I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1340: Unite at the last minute

   Chapter 1340 Unity at the last minute

  Jima's memory should be counted from the time when he was sixth-order. Although it was only four years, since he was born, he has not seen anyone who dared to challenge a new eighth-order human being over the gap of third- and fourth-order.

   And the group of Dongying people, the tallest is no more than a sixth-order new human, there are only three, and the rest are all fifth-order, and they dare to surround an eighth-order new human, what is this for?

  The fish died and the net broke? In this way, your fish won't even rub off the skin even if the net is so rotten!

   A dozen men in black just surrounded the eighth-order new human being, with one enemy as many as one, but there was no fear on his face, but he almost laughed.

   "Isn't it wrong, just you? Just you rotten fish and shrimp? A group of splatters! With you? What? Want to kill me? Or just stop me? Ang? Hahahahahaha!"

His mouth cracked open, and he let out a wild laughter. The surrounding men in black looked at each other with a mortal decision in his eyes. One of the sixth-order new humans roared, his voice was hoarse, and he raised his voice high. The samurai sword slashed towards the opponent!

   The sharp blade of the samurai sword drew a dazzling cold light in the air.

The mocking laughter of the eighth-order new human also stopped at this time, and his face instantly became cold. In his eyes, how ridiculous this group of people is, they are like ants crawling on the ground, maybe only small Children will be curious and interesting about their behavior, but as an adult, they only see the interests of the level they are in. Those ants cannot attract them at all.

   For the ants, their ignorance is their greatest luck, but such a group of ants dares to swing a knife at themselves?

   Ants are humans, and to them humans are gods. The two have nothing to do with each other. Now, when ants are courting death, humans are not good, and anger naturally arises because of this.

  The moment more than a dozen samurai warriors pulled out their samurai swords, their exoskeleton suits began to cover their entire bodies!

   With this knife facing life and death, the slender, slightly curved samurai blade with a little artistic sense in the opponent's field of vision enlarged a little bit, and the sneer on his face turned into a terrifying killing intent!

In the next second, I don't know what happened. Jima and Chang Jinlun only saw a storm swaying towards the surroundings. All the dozen or so warriors of the Eastern Empire flew out. The surrounding buildings were swept by the storm. The area of ​​nearly three kilometers has become barren, and I don't know how many innocent people have been torn apart by this storm!

   As for the Eastern Warriors, only five of them stood up again in the end.

   "Cough cough..."

Everyone coughed up blood, and the exoskeleton suits on their bodies were cracked everywhere. It was hard to imagine that they were brand new a second ago. They were comparable to the exoskeleton suits of the Aurora Breathers. The sunset battle suit developed by painstaking efforts according to some drawings of the Aurora Breather.

   But even this A-level exoskeleton suit has become so fragile when facing the eighth-order new humans.

   "Uh... ah!"

The Dongying warrior who was closest to the eighth-order powerhouse roared and stood up, facing the other side with a frenzy on his face, his eyes fixed on the other side, and hoarsely uttered a sentence in his own language: "The Death! Vote our resolve! We are one of them!"

   "Haha, it's this kind of **** language that I hate the most!"

The eighth-order rookie twisted his neck and looked at his left hand. The injury on the upper part had already recovered. Some of the parts that had exposed the bones had already been covered by thick granulation. He shook his hand, and the pain had disappeared a lot. , he looked at the remaining few, this is just a matter of hitting!

I saw his knees bent, a huge force exploded under his feet, and a lot of cracks appeared on the ground. In the next second, his figure suddenly disappeared in place, and the five surviving Eastern Warriors did not exist at all. At that opportunity to see the figure of the other party, the sunset battle clothes on the body shattered into countless pieces, and the body hidden inside was hit by the eighth-order new human, and exploded into blood mist one by one, covering the surrounding Can Heng. .

After solving all this, he swept around and made sure that no one survived, then shook his head, he opened his mouth and said to himself: "Sometimes, I admire your spirit, even if I hate it. You guys, but this is a bit different from you, that woman doesn't seem to be from your East Ying, why are you helping her like this?"

He could see that the real purpose of these Dongying warriors was not to kill him, but to delay a little time, which was only seven or eight seconds, but these lunatics still sacrificed their lives without hesitation. , more than a dozen lives, just to gain less than ten seconds, just to make that woman run farther.

He shook his head. Perhaps all human beings today lack the spirit of daring to face life and death, but human beings are a creature that adapts to the environment. , even he has to consider his own interests, because in the environment of Yunxia Base, if you don't think about yourself, the result will only be eaten by others.

   This is a last resort. After all, no one wants to be eaten by others. Sometimes, he recalls that if one person evolves to the ninth order, then this situation will be completely ended!

   However, no one wants others to evolve into a ninth-order new human being, and a ninth-order new human can only be himself!

Because once the ninth-order new human beings appear, it is the time when all human beings are unified to the outside world, and it is also when the other eighth-order new human beings are shuffled. , All the eighth-order new humans will consider the human civilization, but the biggest obstacle is not the zombies, but the eighth-order powerhouses who are also human!

   Ninth-order new human beings, with absolute strength, can make everyone shut up obediently, but all this is ironic.

   He didn't stay here for too long. After getting rid of these people, he quickly chased in the direction where the woman left, but after a few steps, he stopped. The woman has successfully escaped!


   On the other side, Jima patted Chang Jinlun on the shoulder and said, "Let's go."


  Chang Jinlun nodded, stood up, and patted the dust on his body on the ground. At this moment, Chang Jinlun felt a little heavy in his heart. The death of more than a dozen people from Dongying reminded him of a sentence he saw in a post not long ago.

  Humanity, always unite at the last moment.

   Now all human beings have not reached that point, but the people of Dongying have come to this point, and what will happen next?

  PS: NetEase Cloud time is up!

   (end of this chapter)

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