turned his head sluggishly to look behind him. As a result, what he saw was his own headless corpse. A man with a knife in his hand did not stop at his body, but looked at the woman who brought them here.

  Everything happened so fast that the woman's thoughts didn't respond. When she came back to her senses, she subconsciously wanted to scream, but the next second, her neck was pinched by a strong hand.

  The oppressive feeling of the fierce aura emanating from the man is almost suffocating!

   The throat was pinched so hard that the woman couldn't make a sound at all.

   "You'd better not speak, be quiet, as long as you take me to the patient records here, I will let you go."

   The man's voice was not as vicious as the woman imagined, but rather gentle, but he just dealt with so many people in an instant, without the slightest hesitation, he was simply a murderous demon!

She didn't believe the gentleness of the other party's tone. The dead man in suit, she just learned from the conversation with the soldiers that the other party was a seventh-order new human being, and to her, it was already a powerful and lawless existence. Now, it was such a strong man who was instantly killed by the man in front of him, and the combat power he showed was far beyond her imagination!

   This is an eighth-order new human, and it is the first time she has stood in front of such a strong man!

   Therefore, the uncontrollable fear in her heart!

  How can this be done? She is just an ordinary person. In front of the other party, she is really the kind of existence that is inferior to even an ant. The other party may just move the storm that is thrown up and tear him to pieces!

   She had no choice but to nod her head with difficulty, but those eyes were already filled with tears.

   After Yin Huangcheng finished saying this, he removed his hand from the woman's neck.

   "You... what are you looking for? Don't kill me."

   "Do you know a person named Long Yingjia? I found that person, you just need to help me find similar information in this regard and you can go."

   "Really...really?" The woman was very trusting. After learning that the other party was looking for someone, she couldn't help but think of a man in a suit. Lin Jie found it too!

   The man in front of him might be Lin Jie!

  If you find all the information, if it doesn't work, the other party will kill you without hesitation. After all, you are an ordinary person, and if you die, you will die. In Yunxia Base, there are many ordinary people who die inexplicably every day!

   "Of course it's true, hurry up, don't talk nonsense." The man said impatiently.

The woman shivered and ran to the front, not daring to look at the corpse on the ground. The man in formal suit who was alive and alive before, now his headless corpse was lying in front of her, and the skin on his body could not see any blood. , that ferocious head just looked at her so directly, making the woman feel cold in her heart.

   She always felt that the man's ghost had not left yet, perhaps looking at herself in a corner, just like his head.

The fresh blood dyed the white ground red, and in some places the blood flowed and turned black. Although the woman felt disgusted in her heart, she could only forcibly hold back, and picked up the scattered materials on the ground one by one and classified them. After setting it up, she felt the blood flowing from the soldier's body from time to time, which made her heart tremble fiercely.

   Even though her heart was already filled with fear and swallowed her at any time like a vicious beast, she didn't dare to act too dawdled and could only beg that the man in front of her was really not Lin Jie!

   (end of this chapter)

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