I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 1341: Hidden Eighth Order Samurai

   Chapter 1341 Hidden Eighth-Order Samurai

On the other side, Ah Fu and his party have followed the woman into a slum in Xia A7 district. The old buildings are standing in rows, the mottled walls are engraved with the traces of the passage of time, and the people passing by on the street are no longer there. Like the people they saw before, there was at least a glimmer of hope in their eyes, while the people here only had tiredness and numbness in their eyes.

These people are all people who have escaped from war-torn areas. Because they have no Yakin on their bodies, they wander in this area. Because there are too many people fleeing, the slums are overcrowded, and a large number of people can be seen lying under the simple tents. There, there are men and women, old and young, and people doing happy things on the street can be seen everywhere, but people have taken it for granted.

  The people lying under the simple tents, no one knows how many people have stopped breathing, and they will be found dead after the corpses stink.

Along the way, the woman managed to get rid of a few scumbags who had bad intentions towards her, and stopped in front of an old residential building. She turned her head and looked around, as if she was observing something, and she seemed to be examining the world. .

Everything    reflected in her eyes seemed to be an oil painting engraved in her eyes.

   "Chuza, you continue to follow her, 圡er, you continue, the rest of the time is up to you, once the other party takes action, tell us immediately, we have to leave." At this time, Ha Zhen squinted his eyes and said.

   "What's the matter?" A'Fu on the side asked suspiciously.

"There is an eighth-order new human being hiding in the dark, not ours. The woman just saw each other, I'm sure, the two have already looked at each other, but the woman doesn't seem to have any reaction, I think , that the eighth-order new human has already known her, Chu Zha will continue to lead the eighth-order new human out, but don't be in love, immediately after a while, you will keep watching."

   "I see, I understand."

Yuan'e and Chu Zha nodded in unison, while the others glanced at each other and didn't wait any longer. They turned and left immediately. The remaining one and one zombie looked at each other, and Chu Zha's aura of an eighth-order new human was instantly revealed. , attracted the attention of many newcomers, and the next second, Chu Zha's figure suddenly disappeared, suddenly burst out, and went to capture the woman!

   The other party was stunned for a while, but there was no panic on his face, he turned around and accelerated and ran towards the residential building.

And Chu Zha, who was telling the move, turned his head and saw a man with a samurai sword rushing towards him quickly, a cold light flashed, the slender blade was pulled out from the scabbard, and the smooth blade reflected a slight coolness The sun's rays, with a chaotic splendor, slashed towards Chu Zha!

"What is Kimura?" When he followed Tang Ye to the meeting room of the council, he had seen this person before. He was one of the eighth-order new human beings among the Eastern Ying people. It was called Kimura or something. Another Eastern Ying eighth-order strong man was called Kobayashi Hongtai. .

   "Aren't you a member of the Qianlong Guild Judgment?" The eighth-order Dongying strongman also asked in fluent Chinese.

   "You know me, do you know?" Chu Zha smiled, grabbed the opponent's blade with his big hand, and pushed him forward, the other hand also clenched into a fist and smashed it on the opponent's head!

   He is 2.7 meters tall. Compared to the eighth-tier powerhouse in Dongying in front of him, he is like a giant, and any punches are straight to the point!

   This punch with the momentum of tearing the air, Kimura Yujian did not dare to resist it, and in an instant, his body leaned back and rolled away!

   "This matter seems to have nothing to do with you."

   "How do you know it doesn't matter? Khan and Lin Jie have a big grudge! Besides, I'm also curious, what is a purifier?"

   "No comment, I have to stop you!"

Kimura Yujiang, who escaped Chu Zha's punch, moved forward again in the next second, holding a samurai sword in both hands, and slashing at Chu Zha's body. Accompanied by the screams of passers-by, the storm that was set off spread to the surroundings. At the same time, there was also a shocking wound on Chu Zha's waist, but he didn't care. Living on the grassland, he has a temperament like a coyote, and blood will not make him feel afraid, but will make him more excited!

   After the opponent's knife successfully slashed at himself, the hand with the corpse claw glove also grabbed the corner of the opponent's shirt, and then pulled it in his own direction!

In terms of strength, Kimura Youjiang couldn't compete with Chu Zha at all. At the moment when the corner of his clothes was caught by the opponent, he didn't even have time to slash the corner of the clothes with a knife. He was directly pulled by the opponent and then punched Heavy bang on the forehead!

Kimura Yujiang flew upside down and didn't know how many buildings were destroyed. When he got up again, he could find that he was a little swaying, afraid that he would fall down at any time, and there was a large red spot on his forehead, looking at him. The posture may turn blue in a short while.

   "Hey, not bad, you can stand up after carrying me, I underestimate you."


This punch smashed Kimura Yujian's head into a dizzy state. He stabilized after a while. Hearing Chu Zha's words, he couldn't help but feel a trace of anger in his heart. He suddenly remembered what his compatriots had to suffer here. The pain of his parents was taken away by a group of Chinese people when he went out to collect supplies, and his whereabouts were unknown. When humans went to look for it later, they got the news of her death. His wife and children were killed by laser weapons in front of him, and even the scum was not left behind!

The place where he is is called Yunxia Base. The so-called justice is so ridiculous. In the past, he constantly expected justice to come, and wanted to use justice to punish the murderers who killed his parents, wife, son, and sister. As a result, he waited until What is boundless darkness, nowhere to avenge.

   This is him, and also the situation of countless easterners and foreigners. He wants to change, but he does not have the courage. He can only pass the responsibility of this change to other people, even if that person is very weak!

   He looked at Chu Zha, and madness gradually appeared in his eyes. The samurai sword in his hand swung forward. He didn't know what to say in Japanese, and then attacked Chu Zha!

"I go!"

  Chu Zha was stunned for a while, he wondered if he didn't do anything, why is this guy crazy? He wanted to have a good fight with this guy, but remembering what Ha Zhen said, he must not give up this idea, he can't entangle with this little devil here for too long, otherwise it will cause suspicion.

  Kimura Yukang danced the samurai sword in his hand, pulling out cold rays of light in the air! Finally, he collided with Chu Zha. He used all his strength as an eighth-order new human being. The blade of the samurai collided with the corpse claw glove on Chu Zha's hand, making a "zizizi" sound and rubbing a lot of spark!

   (end of this chapter)

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